Friday, July 26, 2024

Homeschool Friday - Mouse Loves School

Homeschool Friday is a feature here at Somewhere Only We Know that showcases books my family reads during homeschool and provides a mini-review for each.

Mouse Loves School

By: Lauren Thompson

Illustrated By: Buket Erdogan

Publication: June 28, 2011 by Simon Spotlight

24 pages

Genre: Children's, First Readers

Source: Personal Library

( Goodreads | Amazon )

*Note: The above link to Amazon is an affiliate links. Affiliate links support giveaways for Somewhere Only We Know readers.

Goodreads description--Mouse decides to hide inside a bright red backpack...and ends up at school! He explores a world full of colors, letters, and numbers and more until, at last, Mouse discovers his favorite thing about school. Friends!

Young readers are sure to enjoy Lauren Thompson's simple, energetic text and Buket Erdogan's sweet, playful illustrations as they learn to recognize words and begin to read on their very own!

Mouse Loves School is one that my son picked out from our stack of level-1 readers. I kept this one back for several weeks because I saw some words that we'd not learned the phonics principles for yet. He actually asked to read this one with my husband instead of me, but I wanted to be close by since I try to repeat or give hints to the principles we have learned without giving the answer away or telling him what the word is. Like with Turtle and Snake Go Camping, he did surprisingly well using context clues to help him with words that he didn't know or hasn't learned the phonics to be able to sound out completely.

Mouse Loves School has repetitive words and sounds which helps build fluency. There was even a small amount of rhyming. I love the concept of reinforcing the idea that learning and school can be fun. It can be enjoyable and a positive thing. For someone who thinks learning gets in the way of all the fun they want to be having, I think reinforcing that it is possible to enjoy learning is always a good thing. Mouse Loves School gets 4 Stars. Have you or your child read Mouse Loves School? What did you think? Let me know!

Thursday, July 25, 2024

2024 Series Enders Reading Challenge - July Wrap Up

Time for our Monthly Wrap Up for the 2024 Series Enders Reading Challenge hosted by Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know and Holly @ Words Fueled by Love!

Neither Holly nor Sandy have finished any series enders this month.

Which series enders did you finish? Link the up below. Don't forget to include the title, your name, & your blog name (Ex: Requiem - Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know) Also, the July giveaway runs from July 25th - August 25th. On August 25th we will use and the linky entries from the entire year to pull a grand prize winner.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Can't Wait for A Fire in the Sky

Can't-Wait Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Wishful Endings to spotlight and talk about the books we're excited about that we have yet to read. Generally they're books that have yet to be released as well. It's based on Waiting on Wednesday, hosted by the fabulous Jill at Breaking the Spine. Find out more here.

A Fire in the Sky

By: Sophie Jordan

Expected Publication: September 24, 2024 by Avon

336 pages

Genre: Adult, Fantasy, Magic, Dragons

( Goodreads | Amazon )

*Note: The above link to Amazon is an affiliate links. Affiliate links support giveaways for Somewhere Only We Know readers.

Goodreads description--New York Times bestselling author Sophie Jordan returns to the high-stakes, sweeping world of dragons, romance, and drama first evoked in her bestselling young adult Firelight series, in a brand-new epic adult romantasy series.

Dragons are extinct. Witches are outcast. Magic is dying.

But human lust for power is immortal.

Dragon fire no longer blisters the skies over Penterra, but inside the lavish palace, life is still perilous…especially for Tamsyn. Raised in the glittering court alongside the princesses, it's her duty to be punished for their misdeeds. Treated as part of the royal family but also as the lowliest servant, Tamsyn fits nowhere. Her only friend is Stig, Captain of the Guard...though sometimes she thinks he wants more than friendship.

When Fell, the Beast of the Borderlands, descends on her home, Tamsyn’s world becomes even more dangerous. To save the pampered princesses from a fate worse than death, she is commanded to don a veil and marry the brutal warrior. She agrees to the deception even though it means leaving Stig, and the only life she’s ever known, behind.

The wedding night begins with unexpected passion—and ends in near violence when her trickery is exposed. Rather than start a war, Fell accepts Tamsyn as his bride...but can he accept the dark secrets she harbors—secrets buried so deep even she doesn’t know they exist? For Tamsyn is more than a royal whipping girl, more than the false wife of a man who now sees her as his enemy. And when those secrets emerge, they will ignite a flame bright enough to burn the entire kingdom to the bone.

Magic is not is only sleeping. And it will take one ordinary girl with an extraordinary destiny to awaken it.

What are you guys waiting on this week? Let me know!

Monday, July 22, 2024

The Getaway List - DNF Review

The Getaway List

By: Emma Lord

Publication: January 23, 2024 by Macmillan Young Listeners

Duration: 9 Hours, 49 Minutes, 49 Seconds

Genre: Young Adult, Contemporary

Source: Publisher via NetGalley (Thank you!!)

( Goodreads | Amazon )

*Note: The above link to Amazon is an affiliate links. Affiliate links support giveaways for Somewhere Only We Know readers.

Goodreads description--The day of her high school graduation, Riley realizes two things: One, that she has spent the last four years trying so hard to be a Good Kid for her mom that she has no idea who she really is anymore, and two, she has no idea what she wants because of it. The solution? Pack her bags and move to New York for the summer, where her childhood best friend Tom and co-creator of The Getaway List ― a list of all the adventures they’ve wanted to do together since he moved away ― will hopefully help her get in touch with her old adventurous self, and pave the road to a new future.

Riley isn’t sure what to expect from Tom, who has been distant since his famous mom’s scriptwriting career pulled him away. But when Riley arrives in the city, their reconnection is as effortless as it was when they were young―except with one, unexpected complication that will pull Riley’s feelings in a direction she didn’t know they could take. As she, Tom, and their newfound friends work their way through the delightfully chaotic items on The Getaway List, Riley learns that sometimes the biggest adventure is not one you take, but one you feel in your heart.

Inescapably romantic and brimming with Emma Lord’s signature cheer, The Getaway List is an uplifting and romantic read that will settle into your heart and never leave.

Have you guys ever had a book that was like a series of events that just seemed to keep you from the book or enjoying the book? That's what happened to me with The Getaway List. At first, I was listening to the audiobook and enjoying it. I was wrapping Christmas presents while listening. But then I decided to lie down in bed and listen one night. You'll be surprised to hear that I fell asleep. NetGalley's audiobooks aren't easy to navigate because the sections are all labeled the same. That made finding the place I stopped difficult. Then, if you can believe it, I decided to start over in case I missed too much, and the same thing happened to me again. No more lying in bed listening to audiobooks. Lesson learned. But then I kept having issues with the content of the book after that. 

Okay, so Riley and Tom were best friends until Tom moved to New York, and Riley was left behind. Riley's mom has kept her busy with any and all extracurricular activities. Tom has stopped replying to text messages. And their relationship has dwindled. Riley and her mom had a falling out after graduation, and Riley decides to take a weekend trip to New York to visit Tom--which turns into a longer stay. Tom's mother is apparently in the film industry and is never home. Because apparently, no one could possibly dislike New York, Riley falls in love with the city, all the while realizing that she has feelings for her best friend. 

Enter my issues. 1) Riley's a little whiny and self-centered. 2) The characters cuss all the time. But it's the type of cursing that seems like the characters feel cool for doing it. (This is a pet peeve of mine...people who drink because they think they look cool doing it. And people who curse because they think it makes them cool.) The excessive language just felt stupid and unnecessary to me. You won't find me complaining about cursing in most of my book reviews. I tend to only mention it when it's excessive. And The Getaway List was excessive and unnecessary. 3) LGBTQ+ agenda. I don't always mention this either, believe it or not. But when LGBTQ+ stuff is thrown in for the sake of checking a box, I mention it. 4) Mostly, I found that I couldn't connect to the characters in a way that I cared about any of them. I kept trying. I kept listening to push forward and make progress. I kept thinking I would get invested soon. And I just didn't. I ended up listening to 62% of the book, and by that point, I usually tell myself that I've come too far to stop now. But I felt so much relief when I finally made the decision to DNF that I knew I made the right choice. 

I tried to like The Getaway List. I have enjoyed Emma Lord's books in the past. In fact, I did rate Tweet Cute as 5 Stars. I hate that I couldn't connect to the characters or the story, but this book was a series of unfortunate events for me. I was not the right reader for The Getaway List, and I ended up DNFing at 62%. Have you read The Getaway List? What did you think? Let me know!

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Sunday Post - 07/21/24

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ The Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~this meme was inspired in part by ~ In My Mailbox~ It's a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

Tuesday the 8th we had a playdate with some friends who came over to swim for a while. We were just wrapping up our playtime when it started to rain. Wednesday, Big Girl's friend and her mom came over. The kids swam for a little while, but Little Boy jumped off the diving board and landed on top of Big Boy who was under the water and knocked his loose tooth looser. That put an end to swimming, but the girls went inside to play for a while. I had my annual checkup with my doctor on Thursday so my parents watched the kids for me. My sister and neice came to visit from Gulf Shores so Friday evening we went to my parent's house to visit for a while, and Big Girl spent the night with them. Saturday, we had a family swim birthday for my sister-in-law, Holly. Monday and Tuesday were normal days for this last week. Wednesday, we hung out with my parents. I also had a hair appointment. Then Thursday, we had a playdate with my friend who lives in Texas and her kids. They are visiting her parents for a month this summer. Friday, we went to Husband's mom's house because his sister and her family came to visit. We swam, but Big Boy wasn't feeling well. I checked him when we got home, and he was running a fever of 103.1. He ran fever off and on. We had a chill day Saturday. The other two kids went back to Grammy's house to spend time with family, but I stayed home with my sick boy. It also rained all day so I actually spent most of the day reading which was really nice. I'm hoping he's on the mend now though.


Monday: Review of Beneath These Cursed Stars by Lexi Ryan (4.5 Stars)
Thursday: Review of The Lady Glass by Anneka R Walker
Friday: Homeschool Friday - I Survived The Chicago Fire, 1871
Monday: Review of The Design of Us by Sajni Patel (4 Stars)
Friday: Homeschool Friday - Turtle and Snake Go Camping


Monday: DNF Review of The Getaway List by Emma Lord
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday?
Wednesday: Can't Wait for Wednesday?
Thursday: 2024 Series Enders Reading Challenge - July Wrap Up
Friday: Homeschool Friday - Mouse Loves School

Don’t forget to link up for the 2024 Series Enders Reading Challenge! You have until December 15th, 2024 to sign up. Each month there will be a giveaway for those participating with an end of the year giveaway too! Click on the picture below or the link above to find out more!


Once Upon a Broken Heart (Once Upon a Broken Heart, # 1)

By: Stephanie Garber

Publication: September 28, 2021 by Flatiron Books

408 pages

Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy, Magic

Source: Personal Kindle Library

( Goodreads | Amazon )

*Note: The above link to Amazon is an affiliate links. Affiliate links support giveaways for Somewhere Only We Know readers.

Goodreads description--How far would you go for happily ever after?

For as long as she can remember, Evangeline Fox has believed in true love and happy endings... until she learns that the love of her life will marry another.

Desperate to stop the wedding and to heal her wounded heart, Evangeline strikes a deal with the charismatic but wicked Prince of Hearts. In exchange for his help, he asks for three kisses, to be given at the time and place of his choosing.

But after Evangeline’s first promised kiss, she learns that bargaining with an immortal is a dangerous game—and that the Prince of Hearts wants far more from her than she’d pledged. He has plans for Evangeline, plans that will either end in the greatest happily ever after or the most exquisite tragedy...

'Til Heist Do Us Part

By: Sara Desai

Expected Publication: August 20, 2024 by Berkley

368 pages

Genre: Adult, Contemporary, India

Source: Publisher via NetGalley (Thank you!!)

( Goodreads | Amazon )

*Note: The above link to Amazon is an affiliate links. Affiliate links support giveaways for Somewhere Only We Know readers.

Goodreads description--Diamond necklaces, billionaires, Mafia bosses, and student loans—it’s all in a day’s work for Simi Chopra and her ragtag heist crew in the next romantic-comedy caper from Sara Desai.It’s been a year since Simi Chopra’s motley crew pulled off a high-wire diamond necklace heist with the help of sexy rogue Jack Danger. After living it up on the reward money, they're back where they started, struggling to pay their bills. So when a Chicago Mafia boss demands they return the jewels—plus interest, or else—they need to get the team back together…and fast.Unfortunately, Simi soon discovers that the necklace is in the hands of Jack's nemesis, a highly-skilled and supremely vengeful master thief who is not above a little blackmail to get even. (Did Jack really have to piss her off?) Now, the crew is forced into her working her con in order to get the necklace back. As if Simi needed any more complications while trying to rob a billionaire’s mansion, she and Jack are on the rocks, someone else is after her score, and a gorgeous detective is hot on her tail. Simi better be careful or she’ll end up in the less fun kind of handcuffs.

How and When to Tell Your Kids about Sex: A Lifelong Approach to Shaping Your Child’s Sexual Character

By: Stanton L Jones & Brenda B Jones

Publication: August 6, 2019 by NavPress

280 pages

Genre: Non-fiction, Self-Help, Christian, Parenting, Family

Source: Personal Library

( Goodreads | Amazon )

*Note: The above link to Amazon is an affiliate links. Affiliate links support giveaways for Somewhere Only We Know readers.

Goodreads description--One Million Copies Sold in Series!
Christian Book Award: ECPA Medallion of Excellence

Stan and Brenna Jones help parents establish a biblical view of sexuality in their homes. Building on a biblical foundation, they discuss how to talk with your children about sexual issues and when it’s appropriate to tell them what. With stark honesty and practical suggestions, they address Building a Christian understanding of sex and sexuality Developing a healthy dialogue with children about sexuality How and when to explain sexual intercourse Preparing for the physical changes of puberty Preparing for dating: dealing with romance and sexual attraction Encouraging a commitment to chastity What to do if you’re getting a late start telling your kids about sex Now revised and updated with helpful material on the dangers of pornography, sexual orientation, and gender identity.

I Want to Trust You, but I Don't: Moving Forward When You’re Skeptical of Others, Afraid of What God Will Allow, and Doubtful of Your Own Discernment

By: Lysa TerKeurst

Expected Publication: October 8, 2024 by Thomas Nelson

256 pages

Genre: Non-Fiction, Self-Help, Christian

Source: Publisher via NetGalley (Thank you!!)

( Goodreads | Amazon )

*Note: The above link to Amazon is an affiliate links. Affiliate links support giveaways for Somewhere Only We Know readers.

Goodreads description--New York Times bestselling author Lysa TerKeurst shows you what to do with your skepticism and distrust so you can heal from past betrayals and move forward with strength and resilience.

Trust is the oxygen of all human relationships. But it's also what trips you up after you've been burned. Maybe a friend constantly lets you down. A leader or organization you respect turns out to be different than they portray themselves to be. A spouse cheats on you. A family member betrays you. You're exhausted by other people's choices and starting to question your own discernment. And you're wondering, If God let this happen, can he even be trusted?

How can you live well and step into the future when you keep stumbling over trust issues? Lysa TerKeurst says it's not simply about finding better people to walk with. It's about developing the stability you long for within yourself and with God, so you don't become cynical and carry a broken belief system into every new relationship.

In I Want to Trust You, But I Don't, Lysa shows you how to identify which of the eleven relational red flags are stirring up distrust, so you can pinpoint why you're feeling uneasy;stop having more faith in your fears coming true than God coming through for you by asking crucial "what if" questions to better process your doubts;recognize when a fractured relationship can be repaired by considering a reasonable list of characteristics necessary for rebuilding trust; andunderstand the physical, emotional, and neurological impact of the betrayals you've experienced and start healing from the inside out.

In a world where so many things feel alarming, this book will give you a peace that isn't dependent on unpredictable people, circumstances, and experiences. Instead, it offers practical and biblical ways to make real progress toward healthier perspectives, relationships, and a future you can authentically look forward to.

That's it for my shelves and recaps of my past and upcoming week. What did you add to your shelves this week? Any bookish news you want to talk about? Let me know!