
Thursday, November 8, 2012

Seers - Review

Seers (Seers, # 1)

By: Heather Frost

Published: October 4th 2011 by Bonneville

330 pages

Source: Personal Kindle Library

( Goodreads | Amazon )

Goodreads--For Kate Bennet, surviving the car wreck that killed her parents means big changes and even bigger problems. As she begins to see auras and invisible people, Kate must learn to trust Patrick O'Donnell, a handsome Guardian, or risk her life being overrun with Demons. She soon realizes that both she and her heart are in big-time trouble.

Apparently, my YA funk is still hanging around. I’ve read a few in the mix recently that have broken through the funk and allowed me to see hope in the genre, but more often than not recently I’m left feeling so entirely frustrated with the books I’ve been reading. That being said, Seers wasn’t so bad. It didn’t break into the realms of a book that I could claim to redeem the genre, but it didn’t leave me feeling as entirely frustrated to the point of beating my head against a wall either.

Kate develops “the sight” after being nearly killed in the same car accident that took the lives of both of her parents. This near death experience is what allows her to see into other realms and to see the feelings and emotions of others via their auras. Sometimes “the sight” doesn’t stick with a person after they recover from their experience, but it does stick with Kate. Because of that, she’s been assigned a Guardian or well two Guardians. The Guardians are there to protect her from demons, but more than anything they’re there to make sure Kate stays on the team for good and not evil because demons are just as interested in Seers as Guardians are.

Kate has to come to terms with the new world she’s apart of while trying to fit into her old world (pre-parental death). She tries to force things to go back to normal with her long-time boyfriend, Aaron, but things just aren’t clicking. It doesn’t help matters that her assigned Guardian, Patrick, is HOT! And well of course that’s not the only thing that draws Kate in, but that’s what’s important, right?

I enjoyed the relationship building between Kate and Patrick as well as the natural decline of her relationship with Aaron. I also loved Kate’s best friend, Lee. Lee totally keeps it real and like any worthwhile best friend, forces Kate to confront feelings she’d rather leave buried (at least for the time being).

What I didn’t really enjoy was one of the things I’ve been finding repetitive in the paranormal YA genre lately. Girl finds out about secret world around her and freaks out (I can’t believe this is my life). Then said girl wants in on the action despite the fact that she can hardly defend herself against these otherworldly creatures. Yet, girl will not be deterred by such a mundane thing as safety. EXCEPT when the safety of her family is involved. Enter said girl doing ridiculously stupid acts of heroics and selflessness.

I’m just saying, if you can’t handle the heat get out of the kitchen. If you play with fire, you’re going to get burned. Crazy stupid girls who refuse to sit at home where all is safe in the world, who insist on being part of the action, and the crazy stupid otherworldly men in their lives who refuse to say no to said girls….well they all deserve to get abducted and whacked in the head as so often happens in this genre. Unless you’re a Rose (Vampire Academy), Katsa (Graceling), Katniss (Hunger Games), Tris (Divergent—though she had her moments), or any other kicking butt and taking names kind of female character, then please do all of us readers a favor and sit your tail at home. My gracious!

Aside from that slightly annoying aspect, I actually enjoyed Seers and moved through it rather quickly. I’d rank it higher than several of the other books I’ve read in this genre lately, but I still can’t allow it into the 4 Star category. So Seers gets 3.5 Stars from me. Have you read Seers? What do you think? Let me know!

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