
Friday, November 10, 2023

The Earl's Hideaway, No Ladies Allowed - Review

The Earl's Hideaway, No Ladies Allowed (A Romance of Rank, # 2)

By: Esther Hatch

Publication: December 30th 2022

352 pages

Genre: Adult, Historical Fiction

Source: Personal Kindle Library

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Goodreads description--If there is one woman Samson Rutherford, Earl of Riverton, can’t abide, it is his meddling sister. He has spent his whole life being a pawn in her plans and tricks, but when one of her schemes leaves him dressed in women’s clothing, he has finally had enough. He cannot beat her at her games, or even say no to her, his only option to save his sanity and pride is to run away--and fortunately, his solicitor knows just the place…

Florence Wallace wasn’t born to be a governess, but with her family’s fall from grace, she has become one. A good one. However, when the chance arises to stay at her uncle’s home so she can care for his horticulture project while he is absent, she jumps at the chance. Leaving her position, she plans to gather her sisters together so they can be a family again--even if it is only for a little while.

But the last thing Florence expected to find upon her arrival was her childhood friend. Samson has sequestered himself at the cottage and claims to have been invited to watch over her uncle’s business while he is away. But Florence insists that’s what she’s been asked to do. The quiet retreat is what they both need, but who will get to stay?

Not Samson, because he has never gotten the better of a woman, not since… well, not since Florence let him kiss her years ago…

Come to think of it, perhaps it is time for Samson to win after all.

Samson is surrounded by bossy women. He has nothing but sisters. I can't remember how many. And specifically, he has a twin sister, Dru, who seems set on making his life miserable. He has never been able to say no to Dru, but she seems to have turned her pranks into spiteful attacks over the recent past. He doesn't know what sparked the change in their relationship, but he knows one thing: he has got to get away and get some peace for a while. I truly felt bad for him.

Catherine grew up with Samson, Dru, and her best friend, Meg (one of Samson's sisters). While participating in a play that Dru put on, Samson once kissed Catherine, and everything changed for her after that. She couldn't see him the same anymore. When Catherine's parents lost their fortune, she thought Samson might offer for her, but he never did. She is still trying to recover from her heartbreak. But to make matters worse, her parents sacrificed herself and her two sisters to save face in front of their peers as much as possible. Catherine views this time at her uncle's cottage as an opportunity to reconnect with her sisters, who have been apart for some time.

I struggled to believe that Samson and Catherine could possibly have come to the idea that sharing the cottage wouldn't have repercussions. Society's strict rules would have demanded either they marry or Catherine's reputation would have been ruined. These two knew that. And yet they proceeded to walk a path they knew didn't have a good ending. I always struggle with characters pursuing the easy path based on desires and not reason. I mean, I don't want them to be unfeeling, and of course, we all struggle with doing the right thing sometimes. But I want to read about characters with strong moral standards. Samson and Catherine didn't do anything truly scandalous or wrong.

Favorite quotes:

-"Better to be a prat of my own choosing than have someone make a prat out of me."

-He forfeited, because he always would prefer to let the other person win.

That last quote reminds me of my husband.

In the end, I felt sorry for how Dru treated Samson, and I understood his need to escape and become his own man. I felt sorry for how Catherine's parents treated her and her siblings. I wanted a little bit more backbone from Samson and Catherine both when he came to their choice of putting themselves in a compromising situation. I want to read more of Dru's story and more of Catherine's sisters. I still want Victoria's story as well. I hate to report that even with all of that want, The Earl's Hideaway, No Ladies Allowed has been my least favorite Esther Hatch book. I'm giving it 3.5 Stars. Have you read The Earl's Hideaway, No Ladies Allowed? What did you think? Let me know!

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