
Monday, May 8, 2023

Twisted Twenty-Six - Review

Twisted Twenty-Six (Stephanie Plum, # 26)

By: Janet Evanovich

Publication: November 12th 2019 by G.P. Putnam's Sons

312 pages

Genre: Adult, Humor, Mystery

Source: Borrowed from the e-Library

( Goodreads | Amazon | Book Depository )

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Goodreads description--Stephanie Plum's career has taken more wrong turns than a student driver on the Jersey Turnpike, and her love life is a hopeless tangle. In order to save someone dear to her, she'll have to straighten things out in Twisted Twenty-Six the latest, novel from #1 New York Times bestselling author Janet Evanovich.

Grandma Mazur is a widow...again. This time her marriage lasted a whole 45 minutes. The unlucky groom was one Jimmy Rosolli, local gangster, lothario (senior division) and heart attack waiting to happen...well, the waiting's over.

It's a sad day, but if she can't have Jimmy at least Grandma can have all the attention she wants as the dutiful widow. But some kinds of attention are not welcomed, particularly when Jimmy's former "business partners" are convinced that his widow is keeping the keys to their financial success for herself.

As someone who has spent an entire career finding bad guys, a set of missing keys should be no challenge for Stephanie Plum. Problem is, the facts are as twisted as a boardwalk pretzel with mustard.

I find I never have much to say about these books. One of my Stephanie Plum reviews is probably exactly the same as any other. The description tells you pretty much everything you need to know. Grandma Mazur is newly widowed. She wasn't married to Jimmy long enough to be traumatized, and she was half expecting to be a widow again considering Jimmy's age. But the resulting mess of Jimmy's will and the keys that his crew and others are looking for is starting to make Grandma rethink some things.

Stephanie's doing some re-thinking too. She's burned out with her job. Her relationship with Morelli isn't moving forward. She's tired.

For a couple of years, I've grabbed one of the Stephanie Plum audiobooks to listen to while decorating my Christmas tree. But this year the kids were with me and helped decorate, so no Stephanie Plum, but they were spending the night at Grandma's when I took down the Christmas tree, so I grabbed this one then. I always have to give Lorelai King her props. She does an excellent job narrating as always.

Twisted Twenty-Six and all of the Stephanie Plum books are just filler, fun books for me. I read them because I usually get a laugh or two out of them. I don't feel any pressure, and I know they're consistent. I do wish, like Stephanie, that there was some progression on the relationship front. But I don't expect much. Twisted Twenty-Six gets 3.5 Stars. Have you read (or listened to) Twisted Twenty-Six? What did you think? Let me know!

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