
Sunday, October 7, 2012

In My Mailbox - 23 & Sunday Post - 14

In My Mailbox is a weekly post hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren where bloggers can discuss the books we got in the mail this week.

I got the following books as $0.99 deal with Amazon. Click here to check it out.

Spying in High Heels (A High Heels Mystery, # 1)
By: Gemma Halliday
Published: October 25th 2010 by Gemma Halliday (first published July 1st 2006)
Source: Personal Kindle Library ( Goodreads | Amazon )
Goodreads description--L.A. shoe designer, Maddie Springer, lives her life by three rules: Fashion. Fashion. Fashion. But when she stumbles upon the work of a brutal killer, her life takes an unexpected turn from Manolos to murder. And things only get worse when her boyfriend disappears - along with AUD20 million in embezzled funds - and her every move is suddenly under scrutiny by the LAPD's sexiest cop. With the help of her post-menopausal bridezilla of a mother, a 300 pound psychic and one seriously oversexed best friend, Maddie finds herself stepping out of her stilettos and onto the trail of a murderer. But can she catch a killer before the killer catches up to her...
Killer in High Heels (A High Heels Mysterday, # 2)
By: Gemma Halliday
Published: October 25th 2010 by Making It (first published February 1st 2007)
Source: Personal Kindle Library ( Goodreads | Amazon )
Goodreads description--L.A. shoe designer Maddie Springer hasn't seen her father since he reportedly ran off to Las Vegas with a showgirl named Lola. So she's shocked when he leaves a desperate plea for help on her answering machine - ending in a loud bang. Gunshot? Car backfire? Never one to leave her curiosity unsatisfied, Maddie straps on her stilettos and, along with her trigger-happy best friend, makes tracks for Sin City in search of her MIA dad.
Maddie hits the jackpot, all right. She finds not only her dad, but also a handful of aging drag queens, an organized crime ring smuggling fake Prada pumps, and one relentless killer. Plus, it seems the LAPD's sexiest cop is doing a little Vegas moonlighting of his own. In a town where odds are everything, Maddie bets it all on her ability to out-step a vicious murderer. She just hopes her gamble pays off... before her own luck runs out.
Undercover in High Heels (A High Heels Mystery, # 3)
By: Gemma Halliday
Published: October 25th 2010 by Gemma Halliday (first published August 1st 2007)
Source: Personal Kindle Library ( Goodreads | Amazon )
Goodreads description--Secret affairs, hunky gardeners, and housewives desperate enough to bare it all... welcome to Magnolia Lane, TV's hottest new prime time show. A place where L.A. shoe designer Maddie Springer should be in fashion heaven. That is until the body of a rising young starlet is found dead on the show's set. Now it's up to Maddie to sift through a leading lady with a secret, an actor on the verge of a nervous breakdown, a sexy cyber scandal, and one tabloid reporter who'll stop at nothing to get the story of the century. Not to mention Maddie's hot-cold relationship with the case's familiar lead detective, Jack Ramirez. In a world where secrets, lies, and deception can earn you an Oscar, Maddie plays the role of a lifetime to catch Hollywood's hottest killer. But if she doesn't watch her step, Maddie's fifteen minutes of fame just may be her last.
The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ The Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~this meme was inspired in part by ~ In My Mailbox~ It's a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

Because I already participate in the In My Mailbox meme (above), I'm just going to use this one as way to recap my week.

Monday: Review of Wisdom (My Blood Approves, # 4) by Amanda Hocking (3 Stars)
Tuesday: Top 10 Older Books I Don't Want People to Forget About
Wednesday: Waiting on Hidden (only sort of...)
Thursday: Review of Switched (Trylle Trilogy, # 1) by Amanda Hocking (3 Stars)
Friday: Fraterfest Read-A-Thon Updates

Monday: Finish up Fraterfest & Review of Torn (Trylle Trilogy, # 2) by Amanda Hocking
Tuesday: Top 10 Tuesday: Rewind - All Time Favorite Books
Wednesday: Waiting on Wendesday (maybe, this is always a touch and go one for me).
Thursday: Review of Slammed by Colleen Hoover

Also guys, my sister-in-law started her own book blog this week, Words Fueled by Love, and I really hope you'll check her blog out and show her some support just as you have for me. I'm really excited for her.
That's it for my mailbox and recaps of my past and upcoming week. What did you get in your mailbox this week? Any bookish news you want to talk about? Let me know!


  1. ok, those High Heels Mysteries look super cute, I may just have to go check them out... Thank you for stopping by my Sunday Post, have a great weekend! Book Savvy Babe

    1. Thanks for stopping by!!! You have a great weekend too!

  2. Hahahaha! Those High Heels mysteries look cute! I hope you enjoy them! :)

    Great haul! Happy reading!

    My Mailbox

  3. I love the covers on the "High Heels" books! Sounds like a great mystery series. Enjoy!

    1. I thought they were pretty cute. Thanks for stopping by!

  4. hahaha..all the high heel mysteries sound like fun, I look forward to hearing about them. You had a great week on the blog, and the week ahead looks like fun. Thanks for being a part of The Sunday Post

  5. Thanks for stopping by!

    I haven't heard of any of the books you got but they look pretty good!

    I see you are reviewing Torn this week.. I need to read that. I loved Switched by haven't managed to pick up Torn yet.

    1. Thanks for checking out my blog and commenting! Yep...Torn is up this week and Ascend is on the schedule for next. Thanks again!

  6. Those books look super cute! (and who can resist such a bargain!)

    Happy reading. :)

    1. Exactly! It was a steal and a friend recommended not? Thanks for stopping by!

  7. Congrats on all the new books, I hope you enjoy them all! Happy reading! ^.^ If you would like to check out my Sunday Post you can do so here. :)

    1. Thanks! It's not often I find a guy in the book blogging world, but it's great to know that they are among us. :) Thanks for commenting!

  8. The cover art is really fun. Hope you enjoy these books and thanks for stopping by :)


    1. Thanks! I'm hoping they'll be quick and fun reads! Thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment!

  9. I looked at that first Halliday book and wasn't sure. I look forward to your review.

    I'll skip your review of Torn until I've read my copy. I'm still not sure if I'm going to read it.

    Have a good week. :)

    1. I don't blame you. I don't like to have too much given away for me before I read one too. Too often my expectations affect my opinion of a book, so the less expectations the better! Hope you have a great week too!

  10. Those high heel books look so fun and at $.99 well who could resist right? I would be delighted to go visit your sister in law's blog just for you. Hope you stop by the sweet and enter some of the great giveaways on Something Wicked, one everyday!

    1. was a good deal. I'm glad I didn't go empty handed this week! And I really appreciate you stopping by Holly's blog! That really means a lot and I know she'll be stoked too! I'll definitely stop by for some of th giveaways coming up! Thanks again!

  11. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I always hear nothing but great things about Gemma Halliday! I'll have to check these out!

    Happy reading!
    New follower!


    1. Thank you so much for the follow Angel. Comments are great and I love them...follows make my day though. :) Hope you have a great week!

  12. You're the best book blogging sister-n-law a girl could have! :-) Love blogging with you. I'm not super big into, at all. But I've heard these are good reads. I think I'll wait a bit more before I check them out. I'll be watching your reviews on them too.

    1. I wouldn't have gotten them if Lacy hadn't recommended them! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  13. I really enjoyed Gemma Halliday's YA books, and have been thinking about trying her adult books. I might just check out that deal you mentioned above!

    Happy reading :)

    Here's my IMM

  14. Hi Sandy,

    Another new to me author, but you look to have got a real bargain on that selection of Gemma Halliday books.

    I did stop by and check out her website and to see all those 'high heels' covers displayed together, is quite amazing.

    I think I'll pass on adding them to my reading list right now, but that is just a space and time issue more than anything else.

    I hope that you enjoy the books and thanks for sharing.


    1. I completely understand. So many books and not enough time to read them all! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  15. New follower:D
    You have some interesting and cute books as well. Love the covers!

    Diane @ Coffee Novels

  16. Hi :)

    New follower here. The Hight heel mystery series sounds like great fun reads!

    Happy Reading!

    Please check out my IMM :

  17. That looks like a fun series. It's awesome that you got all three, especially if you really enjoy them because then you can just read them all at once and not have to wait. Thanks for stopping by my Sunday Post!

  18. Love all those Gemma books! They look awesome!!!

    Happy reading!

  19. I love when you can find awesome deals like that! I hope you enjoy your new books :)

  20. I've been looking at the Gemma books but I don't typically read straight forward mysteries, I'll be looking forward to seeing your thoughts on them.
    Thank for stopping by and I do hope you have a great week!

  21. Loves the haul's covers =3. Happy Reading! New Follower. Here's Mine

  22. What a nice haul you have there! Have a great week reading all those super yummy books!
