
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

15 Day Book Blogger Challenge - Day 9

The 15 Day Book Bloggers Challenge hosted by April @ Good Books and Good Wine. Day 9 in the 15 Day Book Blogger Challenge is discussing why I decided to start blogging about books.

I've done like 3 or 4 posts about this at this point--I almost feel like my readers are probably getting sick of hearing about it. But instead of just directing you back to those posts, I'll summarize it again...

I have a lot of friends who read. And surprisingly, most of my reading friends like to read the same stuff I do. Usually if I recommend a book to them or if they recommend a book to me, we all end up loving it or feeling just about the same way--with some variations. However, none of my friends read at the same speed. It's probably obvious, but I read more than most of my friends. So I wanted a way to keep up with what I have read that I think my friends might enjoy, what I thought about each book I've read, and which ones I would really recommend to my friends. It's one of my favorite things to do--talk about books with friends.

Since starting to blog for myself and trying to keep up with it all since my real life friends do not read at the same pace as I do, I've discovered a community of people all over the world who are dying to discuss books. It's wonderful! Love you bookish peeps!


  1. I don't have any friends that read as much as me. I have like 3 friends who read 1 or 2 books a year. I love the bookish community because I have something to relate to and we all share the same excitement for a book. It was definitely a motivating factor for me to start a blog.

  2. It's always sad to me when I hear about people who don't have other friends that read. I just love and adore my real life book friends so much. Of course I wish a few of them would read MORE and QUICKER! :) But that's what's so great about this community. So many wonderful people to reach out and connect with over a common love of books! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. You're so lucky that you have real life book friends! I wish I had real life book friends!

    I'd love to be your friend! :D You seem like such a nice person. :) I love the nature background and header of your blog! And it's so cute that you married your bestfriend!! <3

    Oh & thanks for commenting and following! I followed back. :)

    ~Hira @ Views & Reviews

  4. I'm with Hira -- I envy you your real-life book friends (in the nicest way, of course.)

    And we love you too!

  5. I'm lucky that I have a few good friends that share the same taste in books too (:
    Funny enough the reason why I started blogging was because my best friend moved and I couldn't talk books with her as much.
    And I totally agree, it's great to have more people to talk a books with!
    (Here's my Day 9)

  6. I definitely am luckily! It's so much fun to pass books back and forth. I might not be able to pass books back and forth with you, but we can definitely gush about them to each other.

    Thanks girl! Husband designed my header for me--he's the best! :) Thanks for everything!
