
Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Top Ten Author Duos I Want to See

Top 10 Tuesday is a post hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and this week's topic is Top Ten Author Duos I Want to See.

To be truthful guys, I’m not sure I’m a big fan of author duos. I can’t quite put my finger on why. I mean on the one hand, I’ve actually read a few duos that I’ve really enjoyed. Never Never by Colleen Hoover & Tarryn Fisher and Starbound by Aime Kaufman and Meagan Spooner to name a couple off the top of my head. But some that didn’t work so well for me: Wicked by Nancy Holder & Debbie ViguiĆ© and Beautiful Creatures by Margaret Stohl and Kami Garcia. Yet collaboration creates growth I think so I’d POTENTIALLY like to see the following author combos.

  1. Barry Lyga and Rick Yancey – The mystery and brilliant puzzle pieces in Barry Lyga’s Jasper Dent series mixed with the action and twists of Rick Yancey’s The 5th Wave series seems like a match made in heaven.
  2. Colleen Hoover & (KA Tucker, Gayle Forman, Rebecca Donovan, Tammara Webber, or Katie McGarry) – Colleen Hoover and Katie McGarry are two of my absolutely favorite contemporary authors. A mix of those two would likely be epic…or a disaster. But I think all of the authors I mentioned here have some similarities to their books that would make a cohesive and brilliant story. Of course, I love all of these authors as standalones so maybe collabing might not turn out like I imagine.
  3. Claire Wallis & Courtney Summers – Claire Wallis is one of my favorite up and coming authors. She’s published two books so far that impressed me and I think pairing her with a pro like Courtney Summers might be an awesome mashup. They’re both a little dark but write gripping stories and characters.
  4. Rainbow Rowell & Lauren Oliver – So these two are different yet similar. Both have their feet wet in both contemporary and fantasy so I think they could put out a potentially stellar work. I can’t even point them in a specific direction…I just want to see their lovechild of a book.
  5. Pierce Brown & George RR Martin – Haha…what a combo! George RR Martin writes adult and Pierce Brown young adult…maybe they could meet in the middle? And while they’re vastly different, I see them as having similarities that could produce some wickedly twisted worlds and epic adventures.
  6. Tahereh Mafi & Maggie Stiefvater – Maggie Stiefvater & Tahereh Mafi both have poetic writing styles. They both write fantasy. I bet they would create something brilliant.
  7. Carrie Ryan & Michelle Hodkin – Similarly to Mafi/Stiefvater, Carrie Ryan and Michelle Hodkin also have slightly poetic flares to their writing styles, but add to that a bit of horror. We’ve got zombies from Carrie Ryan and while Mara wasn’t possessed exactly, Michelle Hodkin’s kind of proven that she could write a wicked possession story. This combo would be killer. (See what I did there?)
  8. Richelle Mead & JK Rowling – Two of my favorite young adult series because of both the individual book arcs plus the overall series arcs. Great characters that aren’t always all good or all evil. Epic worlds and adventures. And twists. Come on! Tell me this wouldn’t be a delight!
  9. Brent Crawford & Ally Carter – I’ve only read one book by each of these authors, but each made me laugh out loud. Brent Crawford writes a hilariously (what I can only assume) accurate early teenage boy. And the one Ally Carter I read was also fairly early teens. I think the combo here would be a book that has me rolling!
  10. Robin LaFevers & Mary E Pearson – Both have written in historical fiction and both have included assassins. Team them up…let’s see what happens.

So that was actually insanely hard for me. Did anyone else have a difficult time too? Or was it just me? What author combos would you like to see? Let me know!

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