
Sunday, September 28, 2014

Sunday Post - 116 & Stacking the Shelves - 79

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ The Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~this meme was inspired in part by ~ In My Mailbox~ It's a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.


This was a good week. The weather is cooling off, and it feels so lovely outside. Husband and I have kept up our bike riding this week. I took off work on Friday. There was no particular reason except that I needed to use some PTO (paid time off) before I lost it. Since I didn't have any specific goals in mind, it was just a lovely day to relax. Saturday, I met a few friends in town to eat lunch and start the planning process for another friend's bridal shower. That's going to be fun.

Monday: Review of The Probability of Violet & Luke (The Coincidence, # 4) by Jessica Sorensen (3.5 Stars)
Tuesday: Top Ten Fall 2014 TBR List
Wednesday: Waiting on Breaking the Rules (Pushing the Limits, # 1.5) by Katie McGarry
Thursday: Review of V is for Virgin (V is for Virgin, # 1) by Kelly Oram (4.5 Stars) & 2014 Series Enders Reading Challenge - September Wrap Up
Friday: Review of Diary of a Mad Fat Girl by Stefanie McAfee (3 Stars) & Review of The Fine Art of Pretending (The Fine Art of Pretending, # 1) by Rachel Harris (3 Stars)


I'm sad that Kimba isn't hosting Fraterfest again this year, but I totally understand why (her daughter's getting married and there's just too much going on this year). But she assures me that it'll be back next year. That being said, Thursday of this week starts off my own "All Things Halloween" month of Halloween related topics and books. All my reviews this month will be focused on paranormal, supernatural, fantasy, mystery/thriller, and/or other Halloween related topics. I just love fall, and I love Halloween. And some of these reviews I've been waiting to share with you since much earlier in the year, so I'm excited to finally get to post them. Also, Husband created a button for me this year. I'm so thankful that he's talented at that and doesn't mind me throwing all of these projects at him. I truly can't believe October will be here next week. Crazy!

Monday: Review of Burying Water (Burying Water, # 1) by KA Tucker
Tuesday: Top Ten Books That Were Hard To Read & September EOM Wrap Up
Wednesday: All Things Halloween Waiting on Wednesday
Thursday: All Things Halloween Review of A Darkness Strange and Lovely (Something Strange and Deadly, # 2) by Susan Dennard (zombies!)
Friday: All Things Halloween Review of Strange and Ever After (Something Strange and Deadly, # 3) by Susan Dennard (more zombies!!)

Don't forget to sign up for the 2014 Series Enders Reading Challenge! Each month there will be a giveaway for those participating with a BIG giveaway at the end of the year! Click on the picture or the link above to find out more!

Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

Everblue (Mer Tales, # 1)

By: Brenda Pandos

Published: March 22nd 2012 by Obsidian Mountain Publishing (first published July 29th 2011)

304 pages

Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy, Paranormal, Mermaids

Source: Kindle Freebie

( Goodreads | Amazon | Book Depository )

*Note: The above links to Amazon and Book Depository are affiliate links. Affiliate links support giveaways for Somewhere Only We Know readers.

Goodreads description--She wanted her life to change... he wanted his to stay the same.

Best friends share everything with each other. Or do they? Seventeen-year-old Ashlyn Frances Lanski is tired of her boring, single life. Spending time with her best friend Tatiana, dreaming about kissing Tatiana's twin brother Fin, and swimming competitively are her only sanctuary. The girls plan to leave their drab lakeside town far behind for college. But when Tatchi fails to return home after a family emergency, and no one knows where the family has gone, Ash chooses to do something drastic to find them.

Ashlyn is about to discover what she'd thought to be true her whole life, wasn't, and the truth, too fantastical to imagine. Secrets lurk beneath the deep blue waters of Lake Tahoe, secrets that will change Ashlyn's life forever.

Storm (Elemental, # 1)

By: Brigid Kemmerer

Published: April 24th 2012 by Kensington

353 pages

Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy, Paranormal, Supernatural

Source: Kindle Freebie

( Goodreads | Amazon | Book Depository )

*Note: The above links to Amazon and Book Depository are affiliate links. Affiliate links support giveaways for Somewhere Only We Know readers.

Goodreads description--Earth, Fire, Air, Water – they have more power than you dream.

Ever since her ex-boyfriend spread those lies about her, Becca Chandler is suddenly getting all the guys—all the ones she doesn't want. Then she saves Chris Merrick from a beating in the school parking lot. Chris is different. Way different: he can control water—just like his brothers can control fire, wind, and earth. They’re powerful. Dangerous. Marked for death.

And now that she knows the truth, so is Becca.

Secrets are hard to keep when your life’s at stake. When Hunter, the mysterious new kid around school, turns up with a talent for being in the wrong place at the right time, Becca thinks she can trust him. But then Hunter goes head-to-head with Chris, and Becca wonders who’s hiding the most dangerous truth of all.

The storm is coming . . .

That's it for my shelves and recaps of my past and upcoming week. What did you add to your shelves this week? Any bookish news you want to talk about? Let me know!


  1. The weather is finally cooling down a bit here as well! And yay for time off, sometimes you just need a day off. I am happy to hear you where able to relax.
    I am looking forward to read some of your Halloween feature posts and the banner your husband made looks great! I usually forget about Halloween until I hear bloggers mentioning it as it isn't such a big deal here in the Netherlands.

    I have heard good things about the Elemental series, but haven't read any of the books myself yet. I hope you'll enjoy your new books :)

  2. It sounds like you had a great week, Sandy. It's always nice to have some time off and good when the weather starts cooling off. Your plans for All Things Halloween sound great. Have fun!

  3. There are so many weddings coming up. It sounds like you had a good week. :) I hope this week is good too.

  4. Holly @ Words Fueled by LoveSeptember 28, 2014 at 1:14 PM

    GASP - I didn't realize she wasn't doing Fraterfest this year. Bummer. I always enjoy participating. Man - I knew I forgot a book! I also got the Storm freebie this week. I need to add it to my SP. Oh and congrats on the new event for your blog this month! You should've turned it into a participatory event, so others could link up to participate in some way.

  5. I love halloween too! I am looking forward to your posts I have a few that I plan to do this year as well! I honestly can't believe how fast this year went, need to get the kids costumes next week (already)

    Have a great week and enjoy your new reads :)

  6. Halloween is not as big in Belgium as it is in the States, but I still look forward to it every year.

    You got some lovely books this week, I heard nothing bot great things about the Elemental series so I hope you enjoy it.

    Thanks for stopping by my STS!

    El @ So Bookalicious

  7. All things Halloween sounds fun! I look forward to seeing what books you feature as I'm always looking to pick up a creepy book or two. Have a great week and enjoy your new books!

  8. It's funny, I love summer and dislike cool weather, but I love October. It's brought in by my birthday, and taken out by Halloween. :D I think I got Storm not too long ago because it was free. So many people seem to love that series.

  9. Fall is definitely a nice time to bike. Your books are awesome! Hope you're enjoying them!

    Here's mine!
    My Week in a Wrapped #1

  10. I loved Storm. Enjoy all your books :)

  11. That book Everblue looks good. I have Burying Water on my tbr list, I have to come back and see what you thought of it. Thanks for pointing me to the series ending challenge. i am going to check it out.

  12. So much awesomeness here! Happy reading and I hope you’ll enjoy them all! :)

    My STS:

  13. I keep wanting the read the Elemental series! I've heard good things about it!!!! And I love days off for no reason what so ever! Absolutely the best!!!

    Enjoy THIS week :)

  14. Thanks Lola! I hope you enjoy my Halloween posts. :) And thanks, I'll pass your compliment onto my husband. It's so interesting to me to see which holidays different countries have and celebrate. I really enjoy Halloween even though I'm too old to trick or treat. Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

  15. Thanks Jan. It definitely was a good week. Hope you have a good one too and thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  16. true. Thanks for stopping by and commenting Jane!

  17. I know, right? I emailed her about it last week. Thanks. I actually did the All Things Halloween last year too, but I didn't have a button. Perhaps next year I can add a way for others to participate. Great idea! :)

  18. Thanks Michelle! I'm with you, this year has gone by so fast. Good luck getting the kids costumes! And I hope you have a great week too! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  19. It's so interesting to me to see how different countries have and celebrate different holidays. Thanks for stopping by and commenting El!

  20. Thanks Katherine! I hope I have a few that you're interested in! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  21. I like each season for different reasons, but I do love summer. :) Definitely sounds like October is a fun month for you. I hope to enjoy Storm, but I have no idea when I'll get around to reading it! Thanks for stopping by and commenting Christy!

  22. Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting Nyze!

  23. I hope I enjoy Storm too, but I'm not sure when I'll have time to get around to it. I just couldn't pass it up being a freebie! Thanks for stopping by and commenting Ellen!

  24. Thanks Karen! I've not had a lot of luck with mermaid books, but I've had this one on my TBR list for a while. Hopefully it'll be a winner. I hope you're able to check out my review of Burying Water. Thanks for checking out the Series Enders Readings Challenge. It's essentially no pressure. If you read and review even one series ender then you qualify to participate. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  25. Thanks for stopping by and commenting Crina! Hope you have a great week!

  26. I have no idea when I'll have time to get around to reading Storm, but I couldn't pass it up since it was free. Thanks for stopping by and commenting Kristin!

  27. Ooh, I've got both of these! I got Everblue ages ago, though I've yet to even look at it since then. It sounded good, though! And I couldn't resist getting Storm, since I've wanted to start the series for ages--and it was freeee.

    I hope you're having a wonderful week Sandy!! :D

  28. I'm a little wary of Everblue because I've yet to fully click with a mermaid book, but I've had it on my wish list for a really long time. Definitely can't pass up a freebie that everyone raves about. Glad you were able to get it too. Thanks for stopping by Rachel and I hope you have a great week too!
