
Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Top Ten Audiobooks

Top 10 Tuesday is a post hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and this week's topic is Top Ten Audio Freebie.

I decided to go with my top ten audiobooks. I can't believe I've never done this topic before. Honestly, I haven't listened to any audiobooks since Baby Girl was born. Even though I don't have a problem listening to audiobooks, I have only listened to about 80 out of the over 700 books that I know I've read. So I'm sure others have a much broader pool to draw from, but here are my favorites that I've listened to.

  1. Carter Finally Gets It (Carter Finally Gets It, # 1) by Brent Crawford - I know I've featured this book a dozen times, but it is HILARIOUS.The narrator (Nick Podehl) makes this book. I don't think I would like it outside of the audio version.
  2. The Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich - Again I really love the narrator (Lorelai King).
  3. The Harry Potter series by JK Rowling - HP is a classic and Jim Dale does a really good job. I love being able to go through these books on audio.
  4. 7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess by Jen Hatmaker - Rebecca Gallagher narrates this in such a way that she sounds like she wrote the book herself. And Jen Hatmaker is funny so that's one of my favorite things to look for in an audiobook.
  5. Delirium (Delirium, # 1) by Lauren Oliver - The poetic tone to the writing lends itself to being read aloud so beautifully. I fell in love with this book because of the writing and because Sarah Drew does such a beautiful job narrating.
  6. Matched by Ally Condie - This series didn't really pan out for me, but I did enjoy the first book and I really enjoyed the narration. Hearing Dylan Thomas's Do Not Go Gentle Into that Good Night out loud at least solidified my love for that poem.
  7. I Hunt Killers (Jasper Dent, # 1) by Barry Lyga - I wasn't sure what to expect, but this book and series turned out so much better than I expected. I read the last two in the series, but the audiobook for book 1 really hooked me.
  8. Captivating: Unveiling the Mystery of a Woman's Soul by John and Stasi Eldredge - I read this book and loved it. Then I saw the my library had the audio version and I LOVED going through it on audio too. If I remember correctly, Stasi Eldredge actually narrates this one herself.
  9. The Vampire Academy series by Richelle Mead - VA is one of my all time favorite series ever so I love being able to go through the series without using my reading time to do a series re-read. I do hate how the narrator changes mid-series, but it isn't enough to deter me from adding the series to my favorites list.
  10. A Dance with Dragons (A Song of Ice and Fire, # 5) by George R R Martin - I've read all of the prior books, but I just wasn't making the progress that I wanted in the time frame that I wanted with this one. I was hoping to finish before Season 5 aired in 2015 so picking up the audiobook at 30ish % helped me finish in two weeks versus months that it normally takes me to read one of these books. If you're wanting to start this series but the length of these books holds you back then check out the audiobooks.

What are your favorite audiobooks? Let me know!

1 comment:

  1. I hope you get around to GOT and 7...whether audio or reading. Thanks for stopping by and commenting Marthae!
