
Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Ten Things I'm Thankful For 2016

Top 10 Tuesday is a post hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and this week's topic is Top Ten Thanksgiving.

  1. Jesus Christ - My personal Savior for loving me (and you) enough to empty Himself of being God and come to earth as a man who lived a perfect life and die a death at the hands of His own creation only to be raised from the dead in victory over death so that I (and you) have the opportunity to live eternally with Him. He is good all the time, and all the time He is good.
  2. Husband - This year with life changing as much as it has he has been such a help to me. He's been supportive and helpful. He's an awesome dad and I love him more every day.
  3. Little Girl - She has filled my life with immense joy. She makes me smile every single day even on the tough days. I love seeing her joy in the littlest things. I love watching her brain process and learn new things as she's exploring the world around her.
  4. Family/Friends/Spiritual Family - I know it's probably cliche to add another "family" to my thankful list, but isn't life really about who you spend it with and not so much the things that you have? I'm surrounded by some of the best people in the world. They're happy. They're supportive. I wouldn't want to do this life thing without them.
  5. Staying at Home - I'm so thankful to be able to stay at home with Little Girl. It broke my heart to leave the few days that I had to go back to work this time last year. Seeing her smiles and all of her accomplishments and new skills that she learns each day is not something that I want to miss. Someone else would get to see those if I wasn't able to be at home with her.
  6. Reading/Blogging - Even though I don't get to read as much as I used to or maybe want to, my life is still so full. And I love being able to continue to read books that blow me away and share those with you guys.
  7. Home - There are so many people in the world that don't have homes or their homes consist of dirt floors and bamboo walls and roofs. I'm thankful for a home to keep my loved ones and I safe and warm at night.
  8. Authors - I'm thankful for authors who can't get characters or stories out of their heads until they put them to paper. Their words allow me to live many lives and explore many worlds and experiences.
  9. Publishers - Like authors, I'm thankful for publishers who work so hard to bring us the stories written by the authors that we love. If not for all of their work in editing and cover creation and marketing we wouldn't see many of the stories or characters that we've come to love.
  10. The Book Blogging Community - I've been blogging about books for 5 1/2 years, and in that time I have RARELY had a bad experience within this community. I love having this community of people who are so open to talking about books that they love as much as I do. No one freaks out because we love books, characters, and authors with the passion that we do. I'm thankful for each of you because you make this blogging experience worth it!

Happy Thanksgiving to you all! What are you thankful for? Let me know!

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