
Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Top Ten Authors Who Deserve More Recognition

Top 10 Tuesday is a post hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and this week's topic is Top Ten Authors Who Deserve More Recognition.

...links take you to author's Goodreads page.

  1. Jen Frederick - I’ve read 5 books by her so far, and I can see that her career will probably go far. She needs more people to check out her stuff though. She deserves it.
  2. Rebecca Donovan - Reason to Breathe blew me away. I can’t wait to see how this series ends (I still need to read the last book). Check it out.
  3. Kelly Oram - I’ve only read her V is for Virgin series so far, but I can’t wait to read more from her. I can’t believe she’s not more popular.
  4. Claire Wallis - She totally threw me for a loop with Push and I can’t wait until book 2 releases.
  5. JM Darhower - Though Sempre: Forever is a lengthy book, I really enjoyed this book. I don’t see why there’s not more talk about this author and this series.
  6. Anne Eliot - Please overlook the horrible book cover for Almost and read this book. It was so much better than I expected.
  7. Cath Crowley - Even I want to give Cath Crowley more love than I have.
  8. Priscilla Glenn - Another author that brought so much more to the table than I expected.
  9. Brent Crawford - His book Carter Finally Gets It is HILARIOUS! Like one of the funniest books I’ve ever read.
  10. Tammara Webber - She’s a pretty well-known author, but I still don’t think she gets her props up against other similar authors. Easy is by far my favorite book by her that I’ve read, but the others have been really good too.

That's it for me. Who are your top ten underrated authors? Let me know!


  1. I think I've heard of Graffiti Moon. I'll have to check it out. That's a cool cover.

    My TTT

  2. Love seeing Cath Crowley on your list -- this for SURE needs more attention and love. So good!

  3. I really enjoyed Graffiti Moon. I wish it would get more press. Thanks for stopping by and commenting Stefani!

  4. Thanks for stopping by and commenting Anna! (Kind of having a fangirl moment--you were the first book blogger I ever stumbled upon!) Definitely love Graffiti Moon, and I really need to read more Cath Crowley!

  5. So happy to see JM Darhower and Tammara Webber getting more attention! xo

  6. Great list, I'm going to have to check out a few of these!

  7. Definitely! I think they both deserve it! Thanks for stopping by and commenting Bret!

  8. Thanks for stopping by and commenting Keely! I hope you find something to add to your list.
