
Sunday, June 20, 2021

Sunday Post - 06/20/21

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ The Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~this meme was inspired in part by ~ In My Mailbox~ It's a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

Another busy week. Tuesday night, Holly and I had some girl time alone at her neighborhood pool. Wednesday, I took the big kids to an indoor playground in town to reward them for filling their good deeds jar. They actually filled it back in December, but I was hugely pregnant at the time and couldn't follow them around at the playground so I told them Daddy needed to go too. Well then Baby Boy was born and the timing wasn't good then either. I ended up letting my mom keep Baby Boy while I took the big kids finally. They had a blast and were so well behaved. Thursday, my sister and niece came to visit from Gulf Shores. The kids were so excited to see their cousin. Friday, I took the big kids to swim at Aunt Holly's neighborhood pool again with my sister and neice too. The kids had so much fun. Poor Little Boy had a boo-boo on his finger and he was so tired so I ended up holding him in the water most of the time, but we still had so much fun. Saturday, we all got together to celebrate my brother's birthday (which was Saturday), Father's Day with my Dad, and my birthday (which is tomorrow). My mom cut herself while cutting up a watermelon. She, my dad, and sister ran to the ER. She ended up coming back before she was even seen because she realized the cut wasn't as bad as she originally thought. Man she's tough because it looked bad to me.


Monday: Review of The Layover by Lacie Waldon (4 Stars)
Tuesday: Top Ten Summer 2021 TBR List
Wednesday: Can't Wait for The Siren of Sussex (Belles of London, # 1) by Mimi Matthews


Monday: ?
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday?
Wednesday: Can't Wait for Wednesday
Friday: 2021 Series Enders Reading Challenge - June Wrap Up

Don’t forget to link up for the 2021 Series Enders Reading Challenge! You have until December 15th, 2021 to sign up. Each month there will be a giveaway for those participating with an end of the year giveaway too! Click on the picture below or the link above to find out more!

That's it for my shelves and recaps of my past and upcoming week. What did you add to your shelves this week? Any bookish news you want to talk about? Let me know!

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