
Thursday, August 10, 2023

Chiara's Choice - Review

Chiara's Choice

By: Chalon Linton

Publication: August 8, 2023

208 pages

Genre: Adult, Historical Fiction, Romance

Source: Publisher via NetGalley (Thank you!!)

( Goodreads | Amazon )

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Goodreads description--Chiara Madero, daughter of an Italian baron, is the epitome of beauty and fire, and when confronted, her lovely lips reveal a sharp tongue. But her enchanting facade hides a less-than-elegant her family believes her true value lies in her ability to secure an advantageous match. And there is no better place to find a wealthy, titled husband than the London Marriage Mart.

Mr. Abraham Jamison is not a firstborn son and has procrastinated choosing an occupation. Nevertheless, his honest and forthright nature immediately captures Chiara’s attention. He is unsuitable for a woman of her station in all ways, but she can’t seem to resist seeking out his company. Abraham sees through her fiery personality and refuses to play her games, yet after waging a mutual battle of wits, an unexpected friendship forms between them―a rapport that soon blossoms into something more. Abraham’s wish is to become a man worthy of her. But when faced with her family’s determination to manipulate circumstances to their advantage, he and Chiara must face their feelings and find the strength to defy an insurmountable Chiara’s mother.

I read Forever Pheobe in 2020, and I remember hoping that this would turn into a series and Chalon Linton would write books about each of Pheobe's brothers. They each popped off the page. I forgot about them, but I saw Chiara's Choice listed on NetGalley and knew I had to check it out. I didn't even put it together that the leading male character, Abraham, was one of Pheobe's brothers. But once I realized it, I was so happy.

I enjoyed the dynamic of this duo. Chiara is a wealthy girl. Her dowry is impressive, but both her father and mother seem to try to use Chiara whenever possible. She has had little affection from her mother and less from her father. When she meets people, she has developed methods to get what she wants from them as they are nearly always trying to use her also. Only as soon as she meets Abraham, his nature suggests he might be someone she is interested in knowing more deeply.

Abraham is the most serious of Pheobe's brothers, excluding Gregory. He's honest and no-nonsense. But he's floundering a bit because he can't figure out what he wants to do with his life, his profession. As a second son, there is no inheritance for him. He has to make his own way in the world and earn his own living. He isn't interested in the church or law, nor the military. That leaves very few options for him. And as such, he has nothing to offer Chiara. And he certainly isn't aiming to marry her for her money. Chiara attempts to use the manipulation games she's created and used on others, but Abraham sees straight through her ruse and refuses to play along.

Normally, books set in this time are against a particular path for a couple. That is because this path typically leads to scandal. But I liked that Chalon Linton presented it in this case in a way that the reader could root for success where we normally would root for failure. Anytime you can put a spin on something that isn't usually done in a way that still causes you to root for the characters is a bonus. I'm being vague on purpose, but that's the best I can do without spoiling things.

Chiara's Choice was very enjoyable, and I read it quickly. I was happy to root for Chiara and Abraham. And I liked that their relationship, journey, and choices weren't typical in my experience with this genre. I couldn't help hoping they succeeded. And I am still dying to read at least Peter's story. I don't know how things will play with Gregory since he is already in love, and it seems a good portion of his story is already written. Chiara's Choice gets 4 Stars. Have you read Chiara's Choice? What did you think? Let me know!

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