
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Top Ten Spring 2014 TBR List

Top 10 Tuesday is a post hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and this week's topic is Top Ten Spring 2014 TBR List.

    1) Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover - RELEASES TODAY!!!!!!!!
    2) Above by Isla Morley
    3) The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest (Millennium, # 3) by Stieg Larsson
    4) Inhuman (Fetch, # 1) by Kat Falls
    5) Kiss of Fire (Imdalind, # 1) by Rebecca Ethington
    6) Something Strange and Deadly (Something Strange and Deadly, # 1) by Susan Dennard
    7) Touch of Frost (Mythos Adacemy, # 1) by Jennifer Estep
    8) A Dance with Dragons (A Song of Ice and Fire, # 5) by George R R Martin
    9) The Iron Queen (The Iron Fey, # 3) by Julie Kagawa
    10) Ruins (Partials, # 3) by Dan Wells

I did it! I stuck to 10! YAY ME! Which books are on your Spring 2014 TBR list? Let me know!


  1. A Dance with Dragons is positively a brick but I hope you'll like it! Unfortunately it didn't have most of my favourite characters in it, and the one that were in it had a tendency to end up in mortal peril. Typical Martin.

    My TTT

  2. Some great books on your list! Will be checking out Kiss Of Fire and Something Strange And Deadly! Hope you enjoy :)

  3. I also can't wait to read Maybe Someday!! Great list!

    My TTT

  4. Haha...yep. That'll either be one I read one chapter of and then swap to another book or it'll be towards the end of the spring. I can't really decide. I always want to stay ahead of the show. I'm surprised because A Feast for Crows was missing most of my favorite characters so I'm looking forward to getting back to them in A Dance with Dragons. Thanks for stopping by!

  5. I think Kiss of Fire is free on kindle right now too! Thanks so much for stopping by!

  6. I just got it in the mail! Cracking it open as soon as I finish visiting everyone's blogs! Thanks for stopping by!

  7. New follower, hi! I love the cover of Above and the description reminds me a lot of Emma Donoghue's Room, which I rated 5/5. :D

    ★ Under The Mountain's TTT ★

  8. Hi! Your choices are great!! *_*
    I din't know "Kiss of Fire" but a will add it to my WL. :)

  9. I read and really enjoyed The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, but the other two books are still sitting on my shelf waiting to be read. I really need to get to those soon.

    Maybe Someday looks really cute as well.

    I hope you enjoy all of these books!! Thanks for stopping by my TTT :)

  10. Reviews from a BookwormMarch 20, 2014 at 5:35 PM

    Great picks! I am looking forward to reading a few of these myself, especially Inhuman as I really love the look of that one. I recently read and reviewed Maybe Someday and I absolutely LOVED it, the music added so much to the experience. I hope you find the time to get to them all :) My TTT.

  11. OK, those look good! I'd like to read the Iron Fae trilogy; I started the first book, but it had to go back to the library. I read the fourth one, though, the start of the second trilogy, and liked it.

    I missed TTT this week - I was way too busy with work. But a few of my titles are: Codex Born by Jim C. Hines (reading it now!), The Prime Minister's Secret Agent by Susan Elia MacNeal, The Escape by Mary Balogh, Scarlet (and) Cress by Marissa Meyer.

    Have fun with your books!

  12. The 3rd Iron Fey is the next one I need to read, and I've heard that it's the best in the series. Something has just had me putting it on hold. I'm so excited for you to read Scarlet and Cress. And I hope you enjoy them! The others I'm not very familiar with. Thanks for stopping by!

  13. Thanks so much for the follow and for stopping by and commenting! I haven't heard of Emma Donoghue. I'll have to check that one out. Thanks for the recommendation!

  14. Kiss of Fire is currently free on Amazon right now. I haven't read it yet, but I've heard from two reliable sources that the series is really good. Thanks for stopping by!

  15. I enjoyed The Girl Who Played With Fire too, and I hope to get around the the third one soon. Maybe Someday was good, but it wasn't what I was expecting. Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting!

  16. My SNL said Inhuman was really good so I'm looking forward to it soon. I finished Maybe Someday earlier this week. It wasn't really what I expected. I agree that the music added to the experience. Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting!
