
Sunday, March 15, 2015

Sunday Post - 140 & Stacking the Shelves - 100

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ The Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~this meme was inspired in part by ~ In My Mailbox~ It's a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

This was a good week. It was fast, but productive. I actually went into this week with a very laid back attitude toward the blog. I intended to do a Top Ten Tuesday post, but it slipped up on me. And then I only did two reviews this week instead of three like I normally try to do. And I also didn't do a Saturday post. There's nothing that says I HAVE to do those posts, and ever since last year I've been trying to be more aware of when I need a break and this week was it. I did, however, read much more this week than the past couple of weeks. It was almost like a reboot for me--much needed. Next week is an exciting week. I have a hair appointment which is always nice. Husband, my friend Paula, my sister-in-law, Holly, and I are going to see Insurgent Friday night. We might even do dinner if time allows. Are any of you going to see it this weekend? Saturday is also my mother-in-law's birthday. I don't think we're celebrating as a family until a couple of weeks later, but we'll still see her sometime over the weekend. Also there's 5 days left to enter my Happy 4th Blogoversary Giveaway, so be sure and stop by!


Monday: Review of Finding Mr. Brightside by Jay Clark (4 Stars)
Wednesday: Waiting on Daughter of Deep Silence by Carrie Ryan
Thursday: Review of Divided We Fall (Divided We Fall, # 1) by Trent Reedy (4 Stars)


Monday: Review of The Ruby Circle (Bloodlines, # 6) by Richelle Mead
Tuesday: Top Ten Spring 2015 TBR List
Wednesday: Waiting on Wednesday
Thursday: Review of All Lined Up (Rusk University, # 1) by Cora Carmack
Friday: Review of A Dance with Dragons (A Song of Ice and Fire, # 5) by George R R Martin
Saturday: We'll see....

Don’t forget to sign up for the 2015 Series Enders Reading Challenge! You have until December 15, 2015 to sign up. Each month there will be a giveaway for those participating with an end of the year giveaway too! Click on the picture below or the link above to find out more!

March 2015 Take Control of Your TBR Pile

I am also participating in Kimba's March Take Control of Your TBR Pile Challenge. Here are my goals for the month:

  1. Open Minds (Mindjack Trilogy, # 1) by Susan Kaye Quinn
  2. Just Enough Light for the Step I'm On by Stormie Omartian
  3. Ruins (Partial Sequence, # 3) by Dan Wells
  4. Kiss of Fire (Imdalind, # 1) by Rebecca Ethington
  5. Inhuman (Fetch, # 1) by Kat Fells
  6. Wreck Me (Nova, # 4) by Jessica Sorensen
  7. The Retribution of Mara Dyer (Mara Dyer, # 3) by Michelle Hodkin
  8. Ignite Me (Shatter Me, # 3) by Tahereh Mafi
  9. Stolen Songbird (The Malediction Trilogy, # 1) by Danielle L Jensen
  10. What If by Rebecca Donovan
  11. The Walking Dead Compendium 1 by Robert Kirkman
  12. All Lined Up (Rusk University, # 1) by Cora Carmack
  13. All Broke Down (Rusk University, # 2) by Cora Carmack
  14. The Ruby Circle (Bloodlines, # 6) by Richelle Mead
  15. The Iron Queen (The Iron Fey, # 3) by Julie Kagawa

Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews.


By: Colleen Hoover

Published: March 10th 2015 by Atria Books

320 pages

Genre: New Adult, Contemporary

Source: Personal Library (LOVED!!!!!!!!!!)

( Goodreads | Amazon | Book Depository )

*Note: The above links to Amazon and Book Depository are affiliate links. Affiliate links support giveaways for Somewhere Only We Know readers.

Goodreads description--From #1 New York Times bestselling author Colleen Hoover, a new novel about risking everything for love—and finding your heart somewhere between the truth and lies.

Auburn Reed has her entire life mapped out. Her goals are in sight and there’s no room for mistakes. But when she walks into a Dallas art studio in search of a job, she doesn’t expect to find a deep attraction to the enigmatic artist who works there, Owen Gentry.

For once, Auburn takes a risk and puts her heart in control, only to discover Owen is keeping major secrets from coming out. The magnitude of his past threatens to destroy everything important to Auburn, and the only way to get her life back on track is to cut Owen out of it.

The last thing Owen wants is to lose Auburn, but he can’t seem to convince her that truth is sometimes as subjective as art. All he would have to do to save their relationship is confess. But in this case, the confession could be much more destructive than the actual sin…

Angelfall (Penryn & the End of Days, # 1)

By: Susan Ee

Published: May 23rd 2013 by Hodder and Stoughton (first published May 21st 2011)

326 pages

Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy, Paranormal, Angels, Dystopian

Source: Publisher via NetGalley (Thank you!!)

( Goodreads | Amazon | Book Depository )

*Note: The above links to Amazon and Book Depository are affiliate links. Affiliate links support giveaways for Somewhere Only We Know readers.

Goodreads description--It's been six weeks since the angels of the apocalypse destroyed the world as we know it. Only pockets of humanity remain.

Savage street gangs rule the day while fear and superstition rule the night.

When angels fly away with a helpless girl, her seventeen-year-old sister Penryn will do anything to get her back...

World After (Penryn & the End of Days, # 2)

By: Susan Ee

Published: November 19th 2013 by Skyscape

320 pages

Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy, Paranormal, Angels, Dystopian

Source: Publisher via NetGalley (Thank you!!)

( Goodreads | Amazon | Book Depository )

*Note: The above links to Amazon and Book Depository are affiliate links. Affiliate links support giveaways for Somewhere Only We Know readers.

Goodreads description--In this sequel to the bestselling fantasy thriller, Angelfall, the survivors of the angel apocalypse begin to scrape back together what's left of the modern world.

When a group of people capture Penryn's sister Paige, thinking she's a monster, the situation ends in a massacre. Paige disappears. Humans are terrified. Mom is heartbroken.

Penryn drives through the streets of San Francisco looking for Paige. Why are the streets so empty? Where is everybody? Her search leads her into the heart of the angels' secret plans where she catches a glimpse of their motivations, and learns the horrifying extent to which the angels are willing to go.

Meanwhile, Raffe hunts for his wings. Without them, he can't rejoin the angels, can't take his rightful place as one of their leaders. When faced with recapturing his wings or helping Penryn survive, which will he choose?

That's it for my shelves and recaps of my past and upcoming week. What did you add to your shelves this week? Any bookish news you want to talk about? Let me know!


  1. The Penryn series is really good, if you like Angels, and the Post Apocalyptic setting.

  2. I don't really know any of these books, but I am intrigued by the blurb of Confess. I might just add this to my TBR... Thanks for visiting!

  3. Enjoy your week! Confess looks like a good one. I still haven't read this author yet, but have Ugly Love on Sparky...which I hope to read soon.

    Here are


  4. Sometimes a blogging respite and more time to read are just what you need to recharge your batteries. (I'm in need of that, myself.) And you got the Susan Ee books! I keep seeing them around and thinking I ought to give them a try.

  5. Great haul. Angelfall and World After are two that I've been hearing such great things about. I hope you have a good week. :)

    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  6. Good luck with your reading goals! I'm struggling more than I wanted on the TBR Challenge and I don't think I'm going to make my goal but I figure even if I only read 1 that's 1 less on my shelf! Very smart about realizing you needed a break and than taking it. I'm bad about trying to push through and it always backfires on me. Have a great week and enjoy your new books!

  7. Confess sounds interesting. Hope you enjoy and have a great week.

  8. I like your laid-back attitude. We all need to take a break from time to time. It energizes the body and motivates the mind. :-) Have a great week. Good luck with your TBR Pile Challenge. Here's my Sunday PostChronicles

  9. I think it's a good idea to take a break when you feel like you need one, it's nice to have a laid back attitude when it comes to blogging.
    I hope you enjoy Insurgent. I don't plan on seeing the movie, I haven't watched the first movie yet and haven't felt the urge to do so yet. And I noticed in your sidebar that you are reading Open Minds! How are you liking it so far?
    I hope you have a great week and enjoy your new books!

  10. I need to hurry up and read the sequel to Angelfall before the 3rd one comes out. Great haul!
    Check out my STS

  11. I just need to start the series. Sheesh! I'm so far behind! Thanks for stopping by Lisa! Sorry I'm so late responding.

  12. This whole month has kind of felt like a break. My blog posts have been less this month, and I've read less this month too. Sometimes we just have to take it easy. And sometimes life gets in the way.

    I'm about 46% into Open Minds. I was enjoying it, but then I started to feel like some events were coming up that were predictable. I kind of put it on hold. I still hope to finish it, but as I've already said, I've kind of been in a slump. So I don't know if it's just me or if it's the book. *sigh* I don't know!

    Thanks for stopping by and commenting Lola!

  13. This whole month has felt like kind of a break. I haven't been reading as much and I haven't been blogging as much either. I know it's just a result of real life events catching up. You're so right though, we all need a break from now and then. Thanks for stopping by and commenting Ashley!

  14. I really enjoyed Confess! I hope you get a chance to check it out. Thanks for stopping by and commenting Brandi!

  15. I've been struggling with the challenge too. I just haven't been reading as much this month because of life. But you're so right, even if it's just one book off my shelf that helps! Thanks for stopping by and commenting Katherine!

  16. I really need to get started on the series. Sometimes I feel so behind and get overwhelmed with ALL THE BOOKS! :) Thanks for stopping by and commenting Krystianna!

  17. Yeah, this entire month has been kind of off. I haven't been reading as much or blogging as much. I know it's not permanent. Life just kind of takes priority sometimes. I hope to start Angelfall soon. Maybe we'll both enjoy it! Thanks for stopping by and commenting Lark!

  18. I really enjoyed Confess and Ugly Love was so much better than I expected. I hope you get to read it soon! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  19. I really enjoyed Confess so I hope you get a chance to check it out. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  20. I can kind of be torn on angel books, but I do love post apocalyptic. It'll be interesting to see the two mesh! Thanks for stopping by and commenting Shelley!
