
Monday, May 15, 2023

Famous for a Living - Review

Famous for a Living

By: Melissa Ferguson

Expected Publication: May 16th 2023 by Thomas Nelson

336 pages

Genre: Adult, Contemporary

Source: Publisher via NetGalley (Thank you!!)

( Goodreads | Amazon | Book Depository )

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Goodreads description--From Park Avenue to the Parks Department—the world’s most beloved social media star is about to get a rude awakening.

With her millions of followers, Cat Cranwell is adored around the world. But when an app partnership goes very, very wrong, Cat suddenly finds herself shunned from the community that not only fed her soul all these years but paid her bills. When Cat’s closest living relative, Uncle Terry, offers her a position on his staff at a small national park in Montana to get away from the city, Cat hesitantly accepts the opportunity.

What she doesn’t realize is that as the new social media strategist her goal is to save Kannery National Park from being absorbed into Glacier National Park by boosting the number of visitors. And at least one of her new colleagues—namely, handsome and rugged ranger Zaiah Hudson—thinks social media is the root of everything that’s wrong with the world. Written with bestselling author Melissa Ferguson’s signature wit and charm, this romantic comedy of opposites attract is full of hilarious romp and a romance that will melt readers’ hearts.

My first Melissa Ferguson book was The Dating Charade. I liked it, but I wanted more. So much of the story was devoted to things aside from the romance. That caused me to avoid some of her next releases. I prefer books to be relationship focused. The description of Meet Me in the Margins pulled me in and I decided to read it. And well, I loved it. I did have the same complaint--that I wished more of the story focused on the romance--but the subject of writing, editing, and publishing was so dear to me that I didn't mind as much as I normally might have. Famous for a Living was really good. I devoured it, but when I look back I can see that this book also could have used a little more romance.

Cat is a social media influencer. Every moment of her life is curated for her next photo, video, and post. She thinks about her next caption and post more than her friends and family. Her business partner screws her over and drags her name through the mud. Of course, her followers and pretty much everyone online turn on her. She leaves the city to help her uncle as social media manager for the small national park where he is the head park ranger.

Zaiah is a park ranger and he hates all things technology. He has a flip phone and shows open disgust for Cat's profession. It's only when he sees the good she's able to do with helping Mina, a park coworker, and the park itself does he sway his opinion, and even then only slightly. See, Zaiah has a past with influencers that didn't end well. He appreciates Cat as a person but sees that she's addicted to social media and her phone which worries him.

I didn't exactly feel like Melissa Ferguson was preaching the woes of social media and phone addictions to the reader, but it came close. This is an interesting and relevant topic in today's society. It's something to consider at least.

I read Famous for a Living in two days right before Christmas, which is kind of amazing with 3 kids 7 and under. Looking back the relationship feels like it could have been further developed and I wouldn't have minded more romance. The bigger story of social media and phone addictions made the story feel relevant and even dare I say important. Famous for a Living gets 4 Stars. Have you read Famous for a Living? What did you think? Let me know!

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