
Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Top Ten New to Me Authors I Read in 2014

Top 10 Tuesday is a post hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and this week's topic is Top Ten New to Me Authors I Read in 2015.

  1. CJ Duggan - The Summer series
  2. Jay Clark - Finding Mr. Brightside
  3. E. Lockhart - We Were Liars
  4. Claire Wallis - The PUSH series
  5. Tahereh Mafi - The Shatter Me series
  6. Barry Lyga - The Jasper Dent series
  7. Jen Frederick - The Woodland series & The Kerr Chronicles
  8. Kelly Oram - The V is for Virgin series
  9. Jojo Moyes - One Plus One
  10. Mary E Pearson - The Remnant Chronicles series
  11. Jenny Han - To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before
  12. Rebecca Donovan - The Breathing series

Have you read any of these authors? What do you think? Who were your favorite new-to-you authors that you read this year? Let me know!


  1. I haven't read any of these yet, but a couple of them are on my TBR list. Some of my favorite new-to-me authors this year were probably Cristin Terrill, Anne Bishop and Gwenda Bond.

  2. I read I Hunt Killers but haven't been able to finish the rest of the series. Did you finish the whole series and were the other two books as good ad the first?

  3. Like Kel, I haven't read any of these - yet. Topping my list were actually three MG authors: Natalie Lloyd, Karen Foxlee, and Stephanie Burgis, along with YA author Alethea Kontis. But I had a good smattering of mystery authors as well!

  4. Great list! I only just discovered Jojo Moyes this year myself, with Me Before You. Very good writing, and I have One Plus One on my tbr list. Here's my TTT. Happy reading!

  5. Lockhart was new to me this year too - so good! Great list!

    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings
    Enter my blog birthday giveaway!

  6. Rebecca Donovan!! I read the Breathing series this year and it wrecked me! I can't wait for the spin off series to start!! I also read Cinder & Ella by Kelly Oram and it was adorable :) I'm currently reading Kiss of Deception and so far I think it's going to be one of my favorites this year.

  7. I did read Cristin Terrill this year too, but I haven't read Anne Bishop or Gwenda Bond. I'll have to check them both out. Thanks for stopping by and commenting Kel!

  8. Yes, I did finish the series. The 2nd book was kind of slow, but it set up the series for book 3 which was KILLER! Blood of My Blood was a roller coaster for sure. I highly recommend the entire series. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  9. I haven't read any of your favorites this year. I'll have to check them all out--but I don't read too much MG. Thanks for stopping by Lark!

  10. Me Before You is the book that got me looking into Jojo Moyes, but I still haven't read that one yet. Thanks for stopping by and commenting Marie!

  11. It really was. I was worried the hype was bigger than deserved, but there was no need to worry...AT ALL! Thanks for stopping by and commenting Missie!

  12. I still have to read Out of Breath, but the first two really sucked me in. Even though I wanted to smack Emma a good bit in Barely Breathing. I still want to read Cinder & Ella. And I hope you love Kiss of Deception--I did! Thanks for stopping by and commenting Courtney!
