
Monday, May 8, 2017

Praying the Attributes of God - Review

Praying the Attributes of God

By: Ann Spangler

Published: September 20th 2013 by Tyndale House Publishers

336 pages

Genre: Spiritual, Self-Help, Inspirational, Christian

Source: Publisher via NetGalley (Thank you!!)

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Goodreads description--God Is Greater than You Think. Many people feel both drawn to God and afraid of him. How can they feel close to a perfect God whom their flawed self is incapable of pleasing? Fortunately, God has revealed truths about himself in Scripture that can untangle our confusion. In this daily guide to studying and praying according to the attributes of God, Ann Spangler resurrects old-fashioned words like holiness, omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence. Far from boring us, these words, when excavated for their biblical meaning, paint a thrilling vision of God that can help us experience spiritual growth in a deeper way. They can also prevent us from making the colossal mistake of concluding God is too weak, distant, or uncaring to help us when we need him. In the tradition of her bestselling books "Praying the Names of God" and "Women of the Bible," this new daily devotional focuses on one particular attribute each week. "Praying the Attributes of God" will help you see that God is far bigger and far better than you could ever hope or suspect.

I'm embarrassed to even think about how long ago I received Praying the Attributes of God for review. I've read Praying the Names of Jesus by Ann Spangler, and I have Praying the Names of God as well. I figured I ought to finish reading Praying the Names of God before I read Praying the Attributes of God. I was using Praying the Names of God as a guide for teaching my kids' Bible class on Wednesday nights for a while, but once my daughter was born, I took a break from teaching that class. And as a result, my progress in the book was put on hold. However, after Lies We Believe About God by William Paul Young made me sick to my stomach, I wanted a palate cleanser, and Praying the Attributes of God was on my kindle and much easier to access than my hardcover version of Praying the Names of God.

And thank God it was exactly what I needed.

Because I read Lies We Believe About God essentially right before Praying the Attributes of God I couldn't help but compare the two while I was reading this book. I told Husband that it was so refreshing to read a book about God that was actually based upon Scripture. Where I lamented in my review of Lies We Believe About God that what little Scripture was used as a source was completely taken out of context, it was exactly what I needed to read a book that was completely inundated with Scripture (Old Testament and New) concerning God's character and His attributes. I told my readers that if you want to know God then read His Word (The Bible). And I stand by that 100%. That is the only true way to know Him, but Praying the Attributes of God gives you a crash course on who He is based off His Word. Truly there was only one thing I believe I disagreed with and it wasn't about God at all.

Ann Spangler does a wonderful job magnifying God as He deserves. She talks frequently throughout the book about how if God were any different from who and how He is then He would be a weak God and not worthy of being served or worshipped. But He is exactly as He should be. And the way she structures each chapter truly serves to help you pray to become more like God--which should be our aim as Christians. We seek to imitate Christ, and He is the express representation of the Father.

I highlighted so much that going through my notes to find my favorite quotes to share with you guys was completely impossible.

Praying the Attributes of God is everything I look for in a book that's supposed to help me to learn more about my Father as well help me to transform myself into a closer representation of His image. I'm further from the mark than I wish to be, but that's why knowing who God is and what He's like is so important. How can we imitate Him or reflect His image to the world if we do not know who He is or what His character is like? Praying the Attributes of God gets 5 Stars. My only real frustration was the use of the New Living Translation. While this translation may not be considered a paraphrase translation, it is also not a literal translation. I personally try to stick completely to literal or word-for-word translations only. Have you read Praying the Attributes of God? What did you think? Let me know!

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