
Thursday, May 28, 2015

Armchair BEA 2015 - Day 2: Visual Expressions & Social Media

Visual Expressions

Um…I’ve read Blankets by Craig Thompson. And I’ve been intending to read Walking Dead, but since that was a gift for my husband, I’ve been letting him read that first. And well…he’s not finished. That’s the extent of my graphic novel interaction. I don’t read comics. But when you say “visual” I think about TV/movies. I watch a lot of TV. My favorite TV shows based off the printed word: Daredevil, Smallville, Vampire Diaries (stopped watching about two seasons ago), I watched The 100 for a bit but couldn’t really get into it. Elementary, but if we’re talking Sherlock Holmes, I prefer the BBC’s version, Sherlock. I did love The Lizzie Bennet Diaries and Emma Approved. The Morganville Vampires was pretty good. And I stopped watching The March Letters because I didn’t like the direction they were headed in.

Social Media

I did an entire post about Social Media Overload a while back. And here’s the thing, I have my posts scheduled to Tweet and post to Google+ automatically. My twitter account is linked to my blog’s Facebook page and what is tweeted is automatically posted to Facebook. The only manual posting I have to do is Pinterest and Goodreads really. While I love blogging, I do sometimes find that trying to interact over all of these social media sites can get really overwhelming for me and take away from legit time reading which is limited enough as it is. I’m not really that social of a person, and for now, I’m happy with the way that I blog and the amount of time I spend on social media.

What visual expressions do you like when it comes to books? And what about social media? Are you a crazy fan or only do it because you have to? Let me know!

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