
Monday, August 12, 2024

Haunted Ever After - Review

Haunted Ever After (Boneyard Key, # 1)

By: Jen DeLuca

Publication: August 13, 2024 by Berkley

352 pages

Genre: Adult, Contemporary, Paranormal

Source: Publisher via NetGalley (Thank you!!)

( Goodreads | Amazon )

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Goodreads description--It's love at first haunting in a seaside town that raises everyone’s spirits in this new series from USA Today bestselling author Jen DeLuca.

Small Florida coastal towns often find themselves scrambling for the tourism dollars that the Orlando theme parks leave behind. And within the town limits of Boneyard Key, the residents decided long ago to lean into its ghostliness. Nick Royer, owner of the Hallowed Grounds coffee shop, embraces the ghost tourism that keeps the local economy afloat, as well as his spectral roommate. At least he doesn’t have to run air-conditioning.

Cassie Rutherford possibly overreacted to all her friends getting married and having kids by leaving Orlando and buying a flipped historic cottage in Boneyard Key. Though there’s something unusual with her new home (her laptop won’t charge in any outlets, and the poetry magnets on her fridge definitely didn’t read “WRONG” and “MY HOUSE” when she put them up), she’s charmed by the colorful history surrounding her. And she's catching a certain vibe from the grumpy coffee shop owner whenever he slips her a free slice of banana bread along with her coffee order.

As Nick takes her on a ghost tour, sharing town gossip that tourists don't get to hear, and they spend nights side-by-side looking into the former owners of her haunted cottage, their connection solidifies into something very real and enticing. But Cassie's worried she’s in too deep with this whole (haunted) home ownership thing…and Nick's afraid to get too close in case Cassie gets scared away for good.

I really enjoyed Jen DeLuca's book Well Met, and I was disappointed to be denied review copies for the other books in the series. That being said, I saw Haunted Ever After, and I got excited about a new book by her. Unfortunately, I struggle a little with magical realism as a genre. So I firmly placed Haunted Ever After in the fantasy column in my mind, which I don't have any issues reading. This might not make sense to anyone else, but that's what works for me.

Cassie buys a house in Boneyard Key, Florida, because she works remotely. The price for a recently renovated beachside condo was too good to pass up, and she realized the cost was likely due to some unseen issues associated with the house. Likely a ghost. Boneyard Key is a town where ghosts stick around instead of passing on when they die. Cassie thought this was a tourist attraction, but she learned it was real. 

Nick grew up in Boneyard Key. His family is one of the original families in the town. And well, he knows the ghosts are real because he lives with one. He owns the coffee shop Hallowed Grounds, which Cassie often comes to plug in her dead laptop. They get to know each other, and of course, there is attraction.

The drama comes when Cassie learns that her house is haunted. She didn't grow up with ghosts, and she's unsure if she wants to continue to share her home with a ghost. Nick has been hurt by others leaving him in the past, so he's worried about getting too close to Cassie only for her to leave. I have to say I didn't get why Cassie and Nick were "in love." Attraction, sure. But I didn't feel they shared enough to have reached the love stage. 

One thing I wasn't expecting to like as much as I did was the subtle lesson about seasons in life. Cassie used to fit into her friend group before she moved. But now, most of her friends are in a different season of life. They're married and have kids now. Everyone can relate to friendships growing apart. People are often only in our lives for a season. We grieve when the season is over, but trying to force the season to stay usually does more damage than moving forward. It doesn't work any better than trying to hold onto summer as the weather transitions into fall and then winter. 

Haunted Ever After was entertaining once I placed it in the fantasy genre in my mind. I wasn't surprised by the "twists." I did find Haunted Ever After a little predictable. But in this case, I didn't mind. Cassie and Nick had a quick relationship for me that went a little too fast, but I rooted for them all the same. I liked the history Jen DeLuca gave to the town and its residents and ghosts. Haunted Ever After gets 3.5 Stars. Have you read Haunted Ever After? What did you think? Let me know!

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