
Thursday, May 28, 2020

His Lady in Hiding - Review

His Lady in Hiding

By: Jen Geigle Johnson

Expected Publication: April 1st 2020 by Covenant Communications

272 pages

Genre: Adult, Historical Fiction

Source: Publisher via NetGalley (Thank you!!)

( Goodreads | Amazon | Book Depository )

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Goodreads description--Lady Elizabeth Davenport is desperate. Her hand in marriage has been offered to the highest bidder, a distressing proposition in and of itself but made all the more repulsive when she meets her father’s first choice for her hand: Lord Pinweather. When her parents refuse to hear her pleas, Liz is forced to take drastic measures—she will impersonate her maid and begin anew in America on her own terms.

Once on board the ship to America, another passenger, Lord Barton, almost immediately discovers her true status as a noble. After listening to Liz’s highly modified version of her life and her plans to begin again, Barton has compassion on her and teaches her how to abandon her noble mannerisms. Upon disembarking, however, Barton’s generous spirit quickly dampens when he discovers Liz has indeed found work—as his own head housekeeper. Suddenly, the tender feelings they hid from each other on the ship are inescapable, but their difference in station makes romance impossible. As misunderstandings abound and a shocking character from Liz’s past looms, she knows she can’t hide her true identity forever. But as her deception begins to unravel, will her charade cost her the man she loves?

His Lady in Hiding had a lot of similar themes and pieces as some other books that I have read and enjoyed over the last year. A Reluctant Bride and The Work of Art are two such books that come to mind. Escaping terrible situations or cruel potential fiances. Traveling to America in hopes of new opportunities and a new life. Add in forbidden romance and you've got the making of an interesting story.

Liz flees her home after her father basically sells her hand in marriage to the highest bidder. Initially, Liz is mostly put off physically by her intended, but she comes to learn that he can be quite cruel as well. She quickly makes the decision to assume a new identity, take a job as a housekeeper in America, and board a ship the following day. Traveling alone as a woman isn't entirely safe and Liz takes to sleeping in one of the rowboats stored on the deck of the ship to avoid the horrors of steerage as well as a fellow passenger who is attempting to get handsy. After a meeting with Lord Barton on the ship, the two begin to form a friendship. Lord Barton can tell that she is gentry and not the serving class almost immediately and he decides to try to help her with learning her new role as a housekeeper. In the process, the two become friends.

Lord Barton is the second son of a Marquess. As such he doesn't have the duty or responsibility his older brother has, but he hopes to make an impact for the family by creating a shipping business. He needs to make connections with the local Philadelphia community to make his business successful. And having a relationship with his housekeeper isn't the best way to go about doing that. Usually I connect to the male lead easier than the female lead, but ol' Barton needed to be popped in the head a few times.

His Lady in Hiding had several twists and turns in the plot. I know there was one part where I felt the characters were getting their "happy" too quickly. And I was right. Many more obstacles were in the way and it wasn't until the very end of the story that each piece was finally overcome.

His Lady in Hiding was a fun, light read with a lot to recommend about it. The twists and turns weren't completely without issues, but overall, I did like the characters and their story. I read it quickly which is always a good thing. His Lady in Hiding gets 3.5 Stars. Have you read His Lady in Hiding? What did you think? Let me know!

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