
Monday, January 13, 2020

Finding Mr. Better-Than-You - Review

Finding Mr. Better-Than-You

By: Shani Petroff

Publication: January 14th 2020 by Swoon Reads

256 pages

Genre: Young Adult, Contemporary

Source: Publisher via NetGalley (Thank you!!)

( Goodreads | Amazon | Book Depository )

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Goodreads description--Camryn has been dating Marc FOREVER—since freshman year! She dropped out of volleyball to go to all his games, switched her schedule around to be in his favorite class, and has been busting her butt to get into Columbia so they can go to the same college. So when Marc suddenly, and very publically, breaks up with her a week into their senior year so that he can date the new transfer student, she’s absolutely devastated.

But why be sad, when you can get even? Inspired by her favorite movies, Camryn decides that the best revenge is a Senior Year well lived, starring a boy who is ever so much better than her ex. With a little help from her friends, Cam is going to have the Best. Senior. Year. Ever.

Finding Mr. Better-Than-You both was and wasn't what I was expecting. I was expecting a fun, fast, cute read about a girl who gets her heartbroken, goes on a search for a rebound-to-more guy to heal her heart and finds him. A bit too literal of me? Definitely. What I got was a fun, fast, cute read about a girl who gets her heartbroken, forces some seriously awkward situations in hopes of finding a rebound-to-more guy to heal her heart, but finds herself instead. Is there anything wrong with that? No. Was I a little disappointed? Yes, but not overly so. Was it still enjoyable? Certainly.

Cam loves books and movies. All things rom-com. I liked her, but boy was she naive. Everyone knows that life isn't like the books. And even if it was, the heroines featured in her favorite books don't force the stories to happen. And usually when that character tried some big scheme or plan it backfires at worst and simply doesn't go according to plan at best. Cam has a lot to learn about herself, her tendencies when it comes to being in a relationship, her friends, and life in general. In a lot of situations, I felt like she too easily got her way when it came to the adults in her life.

More than anything else, Finding Mr. Better-Than-You was a story about friendship and female empowerment in a way that I can get behind. Friends before boyfriends. How the ex's new girlfriend isn't the enemy. How to be a true friend and be supportive of the other's problems while still having your own life. Not being afraid to go up to a guy and start a conversation even if you fail miserably. And then when you do fail miserably still being able to see it as a win. And standing up for your own opinions and how relationships shouldn't be only one person giving all of the time. I can't find fault with any of that.

Yet still...I love love stories. If you're looking for that here, you're not going to find it. But if you've read enough of those and just need a feel-good book about a great group of friends then this is a real winner.

Finding Mr. Better-Than-You wasn't what I was expecting. It didn't have a real romance or love story which is something I'm typically looking for in my books, but honestly, I enjoyed it nonetheless. I still read it quickly and didn't want to put it down. Finding Mr. Better-Than-You gets 4 Stars. Have you read Finding Mr. Better-Than-You? What did you think? Let me know!

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