
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Top 10 Favorite New-To-Me Authors I've Read in 2012

Top 10 Tuesday is a post hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and this week's topic is Top Ten New-To-Me Authors I Read in 2012.
1) Colleen Hoover – After reading both Slammed and Point of Retreat, Colleen Hoover has easily earned herself a spot as an author that I’d probably read anything she comes out with. Both of these are excellent reads and I’ll be checking out Hopeless as soon as I can get my hands on it.
2) Katie McGarryPushing the Limits blew me away. It was so much more than I was expecting. LOVED IT! I can’t wait to read Dare You To because Beth’s story sounds like it’s going to be great. Oh and the cover….have you seen it? HOT!
3) Jamie McGuire – So Beautiful Disaster was just exactly what the title describes. It was a hot mess of unhealthy relationships, but it was so beautifully written and I couldn’t help but root for these characters despite how unhealthy their relationship may have been. I’m positively anxious to reading Walking Disaster so I can see inside Travis’s head.
4) Kristin Cashore – The world building of the Graceling series is exquisite. She put so much thought into the details that every word of this entire series was evaluated. Now that’s dedication.
5) Veronica Roth – I read both Divergent and Insurgent this year. Divergent was a great fall into the perils of the Dauntless and this series really allowed me to feel and embrace the very fears that Tris has to face. Very well done and looking forward to the finale.
6) Cath Crowley – I just wasn’t expecting that much out of Graffiti Moon when I choose it out of a group of 6 for a giveaway that I won. But the way she describes art is reason enough to read this book, aside from the fact that the relationship building was AWESOME. For a book that spanned one night through the majority of the book, this one captured so much more relationship building than books that span a year.
7) Piscilla Glenn – Priscilla Glenn contacted me about reading Back to You and I almost turned it down because it’s labeled as an adult novel instead of YA. I’m so glad that I didn’t. Back to You has been the best book that an author has contacted me about reading thus far and I’m so thankful that she contacted me. Great book.
8) Laini Taylor – I fell in love with the world of Daughter of Smoke and Bone. Great world building. I’m really hoping I get Days of Blood and Starlight for Christmas.
9) Dan Wells – Speaking of world building, Partials rivals the best developed fictional worlds and I’m really excited for the release of Fragments so I can see what happens next.
10) Francis Chan – This man writes with so much passion. You can feel it coming off of him. This year I had the pleasure of reading both Crazy Love and Forgotten God and I was blown away by both. Thank you to these authors for all that you do. For dreaming and developing your characters and doing whatever it takes to share them and their stories with the world. For inspiring passion and thought in readers everywhere.


  1. I want to read Bitterblue and the Divergent Series. I loved Francis Chan's Crazy Love and Forgotten God as well!
    My top ten tuesday post is here.

  2. From your list I've only read Pushing the Limits, but I think the rest sounds interesting. I'll have to read Graceling soon - I've got it on my shelf, but haven't gotten around to reading it yet.
    I still can't decide if I should read Beautiful Disaster. It has certainly got some varying reviews.

  3. I still need to read Graffiti Moon! My TTT list:

    Alice @ Alice in Readerland

  4. I too discovered Veronica Roth this year, but I was not a big fan of Divergent. I think I am probably one of the only people on the planet who didn't really love it. I liked it, but she didn't make my list!

    Great list!

  5. I bought both Divergent and Insurgent at book sales this year, but haven't got them read yet. Crazy Love is a great read. I still have a couple of Chan's other books on my Kobo waiting to be read. Thanks for visiting my post earlier.

  6. Laini Taylor made my list too. I have seen Dan Wells on quite a few lists. Maybe it's time to bump him up higher on the TBR list! I love Veronica Roth and can't wait to see how she ends this awesome series! Here is my list

  7. Ooh Great list ! I loved Pushing the Limits also(who didn't :P) lol and I cannot wait for Dare you to. I can't believe I forgot to put on Dan Wells! I lovedddd Partials(and I was a sci-fi hater before him!!!).

    Thanks for stopping by my top ten!

  8. OMG, I can not wait for Dare You To! I have Dan Wells on my list also.
    Thank you for leaving the comment on my TTT!

  9. I loved Daughter of Smoke and Bone too, am really looking forward to the sequel. :)

  10. lots of authors that I myself want to get into. I want to read beautiful disaster and hopefully soon. As well as the Daughter of Smoke and Bone :D Thank you for visiting me!

  11. LOVE Francis Chan!! I read Forgotten God by him this year, and it was truly an inspiring read! And somehow Veronica Roth didn't make my list...there are just too many authors! lol

    Thanks for stoppin' by! =)

  12. Great list!

    I haven't gotten to Insurgent yet. My son LOVES the Graceling series, too!


    Book By Book

  13. We've got very similar taste! I agree, Veronica Roth is awesome (if I'd written a list last year, she'd be on it for sure), and I've got Kristin Cashore's series on my list of books to read soon! I'll be checking out a few of those authors I haven't heard of yet...

  14. Veronica Roth was on my list too! When I read Divergent and Insurgent I was sucked in. They're great reads and I can't wait for part three either.

  15. Oh all of these authors are wonderful and I cannot wait for the sequels in 2013!!!!

  16. I'm unfamiliar with several of these authors since they write contemporary YA, but I really need to get to Daughter of Smoke and Bone!

    Thanks for visiting Working for the Mandroid (even if it did take months for me to respond!
