
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Waiting on The Fairest Beauty

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

The Fairest Beauty

By: Melanie Dickerson

Expected Publication: January 8th 2013 by Zondervan

352 pages

( Goodreads | Amazon )

Goodreads--A daring rescue. A difficult choice. Sophie desperately wants to get away from her stepmother's jealousy, and believes escape is her only chance to be happy. Then a young man named Gabe arrives from Hagenheim Castle, claiming she is betrothed to his older brother, and everything twists upside down. This could be Sophie's one chance at freedom---but can she trust another person to keep her safe? Gabe defied his parents Rose and Wilhelm by going to find Sophie, and now he believes they had a right to worry: the girl's inner and outer beauty has enchanted him. Though romance is impossible---she is his brother's future wife, and Gabe himself is betrothed to someone else---he promises himself he will see the mission through, no matter what. When the pair flee to the Cottage of the Seven, they find help---but also find their feelings for each other have grown. Now both must not only protect each other from the dangers around them---they must also protect their hearts.

This sounds like an exciting and modern re-telling of a classic fairytale! Can't wait to check it out! What are you waiting on this week? Let me know!


  1. Ooh, a fairy tale type story with a twist. Love the description of the book and the cover! Good pick this week!

    I have yet to pick mine this go check it out this afternoon.

    Holly @ Words Fueled by Love

  2. I'm a fairy tale retelling fan so this definitely goes to my tbr. Thanks for featuring it! Great pick!
    Dragana @ Bookworm Dreams
    Check out what I am waiting for this Wednesday...

  3. This looks super cool! Love fairy tale retellings.

    This week were waiting on Star Cursed by Jessica Spotswood!

  4. Thanks for stopping by my WoW! This sounds awesome! I just added it on Goodreads, thanks for sharing!

  5. Huge fan of fairy tale retellings! I like that this one is not a modern retelling, makes it a little different than the most recent ones I have read.

  6. Whoa, haven't heard of this one yet. It'll be interesting to see how this author treats the fairytale!

  7. I'm a sucker for a good fairy-tale retelling, can't wait to get my hands on a copy!

    See what I picked this week at Read. Sleep. Repeat.

  8. I am completely waiting on this one, too! The cover was the first thing that caught my attention, but the story sounds like a great retelling. Plus, I love forbidden romances :) Thanks for sharing and stopping by! *New Follower*

  9. Thanks for dropping by my WoW! :) Great pick! I like this! Thank you for putting this up. :) I'll add it to my TBR list! :D


  10. Oh, this is a Snow White angle I haven't heard of yet! Incredible in how many ways people manage to retell this fairytale... thanks for pointing it out, and for stopping by my blog :)

  11. This sounds fab. Thanks for sharing & stopping by my blog.

  12. Oooh... love the cover, definitely a great WoW!!

    Thanx for visiting my WoW!
    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace

  13. This looks wonderful! Love the cover!

    Thanks for visiting my WOW.
