
Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Top Ten 2016 Beach Reads

Top 10 Tuesday is a post hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and this week's topic is Top Ten 2016 Beach Reads.

I'm only choosing between books that I already have in my possession for this year's beach reads. I usually go for light and fun contemporary reads for the beach, but this year I don't have very many of those. And I'm really trying to limit my new books until I read some that I've had sitting around for a while.

  1. Significance (Significance, # 1) by Shelly Crane
  2. Kiss of Fire (Imdalind, # 1) by Rebecca Ethington
  3. End of Days (Penryn & the End of Days, # 3) by Susan Ee
  4. The Certainty of Violet & Luke (The Coincidence, # 5) by Jessica Sorensen
  5. Ruby Red (Precious Stone Trilogy, # 1) by Kerstin Gier
  6. Being Jamie Baker (Jamie Baker, # 1) by Kelly Oram
  7. The Winner's Curse (The Winner's Curse, # 1) by Maria
  8. Stolen Songbird (The Malediction Trilogy, # 1) by Danielle L Jensen
  9. Three Dark Crowns by Kendare Blake
  10. Winging It (Corrigan Falls Raiders, # 3) by Cate Cameron

What are you top ten beach reads for 2016? Let me know!

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