
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Top Ten New Series I Want to Start

Top 10 Tuesday is a post hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and this week's topic is Top Ten New (to me) Series I Want to Start.

  1. The Storyspinner (The Keepers’ Chronicles, # 1) by Becky Wallace
  2. The Sin Eater’s Daughter (The Sin Eater’s Daughter, # 1) by Melinda Salisbury
  3. Red Queen (Red Queen Trilogy, # 1) by Victoria Aveyard
  4. Frostfire (Kanin Chronicles, # 1) by Amanda Hocking
  5. Trial by Fire (Worldwalker, # 1) by Josephine Angelini
  6. Six of Crows (The Dregs, # 1) by Leigh Bardugo (not pictured)
  7. Alice in Zombieland (The White Rabbit Chronicles, # 1) by Gena Showalter
  8. The Young Elites (The Young Elites, # 1) by Marie Lu
  9. A Thousand Pieces of You (Firebird, # 1) by Claudia Gray
  10. Nowhere But Here (Thunder Road, # 1) by Katie McGarry (not pictured)

There are plenty of other series I want to start, but most of them are old. I already cheated as it was. OOOPS! Oh well. What about you? What new series do you want to start? Let me know!


  1. I love the cover of A Thousand Pieces of You, I want it just for that lol. I want to read The Young Elites and Alice in Zombieland as well.

  2. Love your list! I've no expanded my TBR. Trial By Fire is actually pretty good, I was surprised since I didn't like the author's other books.
    Cora @ Tea Party Princess

  3. Great picks. I really enjoyed Trial by Fire, I am so excited to read the sequel. There are quite a few of these series that I really want to read myself - Red Queen and A Thousand Pieces of You especially, they look so good. I hope you can get to some of these soon :) TTT.

  4. Haha...I'm with you. Covers pull me in sometimes when the description might not or might be a bit iffy. Thanks for stopping by and commenting Michelle!

  5. I wasn't really interested in Trial By Fire until I started seeing reviewers finish it and say it was better than they expected! Thanks for stopping by and commenting Cora!

  6. I'm glad to hear it. I'm not sure when I'll get around to reading it, but I've seen really good things about Trial by Fire. Seems like I've had A Thousand Pieces of You in my possession for months and months, but since the release date still isn't too close I've been putting off reading it to get some of the other ones I need to read that publish sooner. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  7. I definitely want to read the Red Queen too. That cover is amazing. Ahh there's just too many!

  8. This is my first time hearing about The Storyspinner and it sounds effing amazing! I also didn't know Leigh Bardugo had a new series in the works, so thanks for pointing that out :)

  9. Oh're on top of the game! Thanks for stopping by and commenting Jaime!

  10. I know exactly what you mean. I never feel like I can catch up. There are always so many that I want to get to! Thanks for stopping by Lipsy!

  11. Hehe...anytime Carmen! I can't wait for a cover to be released for Six of Crows. Hopefully soon! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  12. Great picks! I've read most of your list with the exception of Katie McGarry's, Amanda Hocking's, Melinda Salisbury's, and Becky Wallace's (I want to read the last two). Thanks so much for stopping by my TTT!

    Jaime @ Two Chicks On Books
