
Sunday, September 2, 2012

In My Mailbox - 18 & Sunday Post - 9

In My Mailbox is a weekly post hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren where bloggers can discuss the books we got in the mail this week.

This week I had the special priveledge of borrowing my friend, Paula's kindle. She's pretty awesome to trust me with it. I'm only featuring the two books I'm currently borrowing her kindle to read because I'm not going to feature every book available to me through her kindle library. These two books are actually loanable on the kindle, but long story short, borrowing her kindle was necessary for me to be able to read these.

Fate (My Blood Approves, # 2)

By: Amanda Hocking

Self-published April 25th 2010

334 pages

Source: Borrowed from friend Paula, kindle version

( Goodreads | Amazon )

Goodreads description--Fate - the second installment in the My Blood Approves series...

Alice Bonham thinks she's finally found a balance in her life between the supernatural and real life with her brother Milo. Jack - her sorta vampire boyfriend - keeps her at arm's length to keep her safe. As for his brother Peter... she's not sure where he's at, or what he wants with her. Worse still, she's not even sure what she wants with Peter.

When tragedy happens, Alice finds herself struggling with a terrible choice. Her decision has consequences that reach farther than she'd ever imagined...

Flutter (My Blood Approves, # 3)

By: Amanda Hocking

Published: May 29th 2010 by Lulu (first published May 25th 2010)

307 pages

Source: Borrowed from friend, kindle version

( Flutter | Amazon )

Goodreads description--Flutter - the third book in the My Blood Approves series...

Being undead doesn't make life any easier for Alice Bonham.

Her younger brother's love life is heating up, while hers is... more complicated. Mae is falling apart, her best friend Jane is addicted to vampire bites, and if Alice doesn't get her bloodlust under control, someone will end up dead.

Alice volunteers for a rescue mission with Ezra. But going up against a pack of rabid vampires might be too much, even for him.

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ The Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~this meme was inspired in part by ~ In My Mailbox~ It's a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

Because I already participate in the In My Mailbox meme (above), I'm just going to use this one as way to recap my week.


Monday: Review of Speechless by Hannah Harrington (3 Stars)

Tuesday: Featured my Top 10 Bookish Confessions

Wednesday: Featured Casual Vacancy by JK Rowling in Waiting on Wednesday

Thursday: Review of Entice by Carrie Jones (2 Stars)


Monday: Review of Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor

Tuesday: Top 10 Tuesday topic: Top 10 Books on My Fall TBR List

Wednesday: Waiting on Wednesday

Thursday: Review of Angel Eyes by Shannon Dittemore

That's it for my mailbox and recaps of my past and upcoming week. What did you get in your mailbox this week? Any bookish news you want to talk about? Let me know!


  1. Nice. I have have read 1 Amanda Hocking book. I will definitely have to check these out. Enjoy your week.

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever

  2. I've not read anything by Amanda Hocking, but I am really interested in her books. I will need to get on that. Happy reading.

    1. I'll just say I've been impressed with her. She may not be the best author EVER, but she's better than some I've read. So yeah. Plus I haven't read a vampire book in a while. I felt overdue.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I've heard a lot about Amanda Hocking. Also, I'll have to check back for your review of Daughter of Smoke and Bone! I've seen mixed reviews, so it will be great to see what you think. (:

    1. Review of Daughter of Smoke and Bone is up now! Check it out! Thanks for stopping by!

  4. I likes your confessions. I don't have time to read all the series I want & I hate the lack of closure. Jane Eyre is one o my all time favorite books!

    1. Thanks and thanks for stopping by! I do hope to eventually get through Jane Eyre, but I haven't been devoting 100% of my attention to it, but considering all the books I have started at one time, I rarely ever do!

  5. Thanks for stopping by my IMM! I love the My Blood Approves series, enjoy!

    1. No problem! Thanks for stopping by and commenting! I started book 4 in the series this morning and I'm excited about getting through it too.

  6. I like Amanda, and your friend is awesome for lending you here kindle. Great week on the blog and the week ahead looks promising. You need a blog button (have I already said this) If you want the codes or help making one, email me:) Thanks for being a part of The Sunday Post

    1. Thanks for stopping by Kimba! You're so great about commenting and it's really appreciated it. I'll have to think on the blog button thing. I'm sure it's a great idea. Thanks again!

  7. Oooo the Amanda Hocking books look great! I hope you love them :-)

    My Bookish Haul

  8. The Amanda Hocking books look fantastic.

    Hope you enjoy!

    My Bookish Haul

  9. I bought those Amanda Hocking books three years ago for my Kindle and sadly I haven't had time to read them! I will, though. I didn't know the new Rowling book was coming out so soon. I will definitely read it! Oh my gosh! I hope you lovef Daughter of Smoke and Bone. It was my fav book of 2011. I can't wait for the next book! Have a great week!

    1. I think we all understand the TBR list is just crazy long and you get to what you can when you can. I just posted my review of Daughter of Smoke and Bone today. It was really good. I'd definitely recommend it as a Must Read. Thanks for stopping by!

  10. I've never read anything by Amanda Hocking but think I may have to change that! Looking forward to your thoughts on DoSaB!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog, happy reading!

    1. Daughter of Smoke and Bone review is up now! I've definitely enjoyed the My Blood Approves series so far. Started book 4 this morning! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  11. I've never read a Hocking book, so I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts! :)

    1. I should be posting my review of My Blood Approves (book 1 in the series) next Monday. I hope you check it out! Thanks for stopping by!

  12. Oo I have not read this series by Hocking yet! I will have to check them out!

    1. I would recommend them. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  13. I enjoyed your book confessions. I'm the same way about wanting a series to be in the same format. Happy reading!

    1. I just need them to all be in the same place and format. It's an OCD thing I guess. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  14. I like the zombie tales she has written. I read Pretty WHen She dies too. That was a good read. I remember when I got my first e reader. I was in high heaven! Have a wonderful week <3 New follower. I love your blogs header..
    The Week in Bookish News

    1. Yeah, I've read Hollowland, but haven't made it to Hollowmen yet. It's on the list. Thanks my husband did that for me. And thanks for the follow.
