
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Top 10 Books to Get You in the Halloween Spirit

Top 10 Tuesday is a post hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and this week's topic is Top Ten Books to Get You in the Halloween Spirit.

Truth be told, I don’t read too many scary books. I’m not that into psychological thrillers, though every now and then one will catch my eye. I read a lot of Goosebumps by RL Stine when I was younger, but even those weren’t my favorite. So here’s my list of Top 10 Books to Get You in the Halloween Spirit:

1) The Forest of Hands & Teeth series by Carrie Ryan. Book 1 was really good and it’s where I fell in love with Carrie Ryan’s writing style, but book 2, The Dead Tossed Waves, blew me away. Book 3, The Dark and Hollow Places didn’t quite hit the spot for me when it comes to finishing out the series, but still a decent read. This was also my first zombie series that I read. So it opened some new horizons for me.

2) The Hollows series by Amanda Hocking. Now…this series isn’t going to blow you away, but considering it’s only my second zombie series I’ve ever read (out or 3 maybe), it must make the list. You can read my review of Hollowland, and I'll be posting my review of Hollowmen on Thursday.

3) Wicked series by Nancy Holder & Debbie Viguie. Again, this was NOT my favorite series ever. It started out good and I had high hopes for it, but it just fell very short for me. There’s a big baddie in this series, and lots of spells, demons, curses, etc. Very Halloween-y.

4) Deadlocked by AR Wise. I JUST finished reading book 1 in this series. Book 1 was short, but packed full of intensity. I haven’t written my review on this one yet, but be on the lookout for it coming soon.

That sums up the Halloween-y-ish books that I’ve read recently. Sure I read lots of books that involve witches, vampires, werewolves, shapeshifters, and the like, but that doesn’t make them Halloween-y reads in my opinion. The following books are ones that are on my TBR list that I’ve been assured will put you in the perfect spirit for Halloween.

5) Ten by Gretchen McNeil. Um yes, I will be breaking down and buying this one soon. I’ve heard great things about it and I look forward to diving in.

6) Zombie Fallout by Mark Tufo. The Aussie Zombie has reviewed a couple of these and has sold me on them. Will check them out eventually too.

7) Rapture by Phillip W. Simpson. Definitely want to check this one out.

8) Pretty When She Dies by Rhiannon Frater. After participating in Fraterfest hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer, I’m dying to read this series.

9) The First Days by Rhiannon Frater. More zombies!!!!

10) Salem's Lot by Stephen King. Though I haven’t read any of his books, I’ve heard this one is mega-scary.

So yeah, that’s my list of Top 10 Books to Get You in the Halloween Spirit. Did I leave any out? Any on here that I need to bump up to the top of TBR list? Let me know!


  1. Any Stephen King book should be #1 in a list of Halloween Mood books. (IMO) They will scare the pants right off of you! From what my Dad says, his books are scarier than the movies....and the movies are almost too scary for me!

    Great list! Glad to see you read Deadlocked! Can't wait to see what you thought of it.

    Check out my Top 10

    Holly @ Words Fueled by Love

  2. Oh that's an awesome list! I haven't read most of those but Ten & Pretty When She Dies are on my TBR. Andd... any Stephen King book is scary enough to make it on a list... he terrifies me everytime!
    Thanks for stopping by my Top Ten!

  3. Second time I've seen Ten. Now I need to figure out what it's about. A lot of your books are in my to-read list. Man, I need more time for my zombies...

    Thanks for visiting my top ten.

  4. Ten sounds really intriguing! I think I might have to add that one to my TBR list too. I've read The Forest of Hands and Teeth but haven't gotten to any of the others in the series yet. I guess that's what happens when you follow too many series! Very Halloweenish list!

  5. Thanks for your comment on my blog :) I also loved the Forest of Hands and Teeth. And I've been seeing Ten EVERYWHERE -- I think perhaps I should consider reading it!

  6. The cover of Hollowed looks cool and I DEFINITELY want to read Ten!!

    Thanks for stopping by My TTT ...I am following you back thanks :)

  7. All great picks! I love zombie books, although still haven't read these, but almost all of these books are on my tbr list :)

  8. Ah, Rhiannon Frater. I have heard nothing but good things about her books, and I really need to find the time to read them!

  9. I got Ten from the library yesterday! I am SOOOO EXCITED! =)

    Thanks for stoppin' by my blog this week!

  10. I need to read The Hollows! And, Ten. I just entered a giveaway for it, so hopefully I'll win! And, Stephen King is the master of horror! Great list!

  11. Great list, I have the Wicked series, but have not started it yet. I can't wait to get Ten! Thank you for checking out my TTT! (=

  12. I can't believe I haven't read any of this! but I will add some to my TBR. I'm also ashamed that I haven't yet read anything by King, although I like movie adaptations of his work.

  13. Awesome list! I will have to check out some of these!

  14. Good list of scary books to get anyone in the mood! Thanks for visiting my blog.

  15. Love your list!! I just read Salem's Lot. It was ok but I think I had my expectations way too high, sadly.
