
Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Top Ten Books To Read or Not To Read

Top 10 Tuesday is a post hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and this week's topic is Top Ten Books To Read or Not To Read.

  1. Kiss Kill Vanish by Jessica Martinez – I got this as a Read Now from Edelweiss, but the ratings aren’t that great so far.
  2. Pretty When She Kills (Pretty When She Dies, # 2) by Rhiannon Frater – I enjoyed book 1, but I wasn’t blown away. I’m not sure I want to continue the series or not yet.
  3. The Word Exchange by Alena Graedon – This is one I requested because the description sounded interesting, but ratings for it indicate that perhaps concept is better than execution. At this point, I still intend to try to read it, but I can’t say I’m excited about it.
  4. Have No Mercy (Cambion, # 4) by Shannon Dermott – I’ve struggled with every book in this series. It might be time for me to series DNF with this one, but I also think it might be the last in the series so maybe I’ll press through it.
  5. Enders Game (The Ender Quintet, # 1) by Orson Scott Card – I’ve seen the movie and really enjoyed it. But I’ve also heard this one was a bit slow. I’m hesitant.
  6. Landline by Rainbow Rowell – Because even though I’ve loved Rainbow Rowell in the past, I’m just not a fan of time travel books.
  7. Ruin (Ruin, # 1) by Rachel Van Dyken – This one has a really good overall rating on Goodreads and my SNL really enjoyed it, but I really struggled with The Bet and The Wager by Rachel Van Dyken. I’m not sure I want to give her books another go.
  8. The Game Changer (The Perfect Game, # 2) by J Sterling – I was loving book 1 until we hit the 70% mark and the characters lost all sanity. Do I want to put myself through more of the same? I have a friend who has really enjoyed this series though. *sigh* I just don’t know.
  9. Wake by Abria Mattina – I DNF’d Love Among Pigeons by her. And Wake is 700 pages.
  10. Flat Out Love by Jessica Park – I wasn’t impressed with Left Drowning--as in so unimpressed I’m not even going to review it. Which like 4 books ever been unreviewable for me.
  11. Veiled Rose (Tales of Goldstone Wood, # 2) by Anne Elisabeth Stengl – Heartless was better than I expected. And I have book 4 for review. Ideally, I’d like to read and review books 2 and 3 before attempting to do that for book 4, but even though I enjoyed book 1 better than I expected…something is holding me back. I’m not sure what exactly (could be the fact that I don’t even own book 2).
  12. Infamous (Chronicles of Nick, # 3) by Sherrilyn Kenyon – I enjoyed Infinity and Invincible just fine. But this series isn’t relationship driven—which is what I love to read about. I have this book in my possession, but I’m not inspired to read it right now.
  13. The Iron Queen (The Iron Fey, # 3) by Julie Kagawa – Again The Iron King and The Iron Daughter were okay. I struggled through The Immortal Rules and The Eternity Cure and decided to DNF that series. Even though I have a friend who tells me The Iron Queen is the best in this series, I’m not feeling it right now.
  14. Predestined (The Existence Trilogy, # 2) by Abbi Glines – I was highly unimpressed with Existence but this series is so highly rated. I’m just not sure. I’ve read plenty of other books by Abbi Glines. I find myself getting sucked into her work, but I seem to get frustrated with each book also.

What do you guys think? Are any of these worth keeping on the TBR list? Or are there any that you don’t think I should bother with? Let me know!


  1. I feel the same way about Landline and Enders Game. I wasn't too big of a fan of Eleanor and Park and am a bit hesitant in picking it up. Enders Game looked like a good movie (even though I haven't watched it yet) and I'm still contemplating if I should read it. I probably will end up giving it a miss though

  2. I know a bunch of people really like Enders Game but, it just doesn't appeal to me. Part of me wants to read it to have a proper opinion on it but, there's so many other books out there that I actually *want* to read.

  3. If you struggled through a series, maybe don't bother with the rest of them. If a book is a real struggle maybe it's just not meant to be.

  4. I requested The Word Exchange as well and had a tough time getting into it. I may try it again, but I don't know. I think that Flat-Out Love was better than Left Drowning, or it at least had better characters. And, for what it's worth, The Iron Queen is the best book in that series :)

  5. Well, I've wanted to read the Iron Fey books since I read the first book in the second trilogy, but if the first two didn't do it for you, why finish them? I remember that Ender's Game blew me away the first time I read it (as a novella in Analog magazine in 1977; I was in early high school.) But of course, the surprise ending really was a surprise back then. Later I read the novel, and while it's good, it's definitely not as tight and the impact isn't as strong as the shorter version. I think it's your call on that one.

  6. Ender's Game is great, but Orson Scott Card is... *trails off into bad words*

  7. The cover of Kiss Kill Vanish is what pulled me in. I'll definitely have to consider keeping Enders game still on the TBR list. I really did enjoy the movie! Thanks for stopping by Cait!

  8. Oh boy! I loved Eleanor & Park, but I definitely understand when you didn't like a previous book by an author it makes picking up something else by them really difficult. Thanks for stopping by and commenting Monica!

  9. Hey if you never even feel drawn to a book then don't waste your time. I definitely agree with you. Thanks for stopping by Jillyn!

  10. Good point Sophie! I'm doing a Series DNF post next week and maybe I need to think about adding a few of these mentioned above to that list. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  11. I really enjoyed Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell. I'd definitely suggest giving her books a shot. Thanks for stopping by Czai.

  12. Oh boy...that doesn't help me want to pick up The Word all. :( Good to know that Flat Out Love was better than Left Drowning. It was definitely the characters that I struggled with the most from that book. I do still plan to read The Iron Queen. Thanks for stopping by Diana!

  13. wasn't that I didn't enjoy the first two in The Iron Fey, but I think there's been too much time pass between when I read the first two. I'll probably at least read the third book since I own a kindle version of it. But after that will determine whether I end up getting the last book in the series or not. Oh wow...that's so interesting. I had no idea that Ender's Game was original a novella published in a magazine. Neat! Thanks for stopping by and commenting Lark!

  14. Thanks for stopping by Nikki! I definitely have come to realize that I can't count on limiting my reading (TV or movie watching) experience to only authors (actors, directors, etc) who have opinions that I agree with (political, religious, etc) because it would probably be rather rare (if not impossible) to find one that I agree with in all aspects. And as an avid reader and TV/movie watcher, that would make me very sad.

  15. I don't expect to agree with everything an author believes, but when they act like people like me aren't even human... it gets in the way too much, you know?

  16. I haven't read any of these. My boyfriend owns the Ender's Game, though he hasn't read it yet. I still haven't read any of Julie Kagawa's books, even though everyone seem to love her books. I do own the Immortal Rules.

  17. I didn't dislike the story or plot of The Immortal Rules, it was just painfully slow for me. I hope you enjoy it though. And maybe Ender's Game too! Thanks for stopping by Lola!

  18. I'm glad I'm not the only one who didn't love Existence. Thanks for stopping by Kimberly!
