
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Top 10 Tuesday - Posts Giving A Picture of Me

Top 10 Tuesday is a post hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and this week's topic is Top Ten Posts on my Blog that Give a Picture of Me as a Person and a Reader.

These first three posts are where I've posted information about myself...random facts, answering questions, etc.

1. Versatile Blog Award - 7 Random Facts About Me

2. Liebster Blog Award - 11 Random Facts About Me & 16 Questions I Answered About Myself

3. Armchair BEA - Introductions - 7 Questions Answered About Myself

The next two are reviews I've done of two of the books I've loved the most since I started blogging.

4. Clockwork Prince Review

5. Pushing the Limits Review

The next two are reviews I've done of two of the books I've liked the least since I started blogging.

6. Beautiful Darkness Review

7. The Soulkeepers Review.

The next three are kind of random picks to round out a picture of me as a person and reader.

8. Top 10 Tuesday - Childhood Favorites

9. Armchair BEA - Real Life Experiences - Where I go into detail about my one experience meeting an author.

10. Top 10 Books I'd Want With Me on a Desert Island AND/OR Push Review - I couldn't decide between these two. The Top 10 Tuesday shows some of my humor, but the Push Review has more about my personal story.

And of course you could always check out my About Me page.

So that's it. That's as much of "Me" as I guess I've shared on here anyway. How do you like me now?

Please overlook any typos...I know they're there.


  1. I don't share much about myself on my blog. I focus on books. Makes this week's prompt a little tricky!

    Here's my TTT: I Am Oz post.I hope you will stop by!

  2. Great list! I totally forgot about putting my blogger award pages--those have more random facts about me than my other posts combined!
    Here’s my TTT

  3. Great list. I think more info about ourselves bleeds out than we think. :)

    1. I agree! You can't help but shine through your writing! Thanks for stopping by.

  4. You're right about all the Top Tens in other people's lists! I stopped by a few blogs and everybody had at least one. Great list and great review of Pushing the Limits- I definitely need to read that book! (:
