
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Waiting on Luminosity

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

Luminosity (Raven Chronicles, # 1)

By: Stephanie Thomas

Expected Publication: November 13th 2012 by Entangled Teen

296 page

( Goodreads | Amazon )

Goodreads description--My name is Beatrice. When I was born, I was blessed with the Sight. I was immediately removed from my parents and enrolled in the Institution. At the age of twelve, I had my first true vision, earning my raven’s wings. And when I turned seventeen, one of my visions came true. Things haven’t been the same since.

The Institution depends on me to keep the City safe from our enemy, the Dreamcatchers, but I’m finding it harder to do while keeping a secret from everyone, including my best friend Gabe. It is a secret that could put us all in danger. A secret that could kill me and everyone close to me.

But the enemy has been coming to me in my dreams, and I think I’m falling in love with him. He says they’re coming. He says they’re angry. And I think I’ve already helped them win.

I do love a bad boy! Sounds like this is right up my alley! What are you waiting on this week? Let me know!

Also, today is the last day to enter my giveaway for an autographed copy of Starflower by Anne Elisabeth Stengl.


  1. Sounds like an awesome book! Putting it on my wish list! Thanks for sharing.

    My WoW

  2. Thanks for sharing this one. It is on my wish list. Nice pick.

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever's WoW

  3. Sounds interesting!
    Here's my Wednesday post.
    Have a great day!
    *New GFC follower. :)

  4. I don't know what it is about this cover but all I see is Marilyn the cover is a big turnoff for me. However, the summary sounds good.

    Check out my WoW You'll recognize it. ;)

    Holly @ Words Fueled by Love

  5. I'm adding this to my TBR for sure. Great pick!

    New follower - here's my WoW. :)

  6. I've seen this one a few times lately and it does sound pretty good, thanks for sharing! ^.^ If you would like to check out my Waiting On Wednesday you can do so here. :)

  7. Lovely cover and sounds so interesting! New GFC Follower. :)

    My WoW

    Rainy Day Reads

  8. I already have this one on my to-read list and I would love to get my hands on it. I also featured it on my WOW post a while back and I can't wait for the book to be released. Great pick! I hope you enjoy reading it too.
    Come check out my WOW post.
