
Monday, January 22, 2024

Rocky Mountain Promise - Review

Rocky Mountain Promise (Sisters of the Rockies, # 2)

By: Misty M Beller

Publication: November 23, 2023

320 pages

Genre: Adult, Historical Fiction, Christian Fiction

Source: Publisher via NetGalley (Thank you!!)

( Goodreads | Amazon )

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Goodreads description--Lorelei Collins possesses a soft heart for any animal in need, so when she finds a buffalo calf bawling beside its mother's lifeless body, she can't help but bring it home to raise on the ranch she and her sisters are building in the Rocky Mountain wilderness. Little does she realize that its white coloring is rare and considered sacred by Native Americans, which makes it highly valuable to them and the European trappers alike.

A flood of men visit their ranch to regard the marvel, some trying to woo Lorelei into marriage so she'll bring the buffalo calf along as dowry, and others trying to steal the calf outright. When the men's advances become more sinister, she approaches Tanner Mason, the quiet and mysterious owner of the new trading post, with an idea: She and the calf will move to his post, along with her family's trusted Blackfoot friend. This will solve both their problems, bringing customers to his trade room and protecting her family from the trouble brought on by so many strangers. Yet as the danger travels with her, Lorelei and Tanner are faced with a threat greater than anything they're prepared for--one that will test the limits of both their abilities and the love growing between them.

Lorelai was frustrating to me while reading Rocky Mountain Rendezvous because she was trying to nurse a coyote pup and keep it with her while traveling. Many of the characters in the book told her how ridiculous she was being. Wild animals are wild animals. They're not meant to be tamed. But now that I've read Rocky Moutain Promise, I understand Lorelai a little better. She wasn't trying to adopt the coyote pup, but she was trying to care for him while he lost his mother. She knew he would die without her help. She had compassion for him. And that's basically the same thing that happens in Rocky Mountain Promise. Lorelai finds a white buffalo calf near his dead mother, and she knows that if she doesn't take care of him, then he will die.

Little did she know but white buffalo are revered by the Indians (Native Americans). They believe (in the story at least) that white buffalo bring prosperity. Regardless of the natives, white buffalo are rare and Curly--as Lorelai has named him--brings much curiosity, as well as danger.

Tanner is partnering with two other men to open a trading post. One of his partners is currently sick and the other is traveling to bring more goods to their location. So Tanner is manning the post by himself. He seeks out his neighbors to introduce himself and finds three women and a native. The Collins sisters and White Horse make for a unique neighbor. Tanner is drawn to Lorelai as well as the buffalo calf. He offers to trade for him which White Horse says is a no-go. Trading the buffalo calf would bring bad luck.

Juniper and Riley return from their travels along the Rocky Mountain range, and Lorelai realizes the danger that Curly is drawing to their ranch isn't good for her sisters. She agrees to take him to Tanner's post with White Horse and stay until Curly's injuries heal. Of course, while she's spending time at the post, she and Tanner grow closer.

However, the reason the Collins sisters went west to begin with was to find White Horse's mother, Steps Right. They didn't find her in book 1, and they are still searching for her in book 2. White Horse wants to find her more than anyone. There are hints of where she might have been staying.

I like the hints of a potential romance between White Horse and Rosemary. I'm hoping their story will come next in the series since Faith is the youngest and no mention has been made of any potential suitors. You know how often one story sets up the beginning of the next story.

Notable quote:

-"God hasn't rejected you. You are good enough exactly the way He made you. Better than good enough--you're perfect. Exactly the way He wants you."

The Spiritual relationships seemed a little bit like an afterthought in this book, but I don't mind it being a fictional story. In real life, I would hope the characters would have a more present and forefront relationship with Christ but I'll accept this as it is in this book. I will say that I disagree with the quote above. None of us are perfect as we are. None of us are "good enough." I get the point Lorelai was trying to make, but it's the very fact that we aren't and can't be enough or perfect that is the reason why we need Jesus Christ and His blood to cover us. Because HE was perfect, and HE was enough. Not us. We cannot do enough or be good enough on our own. Just a minor note I wanted to make.

Rocky Moutain Promise was better than I was expecting it to be. I was dreading Lorelai's story a little because I wasn't sure I could relate to her, but I shouldn't have worried. I do wish that Misty M Beller's characters had a little more passion at times, but I enjoy a clean romance where I don't have to wonder if the characters will drift into territory they should not. Rocky Mountain Promise gets 4 Stars. Have you read Rocky Mountain Promise? What did you think? Let me know!

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