
Monday, June 4, 2018

A Defense of Honor - Review

A Defense of Honor (Haven Manor, # 1)

By: Kristi Ann Hunter

Expected Publication: June 5th 2018 by Bethany House Publishers

352 pages

Genre: Historical Fiction, Christian Fiction, Regency

Source: Publisher via NetGalley (Thank you!!)

( Goodreads | Amazon | Book Depository )

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Goodreads description--Forced to run for her life, Kit FitzGilbert finds herself in the very place she swore never to return to--a London ballroom. There she encounters Lord Graham Wharton, who believes Kit holds the key to a mystery he's trying to solve. As much as she wishes that she could tell him everything, she can't reveal the truth without endangering those she loves.

I really enjoyed Kristi Ann Hunter's Hawthorne House series. I knew I wanted to read A Defense of Honor as soon as I found out about it. One of the things I loved about the Hawthorne House series is that Kristi Ann Hunter takes what I'm used to expecting from this time period and genre and throws in aspects that aren't typical. And she does exactly that with A Defense of Honor. To be truthful, I'm not sure how much I can say about this book without spoilers.

Graham is bored. He's set to be Earl after his father dies, but his dad is in quite good health. He's tired of the same old, same old found in the typical London ballroom and drawing room. A chance meeting introduces him to Kit. She isn't anything he's used to, but he doesn't have time to get to know her there. As fortune would have it, Graham goes on a mission with his friend Oliver in a hunt to find his missing sister. Graham stumbles upon Kit and what else he finds changes his life and his perspective forever.

Kit is quite jaded and angry. She was mistreated and wrongly accused of something. However her actions caused a friend to be put in a tricky situation. This resulted in her being outcast from society. However, she and her friends have turned their privacy into a mission to help others. Graham is a complication that could expose the group and secrecy is of the upmost importance for the girls to keep helping others.

I really liked Graham and Kit. Both had things to work through before they were ready to begin a relationship. Trust has to be built and rebuilt. Pasts have to be overcome. A future has to have possibilities.

Favorite quotes:

-"You are trusting me more than you trust God.”

-“The most precious gems are forged from pressure. God brings beauty from adversity, when you let Him.”

A Defense of Honor was everything I've come to expect of Kristi Ann Hunter. A relationship I can root for. A twist on what I expect from this time period. And a great moral and message without feeling preached at. A Defense of Honor gets 4 Stars. Have you read A Defense of Honor? What did you think? Let me know.

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