
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Top 10 Books Dealing with Tough Subjects

Top 10 Tuesday is a post hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and this week's topic is Top Ten Books Dealing with Tough Subjects.

1) The Secret of Ella and Micha by Jessica Sorensen - Suicide. Mental Illness.

2) The Sea of Tranquility by Katja Millay - Brutal Attack. Death. Depression. Dashed Dreams for the Future.

3) Hopeless by Colleen Hoover - Sexual Assault. Kidnapping. Suicide.

4) The Coincidence of Callie & Kayden by Jessica Sorensen (review coming soon) - Parental Abuse. Rape. Cutting. Induced-Vomiting/Bulimia.

5) 13 Reasons Why by Jay Asher - Suicide. How we treat each other matters. Being the Victim/Blaming Others.

6) Rule by Jay Crownover (review coming soon) - Death. Multiple Sex Partners. Not Feeling Loved by a Parent.

7) Speechless by Hannah Harrington- Bullying.

8) Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry- Mental Illness. Death. When a Parent Tries to Kill You. Death of Parents. Foster Care. Separation from Family.

9) Dare You To by Katie McGarry (review coming soon) - Drug Addict/Alcoholic Parent. Abusive Boyfriend of Drug Addict/Alcoholic Parent. Separation from Family.

10) Slammed by Colleen Hoover- The Death of Both Parents. Raising a Younger Sibling.

What are your favorite books dealing with tough subjects? Let me know!


  1. I've heard so many great things about Colleen Hoover's books, I'm not sure why I haven't read them yet! Great list!

    Here's My TTT

  2. Didn't know Speechless dealt with bullying. I'll add it to my to-read list. Here is my TTT

  3. Great list, got quite a few of these on my to read shelf!

  4. Nice list. :) Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  5. Awesome picks, I can;t say i've heard of many of them so I'll have to do some digging lol
    Thanks for stopping by mine, following back :)
    Danielle @ Coffee and Characters

  6. I am so glad to see 13 Reasons Why on so many lists because I really love that book. Besides having such a great message, it is so unique in set-up and impossible to put down.

  7. I just received Dare You To and totally didn't realize it was this kinda book- I was expecting a hot romance. Thanks for the warning! And Thirteen Reasons Why was incredible.

  8. I have read Pushing the Limits, Sea of Tranquility and Hopeless from that list. I enjoyed all of them and can't wait to read Dare You To. I rather avoid books about death and suicide, as I don't deal well with those subjects.

  9. Completely understandable! They're tough subjects for a reason! Thanks for stopping by!

  10. Oh there's romance too! I think you'll like it. Especially if you liked Pushing the Limits. Thanks for commenting!

  11. I agree. 13 Reasons Why has a good message for the most part, but I mostly loved the unique formatting and narration. Thanks for stopping by!

  12. Thanks for much for following, commenting, stopping by...all of it!

  13. These were all really good. Highly recommend them all! Thanks for stopping by!

  14. Oh boy! I highly recommend them all. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  15. Yes Speechless surprised me. I read it during a spell where it seemed like EVERY book touched on bullying. So I was kind of sick of the topic, but Speechless ended up being better than I expected. Thanks for stopping by!

  16. READ THEM! Colleen Hoover's stuff is GREAT! 2 of her 4 books I've given 5 Stars to. 1 was 4.9 Stars. And I think the other was like 4.5 Stars for me. They're just REALLY good! Thanks for stopping by!

  17. Yes, Speechless exceeded my expectations. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  18. Haha...yeah, some New Adult. I love when I find someone with the same reading tastes. Heading over to follow you back! Thanks so much!

  19. I haven't read any of these! Then again, it's no surprise... I don't like tough topics. :( Thanks for the follow! I'm a new follower, too. :)

  20. Another lover of New Adult, I see!! Awesome choices you have here. I also included Slammed and The Coincidence of Callie and Kayden on my list. And, I've read both Katie McGarry books and Rule - all so good! New follower!
    Here's my list this week --> TTT @ Krista's Dust Jacket

  21. I've heard great things about Speechless and need to pick it up. Great list!
    Natflix&Books' TTT

  22. I haven't read a singled book on your list, but I'm glad that you enjoyed them.

    My TTT:

  23. Rachael @ Rachael Turns PagesNovember 28, 2016 at 8:29 PM

    I have not read a single book on your list, but I'm glad you enjoyed them.

    My TTT:

  24. Nice list. :) Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  25. Danielle @ Coffee & CharactersNovember 28, 2016 at 8:29 PM

    Awesome picks, I can;t say i've heard of many of them so I'll have to do some digging lol
    Thanks for stopping by mine, following back :)
    Danielle @ Coffee and Characters

  26. I am so glad to see 13 Reasons Why on so many lists because I really love that book. Besides having such a great message, it is so unique in set-up and impossible to put down.
