
Sunday, June 15, 2014

Sunday Post - 101 & Stacking the Shelves - 67

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ The Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~this meme was inspired in part by ~ In My Mailbox~ It's a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

This week was a lot less stressful than last week. We're celebrating my birthday and Father's Day with my in-laws today. My birthday isn't until next Saturday, but my brother-in-law and sister-in-law and their kids will be in town this weekend so we're going to celebrate while they're here. But hey...I'm not going to complain about stretching the birthday celebrations out. Also, Happy Father's Day to all the dad's out there. We'll celebrate Father's Day with my dad next Saturday. Also, apparently this week was the week of series enders for me. Also you guys PLEASE check out the Delirium pilot that will be on Hulu for a limited time. I suppose depending on the response they get they might pick up the series. I SO!!!! want this to make it! I LOVED Delirium!


Monday: Review of Five Ways to Fall (Ten Tiny Breaths, # 4) by KA Tucker (4 Stars)
Tuesday: Top Ten Books I've Read So Far in 2014
Wednesday: Waiting on Jane's Harmony (Jane's Melody, # 2) by Ryan Winfield
Thursday: Review of City of Heavenly Fire (The Mortal Instruments, # 6) by Cassandra Clare (4.5 Stars)
Friday: Review of The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest (Millennium, # 3) by Stieg Larsson (4 Stars)
Saturday: Movie Review of The Fault in Our Stars (5 Stars) - I've never given a movie review 5 stars until now.


Monday: Review of Very Bad Things (Briarcrest Academy, # 1) by Ilsa Madden-Mills
Tuesday: Top Ten Books on my Summer TBR List
Wednesday: Waiting on Wednesday
Thursday: Review of Pivot Point (Pivot Point, # 1) by Kasie West
Friday: Review of The DUFF: Designated Ugly Fat Friend by Kody Keplinger

Don't forget to sign up for the 2014 Series Enders Reading Challenge! Each month there will be a giveaway for those participating with a BIG giveaway at the end of the year! Click on the picture below or the link above to find out more!

Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

Mortal Heart (His Fair Assassins, # 3)

By: Robin LaFevers

Expected Publication: November 4th 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

480 pages

Source: Publisher via Edelweiss (Thank you!!!!)

Genre: YA, Fantasy, Historical Fiction

( Goodreads | Amazon | Book Depository | )

*Note: The above links to Amazon, Book Depository, and are affiliate links. Affiliate links support giveaways for Somewhere Only We Know readers.

Goodreads description--Annith has watched her gifted sisters at the convent come and go, carrying out their dark dealings in the name of St. Mortain, patiently awaiting her own turn to serve Death. But her worst fears are realized when she discovers she is being groomed by the abbess as a Seeress, to be forever sequestered in the rock and stone womb of the convent. Feeling sorely betrayed, Annith decides to strike out on her own.

She has spent her whole life training to be an assassin. Just because the convent has changed its mind doesn't mean she has.

A Thousand Pieces of You (Firebird, # 1)

By: Claudia Gray

Expected Publication: November 4th 2014 by Harper Teen

368 pages

Genre: YA, Science Fiction, Time Travel, Fantasy, Paranormal

Source: Publisher via Edelweiss (Thank you!!)

( Goodreads | Amazon | Book Depository )

*Note: The above links to Amazon and Book Depository are affiliate links. Affiliate links support giveaways for Somewhere Only We Know readers.

Goodreads description--Every Day meets Cloud Atlas in this heart-racing, space- and time-bending, epic new trilogy from New York Times bestselling author Claudia Gray.

Marguerite Caine’s physicist parents are known for their radical scientific achievements. Their most astonishing invention: the Firebird, which allows users to jump into parallel universes, some vastly altered from our own. But when Marguerite’s father is murdered, the killer—her parent’s handsome and enigmatic assistant Paul—escapes into another dimension before the law can touch him.

Marguerite can’t let the man who destroyed her family go free, and she races after Paul through different universes, where their lives entangle in increasingly familiar ways. With each encounter she begins to question Paul’s guilt—and her own heart. Soon she discovers the truth behind her father’s death is more sinister than she ever could have imagined.

A Thousand Pieces of You explores a reality where we witness the countless other lives we might lead in an amazingly intricate multiverse, and ask whether, amid infinite possibilities, one love can endure.

No Place to Fall

By: Jaye Robin Brown

Published: December 9th 2014 by Harper Teen

368 pages

Genre: YA, Contemporary

Source: Publisher via Edelweiss (Thank you!!)

( Goodreads | Amazon | Book Depository )

*Note: The above links to Amazon and Book Depository are affiliate links. Affiliate links support giveaways for Somewhere Only We Know readers.

Goodreads description--Amber Vaughn is a good girl. She sings solos at church, babysits her nephew after school, and spends every Friday night hanging out at her best friend Devon’s house. It’s only when Amber goes exploring in the woods near her home, singing camp songs with the hikers she meets on the Appalachian Trail, that she feels free—and when the bigger world feels just a little bit more in reach.

When Amber learns about an audition at the North Carolina School of the Arts, she decides that her dream—to sing on bigger stages—could also be her ticket to a new life. Devon’s older (and unavailable) brother, Will, helps Amber prepare for her one chance to try out for the hypercompetitive arts school. But the more time Will and Amber spend together, the more complicated their relationship becomes . . . and Amber starts to wonder if she’s such a good girl, after all.

Then, in an afternoon, the bottom drops out of her family’s world—and Amber is faced with an impossible choice between her promise as an artist and the people she loves. Amber always thought she knew what a good girl would do. But between “right” and “wrong,” there’s a whole world of possibilities.

The Bourne Ascendancy (Jason Bourne, # 12)

By: Eric Van Lustbader

Published: June 10th 2014 by Grand Central Publishing (first published May 22nd 2014)

464 pages

Genre: Action, Mystery, Thriller, Suspense, Adventure

Source: Publisher via NetGalley (Thank you!!)

( Goodreads | Amazon | Book Depository )

*Note: The above links to Amazon and Book Depository are affiliate links. Affiliate links support giveaways for Somewhere Only We Know readers.

Goodreads description--Jason Bourne is one of the most popular and compelling characters in contemporary fiction. Originally created by bestselling author Robert Ludlum, the Jason Bourne series was later adapted into films that have become modern classics. Now, New York Times bestselling writer Eric Van Lustbader carries on Jason Bourne's story with a new novel about the rogue secret agent who has lost his memory . . .


In this thrilling and absorbing new novel Jason Bourne is faced with an impossible mission. He has been hired to impersonate a high-level government minister at a political summit meeting in Qatar, shielding the minister from any assassination attempts. Suddenly, armed gunmen storm the room, killing everyone but Bourne. Their target, however, isn't the minister Bourne is Bourne himself.

Kidnapped and transported to an underground bunker, Bourne finds himself face-to-face with an infamous terrorist named El Ghadan ("Tomorrow"). El Ghadan holds as his captive Soraya Moore, former co-director of Treadstone, and a close friend to Bourne, along with her two year old daughter.

Meanwhile, the President of the United States is in the midst of brokering a historic peace treaty between the Israelis and the Palestinians-an event that El Ghadan is desperate to prevent. He demands that Bourne carry out a special mission: kill the President. If Bourne refuses, Soraya and her daughter will die.

Bourne must make a monstrous choice: save Soraya and her daughter, or save the President.

That's it for my shelves and recaps of my past and upcoming week. What did you add to your shelves this week? Any bookish news you want to talk about? Let me know!


  1. Happy birthday week! Stretching out the celebration is always good. Looks like I need to check out the new Harper Teen books at Edelweiss. Those are some amazing titles. Come see what I got this week at Ms. Martin Teaches Media and Inside of a Dog. Happy reading!

  2. We had father's day last week. So weird that every country has a different day :D
    You got some amazing books this week Sandy! I still need to read the His Fair Assassin series but it sounds great and I love the cover of A Thousand Pieces Of You. I din't know Delirium was picked up for a tv show, the trailer looks good so I'm definitely going to watch it (if I'm able to in Belgium). Happy reading!

    Thanks for stopping by earlier!

    El @ So Bookalicious

  3. Happy birthday in advance ;) Enjoy the celebrations and have the great week ! (PS : Delirium looks very good indeed)

  4. Hope you have a great birthday! I have a couple of the books in your haul. I am so excited for A Thousand Pieces of You and No Place to Fall. Happy reading.

    Thanks for stopping by.
    Jenea @ Books Live Forever's Sunday Post

  5. Holly @ Words Fueled by LoveJune 15, 2014 at 9:03 AM

    Delirium trailer as in for a TV show? How interesting. I must check this out - even though I haven't yet read the books. You racked up on Edelweiss books this week! I hope you enjoy them all! Side bar - I didn't know you read the Jason Bourne books. And I sure didn't realize there was 12 of them!

    Enjoy your early birthday celebration this weekend. Here comes more books or gift cards to Amazon?!? ;)

  6. Happy birthday! Enjoy your day...and I'm off to check some links. I also saw the movie TFIOS (after reading the book the same week). Enjoy the new week!



  7. Happy Birthday! It's always nice to stretch out a birthday! You got some very nice looking books this week--have fun reading.

  8. Enjoy your birthday, Sandy, and your new reads. Such lovely book covers! Thanks for visiting my blog.

  9. Mortal Heart!! so jelly, enjoy I cannot wait to read it! Happy Birthday!

  10. Woah. I can't believe this is the first time I'm hearing about Delirium being turned into a movie. Wow. Hopefully it goes on Hulu.
    Kristin @ Book Sniffers Anonymous

  11. Mortal Heart and Thousand Pieces---so excited for both of those!! Great books this week!

  12. Is the trailer for a movie or TV show? Not sure how I feel about it actually. I heard about all the changes. The trailer doesn't scream 'dystopian setting' either. I love that book but never read the other books in the series.
    A Thousand Pieces of You has such a pretty cover. Enjoy your books!

  13. Sure is a busy week for you. It was a busy week for me also between my online class and my summer job I keep myself pretty busy. I'm about halfway through City of Heavenly Fire so I can add another series ender to the list.

  14. Thanks Kathy! Harper definitely had a good selection on Edelweiss recently! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  15. Oh yeah. It is weird how different countries celebrate the same holidays on different days. I really love the His Fair Assassins series. I hope you're able to check it out soon.

    As for Delirium, the pilot was filmed for Fox, but Fox didn't pick it up. Hulu is showing the pilot for a limited time starting June 20th (Friday) and I'm assuming based on the response they might pick up the series from there. Which is what I'm hoping for. I hope you're able to check it out!

    Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  16. Thanks so much! And thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  17. Thanks Jenea! I'm excited for both of those too! I hope they're really good! Thanks for stopping by as always!

  18. Delirium as a TV show yes. The pilot was filmed for Fox, but Fox didn't pick it up. Hulu is showing the pilot for a limited time starting Friday.

    As for the Jason Bourne books, I really jumped the gun on that one. I saw it was a new book in the series and jumped on it before doing any research. I've never read any of the other books in the series yet and had no idea that there are already 12 of them. WHOOPS! But I figured I'd just jump in with this one and read it as if it's a standalone. I'm definitely not going back to read the others.

    Haha...yep. I only got one Amazon gift card, but it was for a really nice amount. :)

  19. Thanks Laurel! You sound like my sister-in-law. She literally finished TFIOS the day we went to go see the movie! Thanks for stopping by!

  20. Thanks Jan! Yeah, my friend Kay does a birthday month every year! I think I'm going to start that trend up for myself. :) Thanks for stopping by!

  21. Thanks Catherine! I'm excited about my new books.

  22. I'm sure you'll get approved for it too! Thanks for stopping by and birthday wishes and stuff!

  23. Delirium is actually just a TV pilot that was filmed for Fox. Fox didn't pick it up. Hulu is showing the pilot for a limited time starting June 20th. I'm assuming based on the response they might pick up the TV series from there. Which is what I'm hoping for, but that's an assumption on my part. Thanks for stopping by Kristin!

  24. Me too! Thanks so much for stopping by Becky! Have a great week!

  25. Delirium is for a TV show. The pilot was filmed for Fox, but Fox didn't pick it up. Hulu is showing the pilot for a limited time starting this Friday.I'm assuming based on the response they might pick up the TV series from there. Which is what I'm hoping for. As for the changes...I'm sure there will be plenty. There always are, and specifically for a TV series. I can understand not wanting to read the others in the series. I loved Delirium too, but the other two didn't hold up to how good the first book was. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  26. Yeah, it sounds like you've got a busy week ahead too! I hope you're enjoying City of Heavenly Fire. I enjoyed it so much, and it's doubly satisfying that it counts as a series ender! Thanks for stopping by Rachael!

  27. Happy early birthday! Looks like we'll both be seeing family this week. :-) Your new books look great - ARCs mostly, I assume, given the publication dates? I'll look forward to some of those!

  28. Love! I'm upset that they aren't going to do the entire Delirium series into a TV show. But I am happy that we get to see the Pilot episode! haha better than nothing I suppose. Brilliant haul, love the cover to 100 Pieces of You, and I still need to read the His Fair Assassin series. I've heard so many good things about it!

  29. A thousand pieces of you looks so good. I had no idea about Delirium. I am behind on that news. Thanks for sharing.

    Happy Reading!

    My Weekly Wrap up Post

    Michelle @ Book Briefs

  30. I am glad to hear this was a less busy week for you :). And happy birthday! I hope you have fun with the celebrations and stretching out the celebrations is always a good thing. I already got a birthday present this week even though my birthday isn't for another two months.
    I still haven't read the first book in the His Fair Assasin series, I do own the first book though and I really like the covers. The cover for A Thousand Pieces of You is really pretty. I hope you enjoy your new books, they look good!

  31. Natalie Hearts BooksJune 16, 2014 at 12:45 PM

    Enjoy youe ARCs, they look fab.

    I am hoping that someone will upload the delirium trailer so that people outside of the US can watch it, because I really, really want to.

    Happy birthday for Saturday!

    Natalie @ Natalie Hearts Books

  32. I still haven't read Millennium, and I've got all 3 waiting here. No Place to Fall sounds like a great read. And Bourne is one of those which I always think: I really ought to read them.. one day!
    Have a great week and Happy Reading.
    My Sunday Post is here

  33. Thanks Lark! I hope you enjoy visiting with your family. And you're dead-on. All ARCs this week! Thanks for stopping by!

  34. Well I'm hoping that Hulu is trying to gauge the response of the pilot and then determine whether to continue on with the series or not. But I guess we'll see. You definitely need to check out His Fair Assassins. Thanks for stopping by!

  35. Thanks Lola! A birthday present two months early is pretty awesome! :) I hope you're able to start Grave Mercy sometime soon. Thanks for stopping by as always!

  36. Thanks Natalie! Have you tried googling for the trailer? Maybe the entire pilot will make it to the internet sometime as well! Thanks for stopping by!

  37. I know what you mean. I've had the Millennium series for several years and just this year finished it. Thanks so much for stopping by Peggy!

  38. I'm jealous you got Mortal Heart (though I've not read Dark Triumph yet... Oops)! YAY for A Thousand Pieces of You!!! I'm SO SO excited to read that. Between the synopsis and the crazy gorgeous cover, how could it not be amazing? I watched the Delirium pilot earlier and enjoyed it! Not the best, certainly not the worst, but a lot of shows take a little time to get in their groove, so a pilot that's not absolutely amazing isn't a bad thing.

    Ah, and because I'm so behind on commenting, it's now Saturday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope you have a great day!!

  39. Dark Triumph was much better than I expected it to be. For some reason I was expecting not to love Sybella like I did. I definitely love the cove to A Thousand Pieces of you. And yeah, I've got a post started discussing the Delirium pilot. I agree with you though. Not the best, but not the worst.

    Thanks for the birthday wishes. It was a really excellent day! :)
