
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Waiting on Gameboard of the Gods

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

Gameboard of the Gods (Age of X, # 1)

By: Richelle Mead

Expected Publication: June 4th 2013 by Dutton Adult

464 pages

( Amazon | Goodreads )

Goodreads description--In a futuristic world nearly destroyed by religious extremists, Justin March lives in exile after failing in his job as an investigator of religious groups and supernatural claims. But Justin is given a second chance when Mae Koskinen comes to bring him back to the Republic of United North America (RUNA). Raised in an aristocratic caste, Mae is now a member of the military’s most elite and terrifying tier, a soldier with enhanced reflexes and skills.

When Justin and Mae are assigned to work together to solve a string of ritualistic murders, they soon realize that their discoveries have exposed them to terrible danger. As their investigation races forward, unknown enemies and powers greater than they can imagine are gathering in the shadows, ready to reclaim the world in which humans are merely game pieces on their board.

Gameboard of the Gods, the first installment of Richelle Mead’s Age of X series, will have all the elements that have made her YA Vampire Academy and Bloodlines series such megasuccesses: sexy, irresistible characters; romantic and mythological intrigue; and relentless action and suspense.

EEE!!!! Love Richelle Mead. So excited for this new series. And I say it all the time, but I love how fast she can release some books man!!! Seriously!

So that's what I'm waiting on this week. What are you waiting on? Let me know!


  1. This is a popular one today! I am way behind on Mead's writing and just started Frostbite today.

    Christina @ Ensconced in YA
    My WoW

  2. I've never heard of this one and I haven't read anything else about this author, but I LOVE the synopsis. Thanks for highlighting a book I'm now also looking forward to :)

  3. I've always wanted to read Richelle Mead! I'm definitely putting this on my TBR!

  4. i like it , sounds good. havent heard of this one yet. thanks!

    my "Waiting on Wednesday"
    Katie @ Inkk

  5. yay! A New series by Richelle Mead! So excited. Great pick!
    Em @ A Beautiful Madness
    My WOW

  6. This is an interesting description...I really enjoyed the Vampire Academy series but I haven't read any of Mead's other novels. Looking forward to checking this out!

    Thank you for stopping by my WOW!

    Between the Bind

  7. A new series by Richelle Mead sounds great! Can't wait.

    Thanks for stopping by Book Sojourner!
    Jenny - new follower

  8. Oh nice. I didn't know Richelle was coming out with a new series. Thats cool she's a great writer. Thanks for sharing this, and for stopping by my post.

  9. Nice pick! I LOVE Richelle Mead's Vampire Academy and Bloodline series and this new series sounds so good!

  10. Nice pick! I LOVE Richelle Mead's Vampire Academy and Bloodlines series, this new series sounds so good!

  11. I chose Gameboard of the Gods this week too! Who can possibly resist some Richelle Mead?

    Samantha @ Reading-AndCoffee

  12. Haven't read any of Mead's books but they are everywhere! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm a new GFC follower :)
    My Wow

  13. I have not read any books by Richelle Mead before. This sounds very interesting. Thanks for sharing. Thank you for stopping by my blog.

  14. I'll definitely have to check this one out! Thanks for stopping by.

  15. I actually haven't read anything by Richelle Mead, but I've heard tons of great things about her books! This does sound interesting though. Nice pick and thanks for the comment:)

    My WoW :)

  16. Never heard of this 0_0 Sounds really intriguing, though, and actually a little different than Mead's other books. Great pick!
    Ninja Girl

  17. Thanks so much for sharing. New Follower. I didn't know she was coming out with another series. It looks absolutely amazing. Thanks for visiting my WoW. =]

  18. I'd read the whole freaking dictionnary if it was written in Richelle Mead's words, she's a fantastic writer and her male charachter are always delicious!

    This one was popular this week, I didn't even know about it, so thank you for the info! ;)

  19. How have I not heard of this yet! You had me at "Richelle Mead". ;-)


    Holly @ Words Fueled by Love

    (No link today since I'm posting from my phone)
