
Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Waiting on Never Never

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

Never Never

By: Colleen Hoover & Tarryn Fisher

Expected Publication: January 11th 2015 by Hoover Ink

220 pages

Genre: New Adult, Contemporary

( Goodreads )

Goodreads description--Best friends since they could walk.
In love since the age of fourteen.
Complete strangers since this morning.

He'll do anything to remember. She'll do anything to forget.

I was trying to wait until there was some more friggin information on Goodreads about this book (and buy links on Book Depository & Amazon)....but...since none of the above is available and this book is set to release in like 4 days...I guess I better go ahead and feature it. What are you waiting on this week? Let me know!


  1. Janhvi @ The ReaddictsJanuary 7, 2015 at 6:29 AM

    I am SO excited for this one! great pick :)

    here's our WOW

    Janhvi @ The Readdicts

  2. We have this same WoW!!! I can't wait for this one!! Here's my post for <a href= ">WoW </a>

  3. That sounds different. :)



  4. This one's on my TBR list too! I'm really looking forward to the release! Here's my WoW. Happy reading!

  5. I love Colleen Hoover's books and I barely heard of this book! It's definitely going on my TBR.

    My WoW
    ~Karina@ Watcha Reading

  6. Perfect choice -- I picked this as soon as it was announced. I cannot wait for this weekend!!!

    My WoW

  7. The blurb has my attention for sure!

  8. I used this one a few weeks ago. I love anything CoHo, for the most part. I hope this one meets my expectations! Enjoy! My WOW

  9. I guess you probably know that they decided to release this one early? Thanks for stopping by and commenting Janhvi!

  10. Hope you get around to it soon (once you finish Serial)!

  11. I guess you probably know that they decided to release this one early? Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  12. I love Colleen Hoover. Highly recommend anything by her! Hope you get a chance to check it out! Thanks for stopping by and commenting Stormi!

  13. I guess you probably know that they decided to release this one early? Thanks for stopping by and commenting Kim!

  14. They actually ended up releasing this one early! It was on sale for $2.99. Thanks for stopping by and commenting Karina!

  15. I guess you probably know that they decided to release this one early? Thanks for stopping by and commenting Eva!

  16. Oh I've loved every single book I've read by her! I hope you get a chance to check out her work soon! Thanks for stopping by and commenting Sandra!

  17. I hope you get a chance to check it out! Thanks for stopping by and commenting Karen!

  18. I guess you probably know that they decided to release this one early? I hope it meets our expectations as well! Thanks for stopping by and commenting Brooke!

  19. Yup, already read it. Not impressed.

  20. I seem to be a minority on it. Although the reviews I read that were lower had the same thoughts as I did. Will I read the next one, heck yes, you'll see why...

  21. Oh yes, I've heard there's a major cliffhanger.

  22. Yep...I will watch for your review. I will probably write mine up tomorrow, though not sure when I'll post it.

  23. Hmm...I won't be posting my review this coming week, but probably the week after. I finished it this morning, and so far all I know is that I feel a bit unsure about how I feel.

  24. Yeah, that pretty much sums up how I feel. I think my exact word when I finished and clicked such on GR was "huh..."

  25. Holly @ Words Fueled by LoveNovember 28, 2016 at 8:36 PM

    Yeppers I do intend to purchase this one on the 11th. ;-)

  26. I've never read a Colleen Hoover book before. I hope you enjoy reading this one.My WoW
