
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Top Ten Scariest Villains

Top 10 Tuesday is a post hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and this week's topic is Top Ten Places Books Made Me Want to Visit, but here's the thing...I don't want to do that topic. So I'm going to do Top Ten Scariest Villains.

I should probably say that I don’t read too much horror or mystery/thriller. So with my limited reading into those genres, here are my scariest villains.

  1. The aliens from The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey – An enemy you don’t really know much about, one that hides within other humans around you and you can’t really tell the difference, and one that you have no idea what they want…
  2. Billy Dent & The Crow King from Jasper Dent by Barry Lyga – Billy is crazy, right? He’s twisted and evil. But Billy’s got nothing on the psychological mess that is The Crow King.
  3. D’Albert from His Fair Assassins by Robin LaFevers – This guy has like no qualms…he’ll torture and kill any person who stands in his way. No form of abuse is too much for him.
  4. Sebastian from The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare – If you thought Valentine was bad, then you haven’t met Sebastian. There’s hardly anything human about him. He’s a bit of a sad villain, but that doesn’t make him less scary.
  5. Dobbs from Above by Isla Morley – Above has a very Lovely Bones feel to it, but instead of being a serial killer, Dobbs is a survivalists who might just be right in his conspiracy theories. Either way, his forced relationship and torture of Blythe is the stuff of nightmares.
  6. Aunt Carol from Breathing by Rebecca Donovan – This character is so scary because not only are there actual Aunt Carols in the world, but I’m afraid there are many of them.
  7. Dylan from Nova by Jessica Sorensen – Dylan isn’t your typical villain. He’s not really out to get anyone else. He’s not this evil bad guy that the main characters are striving against the entire series. But he is the type of character that pulls everyone around him into this pit of darkness, drug abuse, and violence. And for Delilah, he’s the cause of her death. Slow and steady until one day there is no more.
  8. The mafia from Forever by JM Darhower – I think everyone knows the evils that the mafia is capable of. In this story, blood doesn’t matter. Only the mafia matters. And even if you’re on the inside, you only matter to a degree.
  9. Zombies from Deadlocked by AR Wise, The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan, etc – Zombies are scary to me in just about every form. But the zombies from Deadlocked are particularly violent. And the zombies from The Forest of Hands and Teeth have the potential to be inhumanly fast when turned away from other zombies. These are the scariest kinds.
  10. The Darkling from The Grisha by Leigh Bardugo – Because he is so alluring at first, you can’t see his true darkness until it’s almost too late.
  11. Lord Voldemort from Harry Potter by JK Rowling – Oh come on, you know he had to make the list.

Who are the scariest villains you've ever read? Let me know!

This feature is part of my All Things Halloween event--a month of paranormal, supernatural, mystery/thriller, etc reviews and books.


  1. Umbridge also scares me, because unlike Voldemort, there are Umbridges in the real world. And evil that can justify its acts as "for the greater good" or "for your own good" is simply chilling.

    Sauron. And Saruman.

  2. Agreed with Umbridge. But so glad to see Voldie and The Darkling. Loved the Grisha trilogy so much!

  3. Ooo....that's a great point. I didn't even think about her. Shoot! Thanks Lark!

  4. I still have to read Ruin and Rising! I need to know how it ends!!!!! Thanks for stopping by and commenting Hadas!
