
Thursday, October 20, 2022

All Things Halloween Review - Sword of Rage

Sword of Rage (Reigning Kingdoms, # 1)

By: Jennifer Anne Davis

Publication: March 16th 2021 by Reign Publishing

299 pages

Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy

Source: Personal Kindle Library

( Goodreads | Amazon )

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Goodreads description--Harley has three goals—stay alive, avenge her brother’s death, and overthrow the traitorous king.

When Harley receives an invitation to the royal castle for her cousin’s birthday, she’s elated at the offer. As the queen’s niece, she’s expected to make an appearance, but this will also be her first time attending a formal function as a married woman. However, what starts as an elegant party quickly turns into a nightmare. One that flips Harley’s world upside down.

Ackley’s mission should have been simple—arrive in Melenia, submerse himself in battle, and retake the kingdom for his sister’s newly betrothed, the rightful king. Instead, he finds the land ravaged and a young woman who could be the key to his undoing. When forced to choose between family, honor, and love, he realizes all of his years training to be an assassin, knight, and prince never prepared him for this. Ackley always thought he’d die by the sword. But what he never realized was love could be the most dangerous weapon of all.

This is the first book in a new series by Jennifer Anne Davis. Filled with romance, battles, and espionage, this book will immerse you into the world of her previous books like you’ve never before imagined!

I've been looking forward to Ackley's story or Idina's story since 2020 when I finished the Knights of the Realm series. I purposefully didn't re-read the description before I picked up Sword of Rage because sometimes book descriptions can give too much away. But if I'd re-read the description, I wouldn't have started this book so confused. I didn't remember Harley being Ackley's sister's name, but that's who I thought I was supposed to be reading about. So I was really confused when her family started getting slaughtered but they're all people I'd never heard of before.

I'm not sure Harley is the type of character that I imagined Ackley falling for. I didn't have anything against Harley exactly. In fact, my biggest issue was with the big mystery. How Harley couldn't put together who might have taken over the throne and been in league with those who slaughtered her family was beyond me. It was the easiest "mystery" I've been able to figure out that I don't even know if Jennifer Anne Davis was trying to hide it from the reader. But when something is so obvious to the reader it can be hard not to lose some respect for the characters when they don't also figure things out.

Ultimately, I find that I don't have much to say about Sword of Rage. It was good. I read it quickly. I want to keep reading and see what happens next. But I had some issues with the characters being obtuse when it came to the big mystery. Sword of Rage gets 3 Stars. Have you read Sword of Rage? What did you think? Let me know!

This review is part of my All Things Halloween event--a month of fantasy, paranormal, supernatural, mystery/thriller, etc reviews and books.

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