
Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Top Ten Favorite Things About Halloween

Top 10 Tuesday is a post hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and this week's topic is Top Ten Favorite Things About Halloween.

  1. CANDY – Hello candy corn! I have a sweet tooth. I always have. And I absolutely love candy. I love chocolate, especially when paired with peanut butter or caramel (think Reese’s, peanut butter M&Ms, Milky Ways, etc). But I also love Starburst, Skittles, and various fruit flavored candies.
  2. Costumes – I’ve always loved the idea of dressing up as someone you’re not normally. My more memorable costumes as a kid were the typical witch and clown, but I also dressed up as a cheerleader one year (yeah that was a big stretch for me). And probably the last year I trick-or-treated I was about 12 or 13 and went as a “hippy”. As an adult, I still love the idea of dressing up. Face Off is one of my favorite TV shows.
  3. The Weather – Where I live (central Alabama) it’s usually just starting to cool off around the end of October. It’s usually just starting to get on the cold side, but the weather can swing quickly. One thing I’ve noticed repeatedly is the wind. I love a cool (not COLD) windy night. The air just smells like fall.
  4. Scary Stories – Where I’m usually kind of a wuss, I tend to love a good scary (but not too scary) story, book, TV show, movie. All things paranormal, magical, fantasy, mystery/thriller during Halloween.
  5. Parties – I’ve been a co-host of an annual Halloween party for the last three years. And I love it. I love hosting parties, but specifically this Halloween party. It’s usually themed in some way. We have kids and adult so we always try to have games for each. And we take lots of pictures of the memories we’re making. This year we weren’t able to have the party due to Ever’s arrival. And now I’m not sure if we will be able to going forward either as we’ll have to factor in her birthday every year. (We have a lot of October birthdays in our family.)
  6. Decorations – Is there any wonder why Halloween and Christmas are my favorite holidays? Thanksgiving comes in a close third, but these two are the most widely decorated holidays. The colors…black, orange, purple, green. Glitter. I love being able to radically transform the house with seasonal decorations. It makes things special. Our neighborhood is pretty good about participating in Halloween when it comes to decorating and trick-or-treating, and so this is my favorite time of year to take walks around the neighborhood and check out all of the other houses’ decorations also.
  7. Crafts – Hello Pinterest! Feed my addiction! Pinterest Halloween crafts meet my love of holiday decorating. We’ve had a Halloween Pinterest Party in the past, but like I said…lots of family birthdays in October so planning became difficult. Either way, I usually end up doing my own craft project around this time of year.
  8. Trick-or-Treating – I kind of already mentioned this, but our neighborhood has a great turn out for trick-or-treating. I’m always torn because I love walking around the neighborhood and being in the mix of all of the kids running up to houses to get candy, but I also love being there at the house to hand candy out to the kids who come up. We usually try to walk as early as we can so we get home in enough time to do both. Last year one niece and two nephews came to our house to trick-or-treat so we walked around with them for the majority of the time.
  9. Haunted Houses/Corn Mazes/Pumpkin Patches – We don’t do these nearly enough. And truthfully, I usually psych myself out when we do go. But I always have fun. I think more than anything, I’d like to work at a Haunted House/Corn Maze one year. That would be fun.
  10. Local Legends – I’m sure every town has its share of legends and ghost stories. We definitely have our share down there. There’s Lovelady Bridge and Harper Hill where I grew up. There’s White Thang close to where we live now. Thirteen Bridges. And Sloss Furnace isn’t too far away. And various others for sure.

What about you guys? What are your absolutely favorite things about Halloween? Let me know!

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