
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Top Ten Authors Who Deserve More Recognition

Top 10 Tuesday is a post hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and this week's topic is Top Ten Authors Who Deserve More Recognition.

    1) Carrie Ryan - Granted I've only read her The Forest of Hands and Teeth series, but I really enjoyed the voices that she gave to her characters--specifically Gabry, in book 2, The Dead-Tossed Waves. I know there are quite a few people who have read her stuff, but not enough man. Not enough.
    2) Jessica Sorensen - Everything I've had a chance to read by her has been really good. I believe she self-published a lot of her novels and so they don't get as much press as the books from the bigger publishing houses.
    3) Priscilla Glenn - Seriously, I couldn't put Back to You Down. I've recommended it, but I don't know that anyone I've recommended it to has actually picked it up. PICK IT UP PEOPLE!
    4) Erin McCarthy - I've only read True by her, but I enjoyed it so much more than I expected. I've only seen a couple of people review this one. But it's worth checking out for sure.
    5) Jay Crownover - I enjoyed Rule, but Jet was even better for me. I finished Jet over a week ago and I still can't get it out of my head. I want more.
    6) Sophie Jordan - I've only read her Firelight series, but Sophie Jordan hooked me with book 1 and her unique look at dragons. I haven't seen many people fawn over these books either. Shame.
    7) Katja Millay - The Sea of Tranquility was awesome. And I've seen tons of praise for it, but I want more--maybe I'm just anxious for her next book or something.
    8) Cath Crowley - This Aussie author really impressed me with Graffiti Moon. I don't know how come more people aren't all over both Cath Crowley and this book.
    9) Gina Holmes - I've only read one book by her, Crossing Oceans, but it was majorly emotional. She deserves much props and for me to check out more of her work.
    10) Francis Chan - I know he has tons of fans out there, but I think many more people could be inspired by him if they gave his work a chance. Start with Crazy Love.

I tried to really focus on authors that I haven't seen the love that I think they deserve. Which authors do you think deserve more recognition? Let me know!


  1. I have seen a lot of Jessica Sorensen around the blogs lately; everyone seems to love her!

  2. I really want to read Forest of Hands and Teeth, I've heard so many great things about it!

    My TTT:

  3. Oh my godness! I haven't read any books by these authors, I obviously have some catching up to do. I do own Forest of Hands and Teeth.

    Liza’s TTT

  4. Carrie Ryan!! The forest of hands and teeth kept me up all night, lol. Great author. My TTT

  5. I've definitely enjoyed all of her work that I've read. Thanks for stopping by!

  6. That was my first zombie experience in book form and opened a whole new world for me. Plus I love Carrie Ryan's writing style!

  7. Oh my! You do have some catching up to do. The Forest of Hands and Teeth would be a great starting point though! :)

  8. Hehe...zombies! Gotta love them! Definitely love her writing style! Thanks for stopping by!

  9. Also, I tried to return the visit, but the link isn't taking me to anywhere.

  10. Good list, and I haven't read a single one yet. You know, I'm going to have to stop reading blogs -- my TBR list is getting completely unmanageable and it's all due to y'all recommending so many good books! *grins*

  11. Sophie Jordan!!! I love the Firelight series! You don't get very many YA Paranormal Dragons. Fantasy Dragons, yes. Paranormal Dragons? Not so much.
    Carrie Ryan is pretty good, too.
    I've heard of some the other authors too, especially Jessica Sorenson. I know she has a lot of books out there in the world. Which series of hers would you suggest I start with by her?

  12. I haven't read any of these authors' books, but I'll be sure to check them out now! Thanks for stopping by! :)

  13. I very recently read the first two books in Sophie Jordan's Firelight trilogy, and while I didn't love them I'm really looking forward to reading HIDDEN. I have Carrie Ryan's THE FOREST OF HANDS AND TEETH on my shelf and really want to read it. Thanks for stopping by!

    Rachel @ Beauty and the Bookshelf

  14. Great list! Thanks for the comment on my blog; I'll admit, Passion wasn't the greatest of the series, but Rapture is incredible and since you have to read Passion to read Rapture...
    I hope you get around to reading it soon, and Saving June is amazing please read it! :)

  15. Haha...I completely understand. I've added about 100 books to my TBR list somehow recently. It's all good though.

  16. Yes, I really enjoyed that series--blew through them all quickly.

    Hmmm...for Jessica Sorensen either The Secret of Ella and Micha or The Coincidence of Callie and Kayden. Both are really good--deeper than you expect. Callie and Kayden might be slightly better than Ella and Micha, but it's hard to say for sure.

  17. There are just so many good ones out there. This week's TTT topic made me feel like I haven't read near enough books by these awesome authors. Thanks!

  18. I really enjoyed Firelight more than Vanish. And then Hidden was probably better than Vanish too, but Firelight was probably my favorite of the series. I just really liked how different Sophie Jordan's take on dragons was. I highly recommend The Forest of Hands and Teeth though. I really enjoyed Carrie Ryan's writing style. Thanks for stopping by!

  19. Yep...definitely have to read Passion before Rapture. *Sigh* I'll get to it eventually.

    I'll see about getting my hands on a copy of Saving June too. Thanks for the encouragement!

  20. I'm trying to prune my list... with marginal success.

  21. I just pruned from 410ish to 379. It was hard but I had to try to be realistic about which books I might never get my hands one--ones I'm not even excited enough at this point to look into further. But I also just bought 8 new books too! AH!!!!!!
