
Thursday, June 18, 2020

A Gilded Lady - Review

A Gilded Lady (Hope and Glory, # 2)

By: Elizabeth Camden

Publication: June 2nd 2020 by Bethany House Publishers

352 pages

Genre: Adult, Historical Fiction, Christian Fiction

Source: Publisher via NetGalley (Thank you!!)

( Goodreads | Amazon | Book Depository )

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Goodreads description--Secretary to the first lady of the United States, Caroline Delacroix is at the pinnacle of high society--but is hiding a terrible secret. Immediately suspicious of Caroline, but also attracted to her, secret service agent Nathaniel Trask must battle his growing love for her as the threat to the president rises and they face adventure, heartbreak, and danger.

I usually try to avoid coming into the middle of a series without reading the first book. Occasionally, I'll make an exception, but more often than not if it happens it is because I didn't realize the book I've picked up is even in a series. I honestly can't remember what happened with A Gilded Lady. Often when I do come into the middle of a series, I strongly desire to go back and read the previous book(s). In this case, I don't feel strongly about reading The Spice King.

I have to say that I found this entire book so intriguing. Man Elizabeth Camden did her research. The amount of historical information wrapped into her story and characters is top-notch. I found Caroline's job entirely interesting. Nathaniel's too, really. All of the history was presented in such a way that made it so much more interesting than I usually feel.

Favorite quotes:

-"We will stumble and fall and make mistakes time and again, but we can’t wallow in our failure. Someday we have to accept God’s grace to stand up and try again. Nathaniel, you are forgiven.”

-How could she resent the fact that he was back, even if it meant that, on his list of priorities, she would fall somewhere below the Milwaukee assignment and the Holland takedown and possibly even a fine lobster dinner.

-“You are unconditionally loved. Unconditionally forgiven. You are a child of God, deserving of more credit than you’re giving yourself.”

-Failure was a normal part of being human, not a permanent condition. He had been kicked in the teeth, knocked down, and failed. But he had the strength to get back up...

I also have to say that I really appreciated Elizabeth Camden taking the opposite route from what we often see in modern literature. Often times we see characters encouraged to pursue their dream careers at the expense of their relationships, but I like the direction Elizabeth Camden went instead.

Caroline and Nathaniel have a great story. I enjoyed every single minute of it. And even though I don't particularly feel strongly about going back to read Gray's story, I most certainly will be checking out Luke's when it releases. I want to say so much more about A Gilded Lady, but I don't want to spoil it. I'm giving A Gilded Lady 4 Stars. Have you read A Gilded Lady? What did you think? Let me know!

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