
Monday, May 22, 2023

Gentleman Jim - Review

Gentleman Jim (Somerset Stories, # 2)

By: Mimi Matthews

Publication: November 10th 2020 by Perfectly Proper Press

376 pages

Genre: Adult, Historical Fiction, Regency

Source: Personal Kindle Library

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Goodreads description--From USA Today bestselling author Mimi Matthews comes a swashbuckling tale of Regency era romance and revenge.

She couldn’t forget…

Wealthy squire’s daughter Margaret Honeywell was always meant to marry her neighbor, Frederick Burton-Smythe, but it’s bastard-born Nicholas Seaton who has her heart. Raised alongside her on her father’s estate, Nicholas is the rumored son of notorious highwayman Gentleman Jim. When Fred frames him for theft, Nicholas escapes into the night, vowing to find his legendary sire. But Nicholas never returns. A decade later, he’s long been presumed dead.

He wouldn’t forgive…

After years spent on the continent, John Beresford, Viscount St. Clare has finally come home to England. Tall, blond, and dangerous, he’s on a mission to restore his family’s honor. If he can mete out a bit of revenge along the way, so much the better. But he hasn’t reckoned for Maggie Honeywell. She’s bold and beautiful—and entirely convinced he’s someone else.

As danger closes in, St. Clare is torn between love and vengeance. Will he sacrifice one to gain the other? Or with a little luck—and a lot of daring—will he find a way to have them both?

Gentleman Jim has been on my TBR list since at least 2020. I've pretty much read all of Mimi Matthews's fiction books. But I just never got my hands on this when it released. Since none of my family members gave me any books for Christmas, I used a gift card to finally purchaseGentleman Jim. As usual, Mimi Matthews didn't disappoint.

Maggie and Nicholas grew up together. He was the son of a servant so their classes weren't equal, and there was always a little drama around the amount of time they spent together. Over the years, they grew closer, and their friendship began to transform into more even though they didn't have opportunity to explore that. Maggie's father was always set on her aligning with a neighboring family by marrying Fred, the son of their closest neighbor. The problem, aside from Maggie being in love with Nicholas, was that Fred was a terrible person.

Maggie's father could never deny Maggie anything, but in his death he willed that Maggie's financial guardianship would be handled by Fred until she weds and only to a man that Fred approves up. Unfortunately, the only man Fred approves of is himself. Maggie has 6 months to get married before she's pretty much forced to marry Fred. But Fred is the one responsible for Nicholas leaving her. Fred framed Nicholas for stealing Maggie's jewelry, and Maggie helped him flee before he was hung. He promised to return to her no matter how long it took, but that was 10 years ago.

We start the story with Maggie visiting her friend in London. She learns upon arrival that Fred is set to engage in a duel the next day over cheating at a game of cards with a Viscount. She basically freaks out because there is no provision in her father's will if something happens to Fred. She makes the hasty decision to visit the Viscount in the dead of night and beg him not to kill Fred.

I had so many questions. Would Maggie forget about Nicholas? Was Maggie right about her suspicions? What circumstances would ever get Fred to agree to Maggie marrying anyone else? Ultimately, I liked how Mimi Matthews handled all of my questions.

Favorite quotes:

-"Your Mr. Burton- Smythe needed to be taught a lesson. He needed to be humiliated. I hope he’ll be a much better person now.” Miss Honeywell bristled. “He’s not my Mr. Burton- Smythe.” “I’m very happy to hear it.” “And if you think anything could make him a better person, then you’re very much mistaken.” “Yes. Perhaps I am. In truth, I suspect he’ll need to be shot a great many more times in order to effect a noticeable change.”

-“Enough of your forked- tongue pleasantries, Lavinia,” Allendale said. “There’s nothing I despise more than a serpent who walks upright.”

Despite waiting a couple of years to read Gentleman Jim, I wasn't disappointed. I read it within 24 hours because I didn't want to put it down. I had questions that I don't even want to reveal because even the questions might be spoilers. Gentleman Jim gets 4 Stars. Have you read Gentleman Jim? What did you think? Let me know!

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