
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Top Ten Books That Will Make You Swoon

Top 10 Tuesday is a post hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and this week's topic is Top Ten Books That Will Make You Swoon.

Oh boy this list could be SO LONG!!!!! I'll try to keep it to as short a list as I can. Though I know there are several other books I could add to my list.

      1) Reason to Breathe (Breathing, # 1) by Rebecca Donovan
      2) Just for Now (Sea Breeze, # 4) by Abbi Glines (review coming soon)
      3) Because of Low (Sea Breeze, # 2) by Abbi Glines (review coming soon)
      4) Jet (Marked Men, # 2) by Jay Crownover
      5) The Temptation of Lila & Ethan (The Secret, # 3) by Jessica Sorensen (review coming soon)
      6) Hopeless (Hopeless, # 1) by Colleen Hoover
      7) Pushing the Limits (Pushing the Limits, # 1) by Katie McGarry
      8) Ten Tiny Breaths (Ten Tiny Breaths, # 1) by KA Tucker
      9) Slammed (Slammed, # 1) by Colleen Hoover
      10) Beautiful Disaster (Beautiful, # 1) by Jamie McGuire
      11) Beg for Mercy (Cambion, # 1) by Shannon Dermott
      12) Obsidian (Lux, # 1) by Jennifer L Armentrout
      13) Shadow Kiss (Vampire Academy, # 3) by Richelle Mead

What are your top swoon worthy books? Let me know!


  1. Great list!! I love the Lux series, I think the series gets more and more swoon-worthy. Origin had just so many swoons and Deamon and Katy's relationship is cute as ever!!

    I really want to read Ten Tiny Breaths soon. I've heard nothing but praise for it and it looks like a book I would enjoy.

    my TTT

  2. Big fan of Shadow Kiss. That book had great swoon worthy scenes.
    My TTT

  3. Yes, Shadow Kiss was in my Top Ten Books That Will Make You Cry too. It's the perfect mix. Love Vampire Academy. Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Yes, the Lux series is great. I read them one after the other (other than Origin) so I had a hard time remembering which one was more swoon worthy so I went back and reread my reviews of them and Obsidian is the only one I really go on and on about the swoon-worthiness. :) Definitely pick up Ten Tiny Breaths when you get a chance! And thanks for stopping by!

  5. I haven't read any of these, I am going to have to check them out!

    ­Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  6. Shadow Kiss broke my heart! I adored Pushing the Limits and Slammed and I can completely understand how Beautiful Disaster made you swoon. I think I'll haev to put some Abbi Glines on my to-read list and I have a copy of Hopeless and hope I enjoy it as much as you did!

  7. I hope you're able to. These are some of my faves. Thanks for stopping by. Sorry I'm so late responding.

  8. I know, but the cabin scene? SWOON! I definitely think if you enjoyed Slammed then you'll enjoy Hopeless. I liked Slammed better, but there's this one scene in Hopeless...yeah. Swoon worthy for sure! Thanks so much for stopping by. Sorry I'm so late responding!
