
Sunday, September 14, 2014

Sunday Post - 114

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ The Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~this meme was inspired in part by ~ In My Mailbox~ It's a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

I went to jury duty on Monday. The whole process was pretty interesting. Thankfully, I didn't get picked for a case. The one they were considering me for was a capital murder case, and just from the information they gave us up-front, it didn't seem to be a cut and dry case. I'm thankful that I avoided such a heavy situation. I was able to read a good bit on Monday, which helped me finish up a review book. We kicked off a major technology transformation project at work on Friday. Friday, I also finished a book that tons of people have raved about. I enjoyed it. But I didn't love it as much as everyone else has. Don't you hate when that happens? Saturday, Husband and I went to Mobile to visit my grandparents (my grandfather's birthday was Saturday) and my aunt and uncle and some other family. I'm not officially on a book ban, but I have been being very selective lately which has resulted in this being the third week in a row that I haven't gotten any new books.


Monday: Review of Rewind to You by Laura Johnston (3.5 Stars)
Tuesday: Top Ten Authors Who Deserve More Recognition
Wednesday: Waiting on The Ruby Circle (Bloodlines, # 6) by Richelle Mead
Thursday: Review of To All the Boys I've Loved Before (To All the Boys I've Loved Before, # 1) by Jenny Han (4.5 Stars)
Friday: Review of I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You (Gallagher, # 1) by Ally Carter (3 Stars)


Monday: Review of Tristan: Finding Hope (Nova, # 3.5) by Jessica Sorensen
Tuesday: Top Ten Authors I Need To Read More
Wednesday: Waiting on Wednesday
Thursday: Review of Breakable (Contours of the Heart, # 2) by Tammara Webber
Friday: Cover Doubles - # 1

Don't forget to sign up for the 2014 Series Enders Reading Challenge! Each month there will be a giveaway for those participating with a BIG giveaway at the end of the year! Click on the picture below or the link above to find out more!

That's it for my shelves and recaps of my past and upcoming week. What did you add to your shelves this week? Any bookish news you want to talk about? Let me know!


  1. I never quite udnerstood the jury duty thing in the US, you're getting choosed and then there's still a chance you don't get picked? And can anyone who lives there be picked?

    And I agree I alwaso hate when I read a book everyone has been raving about and I just like it was okay. I had that with Easy by Tammara Weber, it was just okay for me, while many people seem to love that book.

    And congrats on the third week in a row with not getting any books. I finally managed to not get any books for a week as well. I makes me feel better as I know there are still so many books that I already own that I have to read.

  2. Holly @ Words Fueled by LoveSeptember 14, 2014 at 4:49 PM

    Okay, so what's the book everyone raved about?

  3. Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell. I'll review it on the blog eventually (looking like November is when I'll post my review unless it gets pushed back because of review books), but I can give you an in depth reason next time I see you.

  4. They call X amount of people at one time. And then they ask you a series of questions to determine if you'll be a "fair and honest" juror for that specific case. Like you know any of the people involved, any of the witnesses, any of the lawyers, any of the police. If you know any of those people you probably won't get picked. And they ask you a bunch of other questions too. I think they try to get a good variety of people. They get the initial group of people from the department of public safety (by driver's license) based off address.

    It's the pits. And you know when you review it everyone is going to disagree with you. And see case in point, I loved Easy by Tammara Webber. I hate you didn't enjoy it too. But it happens sometimes.

    Thanks! I haven't really don't it on purpose. I've just been trying to get through some of the ones I already own. But congrats to you on not getting anything new this week. Thanks for stopping by and commenting Lola!

  5. Oh the joys of jury duty! I'm always glad to not get called up, but I do think it is an interesting process and it's kind of fun to watch the attorneys and other jurors. Have a fabulous week!

  6. I received a letter once saying I'd been requested for jury duty, but never heard any more about it after that ! Have a great week ;)

  7. I'm really weird in that I think the jury selection process is super interesting?? I guess that's why im a lawyer tho haha

    Great books this week!

    Happy Reading!

    My Weekly Wrap Up Post

    Michelle @ Book Briefs

  8. Glad you didn't get picked! I knew someone who ended up on a capital murder trial. He was away from work forever plus the case itself was pretty rough to sit through. I do hate when I don't love a book as much as everyone seems to. That happened to me earlier this year. I enjoyed the read but it didn't blow me away. Maybe my expectations were to high? Have a great week!

  9. Yeah, that's the goal. :) I need to feel like I can potentially read all of my books at some point.

    I was definitely interested in the case, but it's such a heavy situation both ways. I did see on the news that the jury came back with a guilty verdict.

    :( I didn't love Fangirl. I enjoyed it. But I had frustrations too. I definitely saw some of myself in Cath, but I kept getting distracted as well. You're right on though, it's rare that a book REALLY relates to what you're going through WHEN you're going through it.

  10. Yes, it did seem like it would be interesting, but still a heavy thing to be a part of. I'm right there with you, Sandra. I was feeling overwhelmed too so that's why I've been selective with my review books lately. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  11. I agree with you. It's an interesting process, but I don't like being out of my routine too much. Thanks for stopping by Tressa!

  12. The letter didn't tell you when to go to the courthouse to see if you would be selected? Thanks for stopping by!

  13. I thought the process was really interesting too. Thanks for stopping by Michelle!

  14. I saw on the news that the jury returned a verdict this past Friday so the case didn't last that long, but it still seems like such a heavy thing to be a part of. That's exactly how I felt with this book. I enjoyed it. It was good. But I had some frustrations with it that kept me from falling in love with it. I agree that my expectations definitely are too high sometimes. Thanks for stopping by Katherine!

  15. No, that was weird, just that I'd be told later. And since nothing came... ;)

  16. Jury Duty... the worst. How nice that you live close enough to family to be able to visit with them. And not loving a book like everyone else... Fifty Shades of Grey for me. I just didn't love that one like a lot of people. I almost feel like I missed something.

  17. Yes, most of my family lives within about a 3 hour drive. It's definitely nice to be closer to them. Ugh girl, I'm with you. I didn't even pick up Fifty Shades. :) Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  18. Yeah, it's definitely interesting to see how different countries handle things like that differently.

    I've definitely gone into plenty of books with expectations that were too high. It's always so disappointing. Speaking of Easy, I'm reviewing Breakable on Thursday.

    Haha...apparently my three week break from getting new books was broken with a vengeance this week. I've bought three or four books on top of one from the library and one for review already. Whoops! :)

  19. Being selective is a good thing! You're actually decreasing the number of books you have to read--and that's awesomeeee. I would've wanted to be picked for that case--though I bet it's something I'd regret later.

    I looked at the other comments... You didn't love Fangirl? :( That stinks! I do think a big part of why it appealed to me was because of how relevant to ME it was at the time I read it, which just doesn't happen all that often.

  20. Thanks for explaining it a bit more! It sounds reasonable that they ask some questions first to make sure you don't know any of the people involved. Here in the Netherlands we just have judges who handle all the cases and the public is only brought in as witnesses as far as I know. It's so interesting to hear it works different in other countries.

    I did enjoy Easy, but I went in with (too) high expectations and I just felt like it wasn't as good as I expected. It got a 3 star rating from me.

    It's nice to focus on going through the books you already have, I know how long our to-read lists can get and having no new books come in for a few weeks can be nice. Although I usually never manage it more often then one week in a row.

  21. I'll stop by to read your review of Breakable on thursday, that's the book from the male point of view, right? I am curious to hear what you thought of it.

    I would love to go into books without any expectations, sometimes, that would be so handy. Those expectations can really change your opinion of a book sometimes.

    lol, guess that's what happens when you don't get any new books for so long. I already got one book for review this week, so I am not having a second week with no new books, you still did better than me ;).
