
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Top Ten Goals for 2015

Top 10 Tuesday is a post hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and this week's topic is Top Ten Goals for 2015.

My goals aren’t really that different from last year. This is not because I didn’t achieve my goals last year, but more because I just want to maintain these same goals this year. Here they are:

  1. Read 104 books this year. Even though the last two years I’ve read 130+ books, I still like having a goal that I know should be doable. I’m so goal oriented that I don’t just like to achieve my goals…I like to achieve them NOW! This year I had an unofficial goal of 150 books, so we’ll see if maybe I can hit that this year. But 2 per week is a great goal that doesn’t overwhelm me.
  2. Read the entire Bible in 2015. This will be my 4th year to do this. And I love having this goal each year. I’d like to maintain this one throughout my life.
  3. Read 10-12 series enders for the 2015 Series Enders Reading Challenge.
  4. Relax. 2013 was an unnecessarily stressful year. I like having goals for myself and the blog and reading, but I don’t want to be stressed out about achieving those goals.
  5. Remain true to myself. I don’t want to get caught up in what everyone else is doing. I want to blog my way. I want to read the books I like. I want to be happy and satisfied with what I’m doing.
  6. Lose weight. Ugh. I wouldn’t be upset if I dropped 20+ pounds. I was 20 pounds lighter two years ago and this past year being healthy just wasn’t on my radar as much as it should have been.
  7. Increased prayer with Husband. I’ve got this thing where I type up prayers to God and I’ll share them with people—usually whoever I’m praying for. Even when I’m mostly just praying for myself I’ll send them to Husband so that he’s always aware of what I’m going through, what I’m praying about, and where my heads at. I really feel like this has been a good thing throughout our marriage. I don’t want to commit to one a day, but I want to aim for 5 prayers a week that I type up and share with him.

My remaining goals are actually pretty personal. They’re mostly family and financially related. So I hope you don’t mind me choosing not to share them. I wanted to add “Have X blog followers” or “increased commenting on other blogs” but truthfully, I love each and every follower I have and I enjoy commenting on other blogs, but I’m not really in a place where that’s my focus right now. I’m not in a place where I’m actively pursuing new blog followers, and I’m pretty happy with the amount of commenting I do on other blogs at the moment.

I love having goals for the year. And it’s really important to me that my goals are attainable and measureable. “Remain true to myself” is a bit ambiguous, but I’ll know if I’m doing it or not.

What are your goals for 2015? Let me know!


  1. Great goals. I read the bible last year all the way through and it was great. I hear you on the series enders. I'm so behind too.

    Here's mine

  2. You should totally sign up for the Series Enders challenge. There's no pressure, and you qualify if you even only ever finish one series. Thanks for stopping by and commenting Janhvi!

  3. Oh great Danica! I love to find others who have read the Bible all the way through! You should totally sign up for the Series Enders Reading Challenge. All you have to do is read one to qualify. :) And it's a great motivation to knock those series out! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  4. Janhvi @ The ReaddictsNovember 28, 2016 at 8:35 PM

    Definitely need to finish some of the series I've started. Hope you achieve all your goals :)

    here's our TTT

    Janhvi @ The Readdicts
