
Monday, December 27, 2021

Look Alive Twenty-Fine - Review

Look Alive Twenty-Five

By: Janet Evanovich

Publication: November 13th 2018 by Putnam Pub Group

311 pages

Genre: Adult, Mystery, Humor

Source: Borrowed from e-library

( Goodreads | Amazon | Book Depository )

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Goodreads description--Stephanie Plum faces the toughest puzzle of her career in the twenty-fifth entry in Janet Evanovich's #1 New York Times bestselling series.

There's nothing like a good deli and the Red River Deli in Trenton is one of the best. World famous for its pastrami, cole slaw and for its disappearing managers. Over the last month, three have vanished from the face of the earth, the only clue in each case is one shoe that's been left behind. The police are baffled. Lula is convinced that it's a case of alien abduction. Whatever it is, they'd better figure out what's going on before they lose their new manager, Ms. Stephanie Plum.

Anytime I find myself in need of an audiobook, I always check out the next Stephanie Plum book. These are books that I don't expect too much of. It feels like Janet Evanovich will just continue on with the series for as long as people will read them. In some ways, this bugs me. I like things to be completed. When Stephanie continues to bounce back and forth between Morelli and Ranger, I start to get hives. On the other hand, I've learned to just take these books as they are. Fun and none too serious.

Stephanie and Lula find themselves working in a deli when they're not hunting down skips. Lula and food are usually a funny combination. And Look Alive Twenty-Five marks the first Stephanie Plum book that I've laughed out loud listening to in like four or five or maybe even more books from the series.

The managers of the deli that Stephanie and Lula work at have been kidnapped one by one. And since Stephanie is the current manager, Ranger and Morelli are worried she's going to be next. So they're taking turns babysitting her. I thought this was a little bit funny because Morelli would threaten Ranger with bodily harm and even death if anything inappropriate happens with Ranger and Stephanie during Ranger's on-duty time. Ranger would then tempt Stephanie to risk it.

Ironically, Look Alive Twenty-Five did set the stage for the next book which should feature a good bit of Grandma Mazur. She was mostly absent from Twenty-Five. And I missed her.

My favorite quote was from Lula. Since it was the audiobook version I can't quote it exactly, but it was something to the effect of Lula not normally having beans in her hair and how it wasn't her best look. This might have been the part that I laughed out loud about.

All things considered, Look Alive Twenty-Five might have been my favorite Stephanie Plum in the last several books. This is largely due to my decreased expectations. Look Alive Twenty-Five gets 3.5 Stars. I usually don't find that I can give these books higher than 3 Stars because I just don't expect much out of them and they usually deliver about as much as I expect. Have you read (or listened to) Look Alive Twenty-Five? What did you think? Let me know!

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