
Monday, February 12, 2024

A Regrettable Proposal - Review

A Regrettable Proposal (Memorable Proposal, # 1)

By: Jennie Goutet

Publication: July 1, 2021 by Cedar Fort, Inc

349 pages

Genre: Adult, Historical Fiction, Regency

( Goodreads | Amazon )

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Goodreads description--Orphaned at a young age, Eleanor wants nothing more than to settle in a home of her own. Stratford, having met once with betrayal, desires a woman who will be true. When a complicated inheritance forces them together, they little expect this to be the answer to their innermost desires.

Eleanor Daventry has come into money, but the inheritance comes with a condition: she must marry to have it. Steadfast and independent, she would rather become a schoolmistress than take a husband she does not love.

Stratford Tunstall has just discovered his predecessor willed the estate’s unentailed land to Miss Daventry. Although cynical regarding love, the man recognizes a practical solution when he sees one. He and Miss Daventry must marry, and Stratford wastes no time in pressing his suit—with disastrous results.

In the face of such an insulting proposal, Eleanor flees to London where she lands unwittingly in the home of Stratford’s closest friends. Now thrown together constantly, Eleanor can't help admiring his masterful apologies, never mind how often he must deliver them. Stratford concedes that, against all his predictions, Eleanor enjoys success with the ton. How fortunate. Now, if only her suitors didn’t feel the need to apply to him for advice.

When combined forces threaten Eleanor’s reputation, Stratford realizes it's more than her land he cares about. Somehow, he'll have to convince Eleanor that his coming to her rescue is a deed inspired by love.

I listened to this one on audiobook and finished it over a month before writing this review.

Stratford has recently come into his title. If I remember correctly, this wasn't a title he was expecting to inherit in the first place. He's taken some time to adjust to his new role, and now it's time for the estate business to be handled. Stratford finds out that his uncle (I think) entailed the most profitable part of his land to an orphan. But he left it on the condition that she marry. Stratford is a practical man, and he's also had his heart broken. Once secretly engaged, his previous fiance broke off the engagement for another man when he went to war . The problem is, she never ended up marrying the other man either, and now she has her sights set back in Stratford. He isn't interested anymore now that he's seen her true colors.

Eleanor never expected to marry. She has always imagined that she would become a governess or school mistress. The fact that she has some land to inherit isn't moving her toward marriage as one might expect. Instead, she sees the land as being the only thing many of the men who seem interested in her want. They don't want her. They want her potential land. Stratford, himself, is one of them. He proposed to her almost immediately upon finding out the situation....only he was drunk and insulting while he did it.

Stratford realizes quickly that he needs to apologize, and he is interested in Eleanor for more than the land. The trouble is that he keeps making mistakes that he needs to apologized for. I suppose I've just restated the description. So I'll say that I laughed at Stratford and wanted to shake him a little for his missteps. Eleanor was a little obtuse when it came to Stratford's feelings. But I'm thankful she didn't show much interest in the other gentlemen who attempted to court her. Although giving up security isn't easy, Eleanor knew she would rather marry for love than for convenience.

The side characters are wonderful. Eleanor's friend, Lydia, had her own story. Lydia is a bit silly, and she has a journey to find her own match in this book as well. I do love when I get a two for one. Lydia's story might have been the more romantic of the two. I won't give too much away, but multiple gentlemen are interested in her. One of which seems to have no shot at winning her. He is more serious, but Lydia realizes that his regard for her is genuine. Their story was a wonderful addition to this book. Phoebe and Anna are twins, and they lead the next two books in the series. Lydia's brother is also Stratford's best friend so we learn about him in this book.

I definitely saw the nods to Jane Austen. I can't remember all of them, but I feel like the opening line or sequence of this one was basically a direct reference. And then there were others throughout as well. I like these little bits of fan service and honoring of the authors who have come before and so many lovers of historical fiction adore.

A Regrettable Proposal gets 3.5 Stars. I enjoyed the audiobook narrator, Annadee Morgan, did a great job as well. A good story with a two for one romance. The side characters are enjoyable which is great since the series continues on with them. Have you read or listened to A Regrettable Proposal by Jennie Goutet? What did you think? Let me know!

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