
Friday, June 26, 2020

Lakeshire Park - Review

Lakeshire Park

By: Megan Walker

Publication: April 7th 2020 by Shadow Mountain

320 pages

Genre: Adult, Historical Fiction, Regency

( Goodreads | Amazon | Book Depository )

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Goodreads description--Brighton, England 1820

Amelia Moore wants only one thing—to secure the future happiness of her younger sister, Clara. With their stepfather’s looming death, the two sisters will soon be on their own—without family, a home, or a penny to their names. When an invitation arrives to join a house party at Lakeshire Park, Amelia grasps at the chance. If she can encourage a match between Clara and their host, Sir Ronald, then at least her sister will be taken care of.

Little does she know that another guest, the arrogant and overconfident Mr. Peter Wood, is after the same goal for his own sister. Amelia and Peter begin a rivalry that Amelia has no choice but to win. But competing against Peter—and eventually playing by his rules—makes Amelia vulnerable to losing the only thing she has left to claim: her heart.

Sigh! Well, that was just the perfect read for me! I am absolutely blissed out right now. Lakeshire Park was everything I could ask for. I will certainly be on the lookout for more books by Megan Walker.

Here's the background that you need to know: Amelia and Clara are sisters. Their mother was in love as a young girl, but her beloved was sent away and was supposed to return the night of a specific ball. When he didn't show up she connected with a stranger for a dance and then stole away for a private moment which resulted in a kiss witnessed by others and they were forced into marriage. The man was Amelia and Clara's father. He died of pneumonia suddenly and their mother reconnected with her original young love who became their stepfather. On her deathbed, their mother extracted a promise from their stepfather that he would take care of them and secure their futures. He then made the smallest attempts possible by giving them one season which proved unsuccessful. After contracting a lung illness which was leading to his inevitable death, Lord Gray allowed the girls to attend a house party in one last attempt to secure husbands because, upon his death, the girls receive nothing.

Amelia is resigned to being alone and only hopes to secure a future for Clara who caught the eye of Sir Ronald during their brief time in London for their Season. The only problem is, Georgina Wood also has her sights set on Sir Ronald. And Georgina's brother, Peter, is determined to help her in any way he can. Peter and Amelia quickly realize that they each are trying to advance their own sister. They strike a deal to butt out, but they also must spend each afternoon together to give Clara and Georgina a chance to win Sir Ronald's attention on their own.

Peter's regard for Amelia was quickly evident to me. She, of course, took much longer to realize it. And I was glad that Amelia at least discerned her own feelings before learning of Peter's. But there are still more obstacles for them to face. Georgina lets it slip that Peter needs a dowry from his marriage match partner. Amelia not only doesn't have a dowry, but she also has zero funds and no home or relations beyond Clara. Also, since Clara and Georgina are in competition for Sir Ronald, Clara can't stand the idea of seeing Georgina again after this house party. If Sir Ronald offers for Georgina, Clara will be miserable watching them together. If Sir Ronald offers for Clara the opposite will be true and it will be difficult for Georgina to witness. Ultimately, the main hurdle was easy for me to spot. Yet I wasn't sure how things would turn out.

Favorite quotes:

-“Love is not a risk, Amelia. Love is an inevitable outcome of living. And sometimes it does not make any practical sense at all. But that does not mean we should fear it.”

-“What is the benefit of keeping a secret from someone you care about?” I had a feeling his question was more pointed than innocent. “For fear of losing that person’s good opinion. Or being seen differently in their eyes.”“That is exactly the thing I appreciate most about love, Miss Moore. Its opinion is not easily swayed by status or money or flaws. Unless it is betrayed, it is most forgiving. And it holds steadfast in any weather.”

Ultimately I was near giddy the entire time I was reading Lakeshire Park. I loved the characters, their backstories. I loved the banter between Amelia and Peter. I literally can't think of a thing I would change. Lakeshire Park gets 4.5 Stars. Have you read Lakeshire Park? What did you think? Let me know!

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