
Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Ten Facts About Me

Top 10 Tuesday is a post hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and this week's topic is Ten Facts About Me.

  1. I am a Christian. And I'm really sad about the things going on in the world today, but my faith doesn't allow me to stay sad as I have hope in eternal life with the Father where there will be no more tears, sorrows, sin, or injustice.
  2. As if I haven't discussed it to the point of being annoying probably, I'm a wife of 7 years and now a mother to a beautiful, smart, extremely active baby girl.
  3. I just turned 30 years old in June. It's so weird you guys, I really don't feel any older than 18, yet I know I was so immature at that age. Not that I've got it all figured out now--because I don't.
  4. I still love Twilight. I realize that I have read many other books since Twilight that have been just as good if not better, but this book is what reignited my passion for reading, and it will always have a special place in my heart because of that.
  5. I finally got Husband to read Red Rising and he sat out in the car in our driveway when he got home from work to finish it on Thursday. He's hooked.
  6. I just started Bible Art Journaling recently. I haven't posted any pictures of my own art, but I'm loving the process of being in The Word and creating art that is meaningful to me.
  7. I try really hard to be a positive person in my real life. I often wonder if that comes across on the blog since most of what I do is critiquing the work of others--something that I'm not sure I could ever do (write a book). These authors do something really amazing--even the ones of books that I haven't really enjoyed.
  8. I appreciate every single person who has ever visited, commented, or read my blog. I remember being terrified of telling anyone what I was doing here. I love books and stories, and I really enjoy the support that I've received from others who love them as well.
  9. I haven't been requesting many review books lately because I just don't have as much time to read lately, and that being said I really want to spend that time reading some books that have been on my list for a long time. Of course there are a few exceptions to this.
  10. I never thought I'd make the switch to full-time e-reading, but these days if a book can't fit in the palm of my hand (AKA my cell phone) it just about isn't going to get read. I never know when I'm going to be able to squeeze in the time to read so having to break out a hardcopy isn't really happening much.

So tell me about you. What do I need to know? Who are you--my readers? Let me know!

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